Forum Replies Created
3 years ago in reply to: transcript formating
Hello Edward,
I apologize for the delay.
Do you have access to the .vtt file? It would help us a lot in dealing with the issue if you could share it.
Maria3 years ago in reply to: Vimeo Video not playing ChromeHello David,
I apologize for the delay.
Please, go to Settings -> FV Player Pro -> Hosting -> Vimeo and check, if you are getting any API errors.
MariaHello Seth,
I am glad to hear that Martin has helped you.
I am pasting in his final answer, so that others facing a similar problem could find it helpful:
“please remove the midroll ad setting from the FV Player instance – the VAST tab of the editor. You can see that in the guide here, although the editor interface has changed a bit since then:
What you have set in Settings -> FV Player VAST will be enough. The midroll ads won’t work with mobile, although we could have a look as the mobile phones are more powerful than they used to be.”
MariaHello Seth,
thank you for reaching out to us!
we are glad to hear you’ve found a solution that works for you.
However, as the test video you included currently uses the new VPAID tag, if you’d like to go ahead with troubleshooting the VAST tag, please, provide us the VAST tag you used and experienced issues with.
Maria3 years ago in reply to: Remove “Copy link” and YouTube logoHello Uwe,
the setting works globally currently.
However, I can see how making this an individual setting could be possibly beneficial. I will contact our development team to see, what they think about it.
Could you please tell us your reason for wanting the ability to toggle this for individual videos? It will help our development team with the decision.
MariaHello Michael,
thank you for reaching out to us!
As Martin pointed out, there are translation hooks on the message. You could exchange the message for one of your own.
We do not have a general option to remove the error itself. However, we are thinking about changing the message and visual elements that come with it. Perhaps even make it easily editable for users.
Could you please give us more feedback on why the current message and the general visual is unsatisfactory, and how could we make it better in the future?
Maria3 years ago in reply to: Remove “Copy link” and YouTube logoHello Uwe,
I see. We misunderstood, thinking you were talking about FV Player’s own linking button. Yes, the option to remove YouTube logo removes all YouTube elements. I’m glad the issue got solved.
Maria3 years ago in reply to: Remove “Copy link” and YouTube logoHello Uwe,
sadly, your image did not come through.
We are not able to reproduce the issue. Please, rather send us a sample link to such an video, so we could test it hands-on.
Maria3 years ago in reply to: FV PLayer VAST license key invalidHello Amir,
This might be caused by a recently documented issue. Letsencrypt root certificate has expired on September 30 for the older browsers. And your server might be using that same old certificate.
You can install the Log HTTP Requests plugin, then try to enter the licence key again and check wp-admin -> Tools -> Log HTTP Requests – you should see the request is running from our plugin. But it might complain about the certificate and there will be no need to check this.
If it is so, then please ask your server support to install the up-to-date certificate to let it connect to websites using Letsencrypt and it will all work again.
Maria3 years ago in reply to: FLV pro and VASTHello Glenn,
we are glad to hear you are interested in using our products!
1. You can see all features of FV Player Pro, as well as dedicated VAST demos, in the demo section of our documentation:
2. Yes, of course. You can set several waterfalling VAST ads. Also, the ad tags can be set both as default, or individually for each video. You can learn more about how FV Player VAST works in our guide:
3. FV Player does support quality switching. You can learn more about it here:
Streams are already encoded into several qualities, so there’s no need to set up the switching manually. All you’ll have to do is just enable the feature.Making the web work for you,
Maria3 years ago in reply to: Remove “Copy link” and YouTube logoHello Uwe,
thank you for reaching out to us!
To disable the link button, just go to Settings -> FV Player Pro -> Sitewide FV Player Defaults and check the “Disable Video Links” box.
As for disabling YouTube logo, go to Settings-> FV Player Pro -> Hosting -> YouTube and enabled the “Remove logo” feature. However, please be aware that using this feature is against YouTube’s TOS and could lead to possible repercussions for you.
Maria3 years ago in reply to: FV PLayer VAST license key invalidHello Amir,
thank you for reaching out to us and for using FV Player!
Have you also tried inserting the licence key manually? If not, please, try to do so. You can find the key at
It is the one that starts with fv840********.Thanks,
Maria3 years ago in reply to: How to hide AD for a logged in userHello DonCamillo,
we are glad to hear you are interested in using FV Player Pro!
We do not currently offer this option, however, our programmer will contact you shortly to discuss the possibilities.
Maria3 years ago in reply to: Disable Right Click on VideosHello Mitali,
disabling this is against YouTube’s TOS and could lead to possible repercussions. If you are willing to go ahead with ti anyway, you can contact us at
Maria3 years ago in reply to: Getting rid of the player control barHello Pesi,
I apologize for mistakenly writing “FV Player Pro”. The settings to hide controlbar are also available in the free version.
Maria3 years ago in reply to: Odysee New version error can’t turn on soundHello HungTQ,
could you please share a link to a video with an anonymous poster on, so we could test it out hands-on?
As for the sound issue. What browser do you experience the issue on? Do you by any chance also have remember video position and custom video start enabled?
Regarding the issues with YouTube, please tell us more about your mobile device and the browser you use. Is it correct that absolutely any mobile setting when turned on, causes you to experience this issue? Or can you pinpoint it to a specific setting?
Maria3 years ago in reply to: Buffering issuesHello Nick,
thank you for reaching out to us.
Could you please send us link to the problematic video, so we can test it and identify the issue.
Maria3 years ago in reply to: Getting rid of the player control barHello Pesi,
please go to Settings -> FV Player Pro -> Post Interface Options and enable “Controlbar”.
This will give you the option to turn controlbar on and off in the Options tab of the shortcode editor.
Maria3 years ago in reply to: Odysee New version error can’t turn on soundHello HungTQ,
I’ve tested your Odysee issues. I confirm that strange characters do in fact break the video. Our development team will look into that as well as the anonymous poster issue.
As for the sound issue, I was not able to reproduce it.. Please, send over the contents of Settings -> FV Player Pro -> Tools -> System Info.
Maria3 years ago in reply to: Odysee New version error can’t turn on soundHello HungTQ,
Thank you for reaching out to us.
What device are using? Please make sure you don’t have Settings -> FV Player Pro -> Mobile Settings -> Force fullscreen on mobile enabled.
Maria3 years ago in reply to: Odysee New version error can’t turn on soundHello HungTQ,
thank you for reaching out to us!
We appreciate you reporting this bug. I will contact our development team and they will look into the issue.
Maria3 years ago in reply to: Vimeo access token appears to be invalidHello Qamdad,
thank you for reaching out to us!
The API errors call for non-existent videos. Please, try to look these up based on the links and delete/swap them for functioning ones.
As for the other issues, we have encountered several issues with Vimeo recently, one of those being issues with splash images. Please, update to the newest version of FV Player Pro ( and let us know, if it solved the issue.
Maria3 years ago in reply to: Coconut return statusHello Gregory,
thank you for reaching out to us!
If something fails in Coconut, the FV Player -> Coconut Jobs screen should show a job that ended in an Error.
If you do not see these, then please check in FV Player -> Coconut Jobs -> Settings, if everything is connected correctly.
Also log into your Coconut account to see, if the missing jobs were started.
Maria3 years ago in reply to: Set start/end time in an iframeHello André,
are you having issues with this feature?
I have tested it out and the time signature is already included in the generated iFrame. I am talking about the iFrames you can generate by the Embed button:
For example, if you were to generate an iFrame from the link included here:
The iFrame would look like this:
< iframe src="" allowfullscreen width="610" height="490" frameborder="0" style="max-width:100%">
already having the start time in the link and would then stop at the predefined time too.
Maria3 years ago in reply to: additional field for audio fileHello Edward,
thank you for your interesting suggestion. I will ask our development team what they think about it.
Alternatively, FV Player also works with audio files:
You could do a version of this, where you insert both the video and the audio players to the post individually, and let the users pick which they like.
Let me know what you think, although the alternative might not be quite as aesthetically pleasing.
Maria3 years ago in reply to: Remember volumeHello Tiziano,
thank you for reaching out to us!
What browser and OS are you experiencing this issue in?
Maria3 years ago in reply to: Control Bar Makes Webpage Constantly ExpandHello Ian,
we are sorry to hear about your issue.
Could you please provide us with a link to a page where this happens, so that we could test it hands-on?
Maria3 years ago in reply to: transcript formatingHello Edward,
could you please send us the .vtt file you used, so we could investigate further?
Either post the link here or send it as an attachment to
Maria3 years ago in reply to: Amazon CloudFront with Download ProtectionHello FoxFingers,
as it was already pointed out, this mode of protection is not absolutely secure. It is just another additional method, a barrier making the downloading harder.
It is a rather older technology and as Lucia pointed out, as protection gets better, so do the downloading tools.
We recommend you use encrypted HLS streams. Encryption is currently the strongest download protection method.
Martin and Lucia mentioned several alternative methods in earlier replies to this topic. We have also just finished the new version of FV Player Coconut which makes video encryption so easy, it only takes a couple of clicks right in the media library while writing your post.
Maria3 years ago in reply to: 0.05 speed step ?Hello Cirdec,
thank you for your suggestion. There currently isn’t a lower speed step possible with FV Player.
I’ll contact our development team to see what they think about adding another speed step.
Maria3 years ago in reply to: Not working on iOS 13.7Hello Luiz,
thank you for reaching out to us!
I was unable to reproduce the issue. Have you by any chance managed to solve it by now?
If not, please tell us which device, OS version and browser version are you experiencing these issues on.
As for the x not showing, I see. Our programmer will contact you shortly about what might be the cause.
MariaHello IDjambov,
thank you for bringing this to our attention. I will notify our development team.
MariaHello Edward,
does this happen to you on videos hosted somewhere else than Bunny too?
We are still working on bunny Stream support, so thank you for pointing this out. We will test it and see what might be causing the issue.
Maria3 years ago in reply to: Video taking too long time to start palyHello Qamdad,
thank you for reaching out to us!
Could you please send us a link to such an problematic video?
Maria4 years ago in reply to: Download area and beta versionHello Edward,
do I understand correctly that the version which can be downloaded on the site is different from the one that can be updated via wp-admin -> Plugins?
I will notify our development team about this.
Maria4 years ago in reply to: Woocommerce breaks fv plaverHello Jeongseung,
I have tested out the new core version of WooCommerce and I was not able to reproduce the issue.
Another troubleshooting step you can try is to check your PHP logs.
Try installing this plugin: Then repeat playing the video and see, if any error appears in the log.
You can also check PHP error logs directly on the server. If you are not sure about it, the server technical support should be able to give you a hand.
Maria4 years ago in reply to: Woocommerce breaks fv plaverHello Jeongseung,
thank you for reaching out to us!
The 5.7.1 core version of WooCommerce was released on 23rd of September. We have not gotten any other complaints yet, but it is still recent enough for other complaints to appear.
Please, try to open your browser developer console (here’s how, then try to load the page with the video again and see, if any error appears on the console.
Also try to go to Settings -> FV Player and click “Check Template”. See if it shows any issues.
Maria4 years ago in reply to: Pitch shifter ?Hello Cirdec,
thank you for reaching out to us!
that is an interesting suggestion. I’ll ask our development team what they think about it.
Maria4 years ago in reply to: add hidden splash image on the pageHello Edward,
It would probably be best to look into a custom CSS fix to hide it in your theme.
I don’t think we would want to add this feature to our plugin, as it is an isolated request rather than something generally sought after.
That being said, I will ask my team if we are willing to do it as a custom development or to provide paid help with customizing your theme.
Maria4 years ago in reply to: I don’t see the video list anymore..Hello Massimo,
by “video list” do you mean a playlist or the video database in wp-admin-> FV Player?
As for the error, it seems to be a PHP error.
Please, install this plugin: Then repeat the action and see, if any error appears in it.
You can also check PHP error logs directly on the server. If you are not sure about it, the server technical support should be able to give you a hand.
Maria4 years ago in reply to: how to create HLS and encrypted HLSHello Edward,
thank you for the question!
Sadly, there are no free tools to do this.
For HLS itself, there would be more services. For example, Bunny Stream is great and cheap, however it does not allow for encryption to be used outside of their own player. We are currently working on advanced support for Bunny Streams and will have further info on it soon.
But, if you care about having the best download protection possible, then you would want encrypted HLS. The best option, besides AWS, is We have incorporated the encoding and encryption services from Coconut in our FV Player Coconut add-on:
FV Player Coconut is a free-add on which helps you set up everything you need for encoding and encrypting (encryption is only available for FV Player Pro users) your videos via a user-friendly wizard. It combines the hosting from DigitalOcean Spaces, distribution via Bunny CDN and encoding via Coconut. It means, that encoding your videos takes just a couple of clicks directly in your WordPress. It is not only much less complicated than using the popular services from Amazon, but also more cost-efficient.
Let me know, if you have more questions.
Maria4 years ago in reply to: no splash buttonHello Edward,
have you experienced this issue after updating? I have tested it out and was unable to replicate the issue. Are you still experiencing this issue?
Perhaps there is some conflict between FV Player and your theme or one of your plugins. Please, send us the contents of FV Player -> Tools -> System info.
By the way, the video in the screenshot has the play button on it. The screenshot button only pops up once the video playback has been started in the shortcode editor.
Maria4 years ago in reply to: add hidden splash image on the pageHello Edward,
do I understand correctly that are you adding the image directly to the page content?
Could using WP’s own featured image option help you achieve what you are asking for? The way it works is, that it gives the post or the page a splash image that is visible when shared on social media, and if your theme uses it, then also as a splash for the post/page, but it is not visible in the content of the post itself.
Let me know.
Maria4 years ago in reply to: Offline viewingHello Cirdec,
thank you for the question!
We do not actively plan on working on this feature.
There are many security concerns disrupting possible implementation of this feature. Moreover, it would be quite a demanding project.
I will ask our development team to see if anything changed, and if this could possibly be arranged as a custom development.
Maria4 years ago in reply to: How can I load mp4 video fasterHello Xuhaibkhan,
thank you for reaching out to us!
Are you having issues with the video player itself not loading fast enough, or with mp4 videos within the player being slow to load? Are you using some kind of CDN, where do you host the files?
Maria4 years ago in reply to: Confused about CDN, Vimeo, bandwitdthHello Francus,
yes, providing links to pages on which the video is embedded is the best course of action. Of course assuming that the links to your website will not change.
The hard part is making sure the videos embedded on the pages will work. Our Migration Wizard is able to help with that for many services. It works by replacing a part of the URL in a bulk.
But as there is no clear structure to Bunny Streams links, the Migration Wizard will not be able to bulk change it and you will probably need to change the URLs manually.
Maria4 years ago in reply to: Confused about CDN, Vimeo, bandwitdthHello Francus,
It is highly unlikely will go out of business anytime soon. In fact, it’s growing by day. However, should anything like that arise, you have the option to swap all the links embedded in FV Player via our Migration Wizard:
That being said, if you’d like to go with a strong and reputable longterm player, there’s always Amazon Web Services with their S3 hosting solution and Cloudfront CDN.
While some limitations may apply which is yet to be seen, most, if not all FV Player features will work with Bunny Stream. Links at the end of the video should work even now.
We do not have any experience with I can ask our development team about their ideas on the network. If you are interested in blockchain based solutions, we have recently added support for You can read more about it here:
Maria4 years ago in reply to: License renewal does not workHello Lana,
thank you for reaching out to us!
I confirm that both of your licences have been extended correctly.
Firstly, please, try to reinsert the licence keys manually, even if they are inserted correctly. It is a rare occurrence, but the automatic grabbing of licence keys can fail. Let us know, if it helped.
As for the prices, the 1/3 prices apply to renewals before expiration. After expiration, the price is 2/3. For example, for FV Player Pro it amounts to $58. The purchases are the product + tax. In your case, the tax is $12.18.
So, FV Player Pro after renewal + tax in your case amounts to $70.18. Same applies to FV Vimeo Security.
Maria4 years ago in reply to: Player freezingHello John,
changing your bucket permissions will make your files private. Just make sure that all your video files will have the tokens then. Videos without the token won’t play when bucket and its contents are private.
Go to your bucket -> Permissions -> Block public access (bucket settings). Click edit and turn on “Block all public access”. You can see the screen in question in step 3 of this section of our S3 guide:
Maria4 years ago in reply to: Confused about CDN, Vimeo, bandwitdthHello Francus,
thank you for clearing that up. So, if I understand correctly – you do not care about video security, but you do care about control and independence.
The security in question is video download and recording protection. As you do not care about having your content copied, we do not need to go into services that provide encrypted HLS Streams and other strong methods of protection.
Therefore, I will omit security intensive options and only offer you options that can give you reliable video playback (hosting + CDN) with an easy workflow. Which after all, are the services you asked about in your first message.
One of the main arguments against YouTube is the low level of security. Second one is the content restricting rules of YouTube. We wish it weren’t so, but your worries are at least partially sound.
As for your worries about distracting users with other recommended content, we do offer a workaround for limiting some of YouTube’s branding and features, including the recommended videos and advertising.Another option is Vimeo. However, Vimeo only allows the use of 3rd party player for users with Pro or Plus Vimeo accounts, so the service has to be paid. Control and independence is a bit better on Vimeo too.
Again, the basic security of Vimeo is quite low, but we do offer a paid add-on that makes it secure, if you’d decide for a more secure approach later on.
A paid service that has security shortcomings, but offers easy workflow with independence and no monitoring on the content you decide to upload there, is Bunny Streams. It is a new feature, for which we are still preparing advanced support, but it should be out sometime this month. The videos do work even now, but we plan on making it a lot more reliable.
Furthermore, you can always decide to use some other hosting+cdn set up, for example DigitalOcean Spaces for hosting and BunnyCDN. Here’s a list of our integrations:
Also, if you have some other services in mind, we always take suggestions for new integrations.
MariaHello Adamo,
yes, you can theoretically only use DigitalOcean Spaces with encrypted HLS.
The encoding and encryption part is handled by Coconut. Bunny is only a content delivery network – ensuring reliable playback anywhere. Thanks to its capabilities and price, it was our choice for Pro users.
The free users do not get the encryption, and the CDN of choice for them is the DigitalOcean Spaces CDN.
However, this is easier said than done. As you are a Pro user, FV Player Coconut will require you to use BunnyCDN as of now. We plan on making it less rigid in the future. Right now, I can discuss with my team whether we could arrange something for you.
MariaHello Adamo,
we are glad to here you were able to resolve the issue and help others who might experience this in the future.
I’ll forward this thread to our development team, so that they are aware of this happening, and possibly make this less confusing or devise an easier workaround.
MariaHello Adamo,
Naming the files a bit differently should work, if that’s possible for you.
If you want to, you can check if files with the target stream name were created in your DigitalOcean Spaces bucket and possibly delete them, then try again.
Let us know, if it helped.
Maria4 years ago in reply to: links inside videoHello Edward,
thank you for reaching out to us!
Yes, of course you can do that. The feature is called Video Links. You can find out how to use video links and read more about them in our guide:
Making the web work for you,
Maria4 years ago in reply to: Confused about CDN, Vimeo, bandwitdthHello Francus,
thank you for reaching out to us!
No worries. We are here to help you with that.
Each hosting service has its perks and drawbacks in many ways. The question of which is the best choice generally boils down to the purposes you intend to use it for – what type of content (is it fit for use on YouTube?), how much of it and how much do you care about the security of the files.
We will need you to answer these three questions in order to get a better idea of which services might be the right choice for you.
As for the bandwidth, it does not come from your website. It would, if the files were hosted directly on your WordPress. The player is simply the medium though which it passes. It comes directly from the CDN/hosting. The main purpose of a CDN is to ensure faster delivery for viewers anywhere. CDNs are, of course, paid services.
Making the web work for you,
MariaHello Adamo,
thank you for reaching out to us!
Each try is a new job. If the first job failed it will stay as failed and there will be a second job created upon the second try. Also, the statuses do not change in realtime, so you have to refresh the page to see if a job has been finished/failed.
Does the second, successful, job show up in your FV Player Coconut dashboard or does it still show only the unsuccessful one?
A job that failed should not show up in the Coconut tab of media library picker either. Only the successfully encoded videos will.
Maria4 years ago in reply to: youtube advertisement and play countHello Naoki,
yes, with the advanced YouTube embedding, ads from YouTube do not work and none of your FV Player viewers will get the ads.
No, views via FV Player are not added to the view count visible on
The reason is that YouTube API does not allow either of these via a 3rd party player.
MariaHello Recai,
we don’t actively plan on adding new items to the DRM Text. Current available items fit the needs of most of our users, and we would not like for the settings to be needlessly cluttered with too many items to choose from.
Would it be viable for you to use User Name instead of ID and then, if needed, search for the user’s phone number in your database based on their user name?
Alternatively, we could offer you the addition as a paid custom development. Let me know, if you are interested.
Maria4 years ago in reply to: FV player with RTMP live streamHello Rabbi Eric,
thank you for reaching out to us!
Setting up an RTMP server is up to you and it is complex enough that we cannot help you via forums.
We could help you with setting up the server, if you’d order our services via the Pro Support Incident:
If you are using FV Player, and decide to set up the server yourself, here’s how to use the RTMP server with FV Player:
MariaHello Luke,
we ran some tests on the non-encrypted HLS Streams on our website. Some extensions are able to obtain the streams even with the Stream Loader feature on. We will take a closer look at it.
We will also need to run tests once we integrate Bunny Streams to see, if we can stop the troublesome extensions.
There currently is not an exact ETA on Bunny Stream integration, however it should be done within this month. We will follow up with you once it is done.
Making the web work for you,
MariaHello Recai,
yes, currently these items can be added or removed from the DRM Text:
Site nameYou can choose any combination of these by checking the boxes in wp-admin -> Settings -> FV Player Pro -> DRM Text
Maria4 years ago in reply to: How to Use SubtitlesHello Carl,
thank you for reaching out to us!
Do you mean adding another subtitles field in the shortcode editor? After you insert the first one, a second field appears automatically. Further fields have to be triggered by the user by clicking “Add Another Language”.
Sadly, these fields cannot be removed after. You can either just create a separate player instance to replace it or ignore the further fields. If there is nothing inserted in these fields, it will not show up in the subtitles selector for viewers.
However, I will notify our development team to see, if they’d like to add a button to remove the further fields.
MariaHello Recai,
the additional DRM Text settings became a part of the release version in the meantime, so you should not have any issues finding them in wp-admin -> Settings -> FV Player Pro -> DRM Text.
You might try reinstalling the plugin, as Martin pointed out in his last reply and see, if that helps.
Maria4 years ago in reply to: Video only loads after mouse movedHello Martin,
thank you for reaching out to us!
Please, check if you have “Optimize FV Flowplayer JS loading” enabled in Settings -> FV Player Pro -> Integrations/Compatibility. If you do, then disable it.
This setting reduces the size of unused scripts. One of the effects is that FV Player will not load unless the user interacts with the site (scroll, click, etc.). You can read more about it here:
However, even with the setting disabled, you do not need to worry that FV Player will slow your website down much. The setting ensures the least possible loading sizes, but the player isn’t too heavy without it on either.
Maria4 years ago in reply to: Subdomain License Registration IssuesHello Gbrother,
thank you for reaching out to us and for using FV Player!
The system automatically deletes the subdomain part. This happens, because the licence is valid both for the top level domain and all of its subdomains too.
Meaning that the licence is not only valid for, but also for and any other subdomain of
Making the web work for you,
MariaHello Suprim,
thank you for reaching out to us!
I confirm, that your licence shows as valid in our systems. Your are the second person experiencing this issue in a short period of time.
I will contact our development team to take a closer look at what might be causing this.
Maria4 years ago in reply to: Auto Mute on Mobile overlay optionHello Charles,
thank you for your suggestion!
I will forward this to our development team for discussion.
MariaHello Luke,
thank you for reaching out to us!
It sounds like the best solution for you would be HLS Streams without encryption. It will still be an encoded HLS Stream, meaning that typical downloading software, wanting to download an mp4 file, will fail. Scratching the encryption will save you some money with most services. You will also need to use a Content Distribution Network to ensure that your content loads equally fast anywhere and anytime.
Perhaps the best option for you would be Bunny Streams. The price is absolutely unmatched, but the main issue is that the DRM encryption cannot be used in 3-rd party players, only their own player. Since you don’t mind loosing the encryption, it is probably a great choice for you.
The service is still quite new and there are some mixed results. We are currently working on an advanced support for Bunny Streams, and it should be out quite soon. For the time being, the only things we are aware of causing playback issues are the “CDN Token Authentication” “MediaCage Basic DRM” settings, which have to be disabled for playback being possible in FV Player.
AWS is reputable and advanced, but generally costs more and is harder to use than services included in FV Player Coconut.
Making the web work for you,
MariaHello Ron,
sorry for the late reply.
Yes, that is one method. But you can also manually create an order which will act as already paid, by going to WooCommerce -> Orders and clicking Add order.
Once there, fill out the customer’s information and assign the correct product.
Then make sure that the Status is set to Completed. This lets you evade the need for anyone to pay, as the payment is already regarded as completed.
Other then that, the order will act as any other order and the customers will get the video link with the pre-defined rental period.
Let us know, if you have more questions about this process.
Making the web work for you,
Maria4 years ago in reply to: player doesn’t work after updatingHello Frank,
I deeply apologize for the late reply.
It could be a plugin or theme incompatibility. Try switching to some basic WordPress theme, such as Twenty twenty-one (just using the preview mode is enough) and see, if it helps.
If it doesn’t, you can try disabling various plugins, until you find the one that causes the issues. Alternatively, you can also send us the contents of Settings -> FV Player Pro -> Tools -> System info to see, if there is a plugin known to cause issues with FV Player.
Maria4 years ago in reply to: chapters inside transcriptHello Edward,
thank you for your suggestion!
I will forward it to our development team for discussion.
MariaHello Ron,
sorry for the late reply.
Thank you for letting us know. I will forward your message to Martin and we will stop using PayPal Checkout in our products as soon as possible.
Maria4 years ago in reply to: player doesn’t work after updatingHello Frank,
we are sorry to hear you are facing such issues.
Please, go to Settings -> FV Player Pro and click “Check template”. Is it showing any issues?
Maria4 years ago in reply to: Issue with pluginHello Walli,
sorry for the late reply.
For the issue with second video in a playlist stopping, try seeing, if you have Settings -> FV Player Pro -> Sitewide FV Player Defaults -> Disable Playlist Autoadvance enabled. If so, turn it off.
Alternatively, you can also enable the Playlist Autoadvance in Post Interface Options, which lets you control autoadvance for individual videos in the shortcode editor.
As for the need to swap videos without using the shortcode editor, you can also write manual shortcodes. For example like this:
[fvplayer src='' width=592 height=333 splash='' playlist=",;," caption="Fire;;Carly Simon" autoplay="true"]
Which is the manual shortcode for this playlist:
You can then swap out the videos links as you like without needing to use the shortcode editor. To learn how to add additional features to the manual shortcode, see this list:
Making the web work for you,
Maria4 years ago in reply to: Player freezingHello John,
we are glad to hear the issue had cleared up.
If it occurs again, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re here to help.
Making the web work for you,
Maria4 years ago in reply to: Player freezingHello John,
sorry for the late reply.
I fail to see any freezing on the video during regular playback. The previous time you had this issue, you explained that one needs to pause the video and wait 15 minutes before trying to play it again to experience the issue. Is it the case this time as well?
Is only this video affected or have you tested other videos from the same source as well?
Maria4 years ago in reply to: how to resize thumbnail video image?Hello Loc,
sorry for the late reply.
Do you mean the images produced by the screenshot thumbnail generator?
The size is smaller so that it looks great on a video while not putting strain on WordPress library storage with unnecessarily large files.
I will contact our development team to see, if we could help you with this request as a paid custom development.
MariaHello Qamdad,
all URLs you have posted here have been redacted.
Making the web work for you,
MariaHello Brian,
thank you for bringing this to our attention!
I tested it and can confirm bugs in the mobile fullscreen in the latest version of the plugin.
I will forward this to the development team for a fix.
Maria4 years ago in reply to: Video transcript suddenly doesn’t workHello Jeongseung,
thank you for reaching out to us!
Do you experience this issue only in Firefox or all browsers?
Does this issue occur with all transcripts or only the latest?
Maria4 years ago in reply to: link play position at 0 secondHello Naoki,
sorry for the late reply.
The site you linked requires a password. Could you please provide us with the password or unlock the URL? We can redact the URL from this forum thread, if you want.
Maria4 years ago in reply to: How to prevent download video?Hello Loc,
the size of the individual player (displayed in the second screenshot) is set to 480×480. The individual player size set in shortcode editor overrides the default player size.
Does the 480×480 size remain even after you erase the contains of width and height fields or manually rewrite them to 400×300?
MariaHello Qamdad,
The converting button is indeed for embed codes and does not affect links.
I will forward your request to our development team to help you convert Vimeo URLs to FV Player.
Maria4 years ago in reply to: How to prevent download video?Hello Loc,
sorry for the late reply.
FV Player Coconut as a ready-made workflow currently only supports DigitalOcean for hosting and DigitalOcean CDN or BunnyCDN for content distribution. We do plan on expanding the selection in the future.
If you decide to use the services on your own, without the automated workflow, nothing is stopping you from using any services of your choosing as long as you are sure that it is supported.
The Videopress link should work in FV Player. If the CDN of your choice will support it, then URL tokens will be created for it thanks to the stream loader feature.
Maria4 years ago in reply to: Bitchute, and OdyseeHello Rhys,
Our licensing system allows you to insert your dev site into the same license as your live website.
This article contains all the information you need in order to do so
Let us know, if it is suitable for your use case.
MariaHello Qamdad,
thank you for reaching out to us!
Go to Settings -> FV Player Pro -> Hosting -> Vimeo
There you will find a button “Convert Vimeo embed codes”. This will convert all the embed objects to FV Player shortcodes.
Please, also make sure to have Advanced Vimeo embedding enabled and your Vimeo account connected correctly.
Maria4 years ago in reply to: Empty Vimeo cacheHello Robert,
thank you for bringing this to our attention!
I will forward your inquiry to our development team to investigate further.
MariaHello Kijana,
thank you for reaching out to us!
I am not aware of any recent changes. Can you provide the number of FV Player version where this worked the way you wanted? I will ask our development team about possible changes.
In the meantime, there is a default player size setting in Settings -> FV Player -> Sitewide FV Player Defaults. Check what you have set there. If you’d like a different resolution as a default, you can change it.
If you only need to change the player size for some videos, you can set the width and height in the shortcode editor of the individual video. Individual settings override the default ones.
However, this will not help you get the black spaces around the player. If you set a different aspect ratio than the correct one, the video will be streched/shrunk.
Maria4 years ago in reply to: link play position at 0 secondHello Naoki,
thank you for reaching out to us!
It should work. Does this link work for you, starting playback at 00:00? :,0s
Only the “,0s” part sets the time. Are you getting the same kind of link with “#fvp_347,0s” on your site and it doesn’t work?
Maria4 years ago in reply to: How to prevent download video?Hello Loc,
no worries, both your messages were easy to understand.
To answer your questions regarding URL Tokens: Yes, Stream Loader feature enabled and any one CDN of your choosing is enough.
However, there were some playback issues when using Clouflare’s WAF feature, so it is a good idea to have Settings -> FV Player Pro -> Pro Features -> Cloudflare support enabled.
As for encoding into HLS streams and video security, URL Tokens are just one security method. The best security available out there are Encrypted HLS Streams.
If hotlinking protection is all you need, then you’ll be all set with a CDN. However, if you are interested in Encrypted HLS, you don’t need to endlessly stress about using AWS anymore. We offer a free add-on called FV Player Coconut which helps you set up everything you need for encoding and encrypting your videos via a user-friendly wizard and then continue encoding right from WordPress. You can try it out here:
Making the web work for you,
Maria4 years ago in reply to: How to prevent download video?Hello Loc,
thank you for reaching out to us and for your interest in using FV Player Pro!
Yes, you can block downloads and hotlinks using our Stream Loader feature:
It works with most CDNs out there. Given the amount of content you intend to use, it would be a good idea to use a CDN. We recommend BunnyCDN which is also very affordable compared to others:
But the stream loader feature should work just great with any other CDN you choose.
FV VAST plugin is an engine that allows you to use ads on your videos from any ad server of your choosing that provides VAST/VPAID ads. Including Google ads, but most definitely not limited to.
Let me know, if you have any other questions.
Making the web work for you,
Maria4 years ago in reply to: Lightbox AlignmentHello Jim,
thank you for bringing this bug to our attention!
This should not be happening. I have forwarded your message to our development team and they will follow-up shortly.
Maria4 years ago in reply to: VAST TesterHello Clarence,
by “player test page” do you mean our VAST tester located here: or some other VAST tester?
I checked our licencing logs. FV VAST licence appears to be working correctly on your domain.
However, I’ve noticed that the licence check for FV Player Pro on your domain comes in as invalid. Please, insert the licence code starting $47 that you can find at
That being said, VAST is a standalone plugin and does not need FV Player Pro to function at all so that is not what’s causing the issues.
For the VAST issue, please, also send us your VAST URL so that we can see if perhaps there is an issue with the URL after all.
Maria4 years ago in reply to: Using URL TagsHello Bella,
you will find anything you will need to post videos via FV Player in our start-up guide:
MariaHello Francesco,
we are glad to hear you were able to resolve your issue.
MariaHello Asa,
thank you for reaching out to us!
The way to access individual videos in Universal Analytics remains the same: Behavior > Events > Top events and once there, you will have to change the primary dimension to Event Label. As you can see in our guide:
The interface remains the same too. Please, make sure you are not using Google Analytics 4. As in Google Analytics 4, there sadly is no way to see views per individual videos right now. You can see the guide for GA4 here:
MariaHello Francesco,
please, try going over the process of encrypting again and pay close attention to step 6. which is output path URL.
Let us know, how it went.
MariaHello Francesco,
thank you for reaching out to us!
We do not currently support any of third-party DRM services. However, we’ve been actively discussing it. Proprietary DRM is not a low-budget pursuit. You would have to be prepared for at least a $200/month fee just for encoding and playback support.
I’d suggest backing off a bit on the protection and saving your budget. We have an advanced DRM option at $1000/year which does not require special encoding or special hosting or any additional costs. Our advanced DRM provides two levels of watermarking and makes it very difficult for a hacker to discover the video stream, let alone decrypt it. It doesn’t stop screen recording though.
Alternatively, you might be happy with the protection the DRM Text feature included in FV Player Pro has to offer:
Nonetheless, thank you for letting us know about the SPEKE option. I will forward your inquiry to my team to see, if they want to comment on this further.
As for your playback issues, please see use the built-in video checker: The way the video checker works, is that you need to be logged in as admin. Then see, if it shows any errors and let us know, or send us a report about the video.
Making the web work for you,
Maria4 years ago in reply to: Strange category redirectionHello Olivia,
thanks for reaching out to us!
I cannot find any licence nor any of our products on your website. Are you using any of our products?
If no, then the only way we could help you is if you purchase a Pro support incident:
If you are our customer, then please describe the issue more in detail. We will need to know what exactly is the category and what exactly is the URL.
Maria4 years ago in reply to: Timeline disappears for sticky videoHello Naoki,
I don’t see anything suspicious in your system info.
I tested out your theme (Astra) too, and it is not the cause either.
Please, try testing it with a plain MP4. Fro example this one:
Let us know, how it went.