List of contents:
While FV Player stored the video information in database you can still add additional shortcode arguments to tweak the behavior or apperance.
[fvplayer id="1" logo=""]
You can even create plain shortcode FV Players without use of database (with src="{URL}"
argument and no database id="{number}"
argument) however that way some of the features are not fully supported (video position storing or video stats).
[fvplayer src=""]
Many of our users have asked us for the list of all the shortcode parameters, so here it is. In the tables below, you will find names of the parameters, description of what they do, examples (in a form in which they should be used in the shortcode), link to the relevant documentation and label of version, in which the parameter is available.
All shortcode start with [fvplayer
and end with ]
Parameter | Description | Example | Shortcode editor | Documentation | Version |
src | The source of the video. It points to a video file, a video stream, or can contain a YouTube or Vimeo link. |
src=" //" |
✓ | Start up guide | Free |
src1 | An alternative source of the video. Will be used if the main source fails to load. |
src1=" //" |
✓ | Start up guide | Free |
src2 | Another alternative source of the video. Will be used if the main source and first alternative fails to load. |
src2=" //" |
✓ | Start up guide | Free |
mobile | A specific form of alternative video source. This will be preferred by the player when Quality Switching is set and a mobile device is detected (the file should be encoded accordingly). Not necessary for YouTube and Vimeo, since they provide such quality automatically. |
mobile=" //" |
✓ | Setting Up Video Quality Switching | Free |
splash | Source of the splash image, that will be shown before the video is played. It’s filled in automatically in FV Player Pro for Vimeo and YouTube. |
splash="" |
✓ | Start up guide | Free |
rtmp | RTMP is a video streaming protocol for Flash. The stream consists of two parts – rtmp and rtmp_path. The rtmp part specifies the RTMP streaming server URL. |
rtmp="rtmp://" |
✓ | How to use RTMP streams with Flash | Free |
rtmp_path | The second part neccessary for using an RTMP stream. Specifies the path to the video on the RTMP streaming server. |
rtmp_path="001-Common-Security-Threats-high.mp4" |
✓ | How to use RTMP streams with Flash | Free |
Subtitles and Titles
Parameter | Description | Example | Shortcode editor | Documentation | Version |
splash_text | Splash Text will let you add a text field that will be shown in an overlay over the video box with a grey stripe as the background. |
splash_text="This is my video." |
✓ | Adding Titles and Splash Text | Free |
title | Title is a text that will appear under the video on your page and in playlist. It’s filled in automatically in FV Player Pro for Vimeo and YouTube. |
title="This is my video." |
✓ | Adding Titles to Videos | Free |
subtitles | Subtitle file needs to be in the VTT format. This parameter will contain the source URL. You can add several languages by modifying and adding more parameters. Differentiate the languages by adding a country code as suffix. Example: subtitles_es=”” – Spanish subtitles. See the shortcode editor for the full list of country codes. FV Player Pro can import the subtitles automatically from Vimeo. |
subtitles=" subtitles.vtt" subtitles_es=" subtitles.vtt" |
✓ | How to Create Subtitles | Free |
chapters | Chapters will allow user to skip to a certain point in video predefined in the chapter file in VTT format. Use it in a similar way as subtitles. |
chapters=" chapters.vtt" |
✓ | VTT Chapters | Pro |
transcript | Will use a VTT subtitle file for generating an interactive transcript, that will automatically roll along withthe video playback. You can use transcript=”auto” with Vimeo hosted videos that already have attached subtitles – the transcript will load automatically. |
transcript=" subtitles.vtt" transcript="auto" |
✓ | Interactive Video Transcript | Pro |
original_formatting | Use to disable the automatic transcript formatting. |
original_formatting="yes" |
✓ | Interactive Video Transcript Formatting | Pro |
Controls and Presentation
Parameter | Description | Example | Shortcode editor | Documentation | Version |
width | Defines the horizontal dimension of the video. Use a numerical value in pixels. |
width="600" |
✓ | Start up guide | Free |
height | Defines the vertical dimension of the video. Use a numerical value in pixels. |
height="338" |
✓ | Start up guide | Free |
align | Use it for defining the alignment of the video. It has two possible settings: align=”left” and align=”right” |
align="left" align="right" |
✓ | Alignment Settings | Free |
autoplay | The first video on a page will start playing immediately after the page is loaded, or after the user scrolls over the video (depends on FV Player settings). |
autoplay="true" autoplay="false" |
✓ | Autoplay | Free |
controlbar | Can be used to show, or hide the control bar. |
controlbar="yes" controlbar="no" |
✓ | Start up guide | Free |
embed | Embedding can be set site-wide in the FV Player settings. This parameter can override the site-wide setting and allow or deny the embed button in videos. |
embed="true" embed="false" |
✓ | Using the Iframe Embedding | Free |
fullscreen | Use to disable the fullscreen button on the player. |
fullscreen="false" |
✗ | Free | |
speed | Again a feature that can be set site-wide in the FV Player options. This parameter can be used to set it manually for individual videos. |
speed="buttons" speed="no" |
✓ | How to Use the Speed Buttons | Free |
sticky | Enables/disables sticky video mode. When video is scrolled out of view, a small player pops up in the right bottom corner. |
sticky="true" sticky="false" |
✓ | Sticky Video | Free |
live | Mainly used with (but not limited to) live streams. It will hide the progress bar from a video. |
live="true" live="false" |
✓ | Free | |
lightbox | Lightbox is a feature that will play a video in an overlay window. The first part (true) of the parameter defines if the function is active. The optional second part (text) will create a text link (anchor text will be defined with the caption=”” parameter), that will open the video in lightbox. |
lightbox="true" lightbox="true;text" |
✓ | Using the Video Lightbox Effect | Free |
ab | Use the parameter to activate the AB loop function. |
ab="true" |
✓ | AB Loop Function | Free |
qsel | Use the parameter to activate Quality Switching. |
qsel="true" |
✓ | Setting Up Video Quality Switching | Free |
startend | Will allow you to show only a specific part of a video. Create the part by defining the start and the end of it (use format HH:MM:SS-HH:MM:SS, first part is the start, the second one is end). |
startend="00:00:12-00:00:48" |
✓ | How to Use Custom Start/End Time | Pro |
logo | Add a logo to your video by inserting a URL of the image. If you have set a default logo in settings for all your videos, you can use this property to hide it for individual videos. To do so, use the form logo=”none”. |
logo="" logo="none" |
✗ | Start up guide | Pro |
hlskey | When importing an encrypted HLS playlist from AWS, you will need this parameter hold a key to decrypt the video. The key is generated in the shortcode editor. Read more in the documentation. |
hlskey="2uAvsV13qawaLVtESPHHBw==" |
✓ | How to setup encrypted HLS stream with Amazon Elastic Transcoder | Pro |
hflip | Will show a new button in the player window, that will allow users to horizontally flip the video. |
hflip="true" |
✗ | Pro | |
play_button | Allows you to hide the play/pause button on the control bar. |
play_button="true" play_button="false" |
✗ | Free | |
engine | Enforces the Flash engine for the playback of the video. |
engine="flash" |
✗ | Free | |
share | Allows you to activate or deactivate the Sharing Buttons. |
share="yes" share="no" share="Custom text;" |
✓ | Managing Social Sharing Buttons | Free |
volume | Set the player volume level. |
volume="0.5" volume="0" |
✓ | Free |
Parameter | Description | Example | Shortcode editor | Documentation | Version |
playlist | This parameter will incorporate several videos in a single shortcode into a playlist. The main video must be in the src=”” parameter, and other videos will be in the playlist parameter. It can also contain the captions and the splash images of the listed videos. |
playlist=", _1280.jpg;, _1280.jpg" |
✓ | How to Create Playlists | Free |
liststyle | Use with the playlist=”” parameter to define which playlist style you want to use. |
liststyle="horizontal" liststyle="vertical" liststyle="tabs" liststyle="prevnext" |
✓ | How to Create Playlists | Free |
playlist_hide | Hides the playlist items below the video box, making it look like a single video. |
playlist_hide="true" playlist_hide="false" |
✗ | How to Create Playlists | Free |
playlist_advance | Plays the next video in a playlist automatically after the currently played one ends. |
playlist_advance="true" playlist_advance="false" |
✓ | How to Create Playlists | Free |
album | Plays the next video in a playlist automatically after the currently played one ends. |
fvplayer album="" |
✓ | How to Use Vimeo Albums | Free |
Parameter | Description | Example | Shortcode editor | Documentation | Version |
ad | Use for creating a non-linear overlay popup. You can use HTML. Any [, ], ” and ‘ symbols in the shortcode should be escaped with a backslash () |
ad="Limited special offer of the best WordPress video player! <a href=" player/download">Get the FV Player now!</a>" |
✓ | Pop-up Advertising Options with FV Player | Free |
ad_height | Defines the vertical dimension of the overlay ad popup box. Use a numerical value in pixels. |
ad_height="50" |
✓ | Pop-up Advertising Options with FV Player | Free |
ad_width | Defines the horizontal dimension of the overlay ad popup box. Use a numerical value in pixels. |
ad_width="200" |
✓ | Pop-up Advertising Options with FV Player | Free |
ad_skip | Use this parameter when you have set up a global overlay ad, but you don’t want it to appear with a certain video. |
ad_skip="yes" |
✓ | Pop-up Advertising Options with FV Player | Free |
preroll | This parameter will let you choose one of the pre-set video ads and serve it in a pre-roll with your video. Use the video ad ID to define the ad you want, or random or no. |
preroll="2" preroll="random" preroll="no" |
✓ | Video Advertising Options with FV Player | Pro |
postroll | Same as preroll, except this will set the video ad as post-roll. Use the video ad ID to define the ad you want, or random or no. |
postroll="1" preroll="random" preroll="no" |
✓ | Video Advertising Options with FV Player | Pro |
vast | Use to manually insert a VAST ad tag for serving a VAST ad in the preroll of your video. If you have an ad tag set for all videos in FV Player VAST settings and you want to have a single video without ads, you can use the parameter vast=”none”. |
vast=" 46ab01d97.36996823;cb={random_number}" vast="none" |
✓ | How to Use VAST/VPAID | FV Player VAST |
vast_engine | Use with vast=”” to manually select the engine used for playing a VAST ad with your video. |
vast_engine="html" vast_engine="flash" |
✗ | How to Use VAST/VPAID | FV Player VAST |
vastsilent | Lets you enable the silent ad start for a single player. |
vastsilent="true" vastsilent="false" |
✗ | FV Player VAST | |
midroll | Use with vast=”” to manually set the second in which the VAST ad will start during the video playback. Can set more than one starting points -for several ads in one video. For example: midroll=”0,60,120″ will play an ad in preroll (0 second), and then in 60th and 120th second of the playback. If you enter the last second of the video (for example, if a video has 4 minutes and 24 seconds, it will be 264), you will get a post-roll. |
midroll="0,60,120" |
✓ | How to Use VAST/VPAID | FV Player VAST |
Video Actions
Parameter | Description | Example | Shortcode editor | Documentation | Version |
loop | The video will start over after it ends. Can be used also with playlists (the playlist will start over from the first video). |
loop="true" loop="false" |
✓ | Video Actions: HTML Pop-ups | Free |
redirect | Will redirect the user to the specified URL after the video ends. |
redirect="" |
✓ | Video Actions: HTML Pop-ups | Free |
popup | After the video ends, a selected end popup will emerge. The popups are set in FV Player settings (Actions tab/Custom Popups). You can pick from classic HTML popups (just use the number ID in the parameter to select the one you want) or from email popups (use the form “email-1” where the number is ID of the subscription form you want). |
popup="2" popup="email-1" |
✓ | Video Actions: HTML Pop-ups / Email Subscription Form Pop-ups | Free |
splashend | The property will display the splash image (if set) after the video ends. |
splashend="show" |
✓ | Video Actions: HTML Pop-ups / Start up guide | Free |