Forum Replies Created
7 years ago in reply to: Fulscreen not working
Hi Hany,
I apologize for the late reply. To resolve your problem, just remove the
from your template’s style sheet.Thanks,
I apologize for the late reply. You can take these classes to do his styling
.wpfp_custom_ad_content .wpfp_custom_ad
It is not possible to have his stripe at the bottom, because there is the video control bar.
Another option would be to place the stripe outside of the player box, just below it. In that case, you’d have to remove the bottom margin on `.flowplayer`, but also you’d have to add some spacing below your subscribe stripe.Thanks,
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: Pro features stopped workingHello Blake,
It seems like your license has expired, but you should be able to use the last version you got before expiration. Could you please make sure that the FV Player Pro plugin is active in WP admin > Plugins?
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: Fullscreen double-click issuesHi shamman357,
Thank you for your report. I checked your videos in fullscreen and I, unfortunately, wasn’t able to see any issues. Could you please describe the issue in more detail (and if possible, in English)? You could also let me know on what device/OS/browser are you getting it?
EduardHello Medal,
FV Player VAST can be used outside WordPress, although it will require a Flowplayer based video player (Flowplayer itself works outside WP, so that shouldn’t be a problem). We have a guide on how to do that – Using FV Player VAST Outside WordPress.
As for FV Player Pro, we don’t have a 100% solution at this moment, as it’s very difficult to adjust anything that requires Ajax for loading (CloudFront, S3, KeyCDN, etc.). On the other hand, we have already resolved how to make Vimeo videos work outside WP. Using the player would however still require you to always make the player’s HTML manually.
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: Chapters or transcript but not bothHello Michael,
I forgot to mention that transcript will work, but to also make the chapters working, you will have to set the CORS headers in your CloudFront distribution settings. You can do so by following this guide – Enabling CORS in CloudFront.
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: Chapters or transcript but not bothHello Michael,
We have updated FV Player Pro and now the issue should be fixed. You can see it in this demo – Interactive Transcript with Chapters. The update should be released next week, but if you want to have the issue fixed immediately, you can update FV Player Pro manually.
To perform a manual update right now you can log in at and then download a ZIP file with your plugin there. Before you upload it to your site via WP-admin -> Plugins -> Add New -> Upload, make sure you remove the current installation of the FV Player Pro plugin. No worries, no settings or video will be lost.
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: No index option missing in postsHi Vibhi,
The same what I said above about pages should also apply to posts. I don’t think that using “noindex” would do you any benefit.
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: Chapters or transcript but not bothHello Michael,
Thank you for the detailed info. We just realized that FV Player was not set to load other types of data from CloudFront, except video and images. We are working on fixing this now. In the meanwhile, you could deliver the VTT files without CloudFront (for example directly from S3).
EduardHello Dennis,
Just check the Plugins screen in your WP admin, there you should be able to update the plugin with just one click. You should also be able to see the number of available updates under the Dashboard button in the left menu column.
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: Self hosted videos not player on ios devicesHi Mike,
To be more specific – I think that if you have the issues only on iOS, the problem could be in the video encoding. If you are using the free version of FV Player, you could analyze such video with the video checker and post here a screenshot of the report.
It is quite possible, that the video will require re-encoding (you can check more details about that in our guide Video Encoding for HTML 5.Thanks,
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: Self hosted videos not player on ios devicesHi Mike,
Could you please send me a link to one of your videos so I could check and see what might be wrong?
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: Tab numbering/naming in tabbed playlistHi Stan,
Thank you for the more detailed info. I think now that you simply have not activated the Playlist Captions option in Settings > FV Player > Setup tab > Post Interface Options.
The Post Interface Options is a part of FV Player’s settings that will allow you to set all the fields you want to use in the shortcode editor. It’s described in more detail in this guide.
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: No index option missing in postsHi Vibhi,
I don’t think that using “noindex” on the pages with picture will be helpful, as there doesn’t seem to be a reason for stopping search engines from indexing these pages, even without meta description.
As for the duplicate, do you have a link to an example page where I could check it?
EduardHi Allyn,
The work on redesigning the playlist shortcodes, which Alec has mentioned, is still in progress. It is a longer project that depends largely on finishing our core update to FV Player 7, so it’s hard to tell when it will be finished, but we will definitely announce it on the changelog and on our blog, once it’s finished and released.
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: html5: Video file not found ONLY on iOSHello VisionAg,
Could you please use the Video Checker, capture the screenshot of the report and post it here?
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: Interactive Transcript ImprovementsHi Clod,
Ok, now I see.
Setting for a value for scroll positioning – if I understand correctly, you would like to see the highlighted text in the transcript in a more centered position? It currently is not centered precisely, but it also doesn’t touch the upper margin, so I find it quite readable with leaving enough space to show the upcoming text.
Setting to move Interactive Transcript to playlists – we actually have making transcripts work with playlists on our roadmap of future improvements, but first, we must finish reworking the playlist shortcodes in general (which is a longer project). Only after that we can work on adding the transcripts.
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: Creating playlists using youtube linksHi Akash,
If you mean using links to YouTube playlists, you can do so easily. It’s explained in this guide – Using YouTube with FV Player. If you want to create a playlist from various YouTube videos, then you should also check our guide How to Create Playlists.
Keep in mind that using YouTube videos requires an FV Player Pro license.
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: Integrating secured video playerHi himanshu,
Could you please be more specific about what do you mean by integrating a secured video player? Are you looking for a specific solution for your website?
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: No index option missing in postsHi Vibhi,
Using the “noindex” is available only for posts and pages, so you would have to set it individually for every post. Is this what you are asking about?
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: Issues with ExoClick "In-Stream" adsHi Jeny,
If you are not receiving any pre-roll ads, this might just be because ExoClick doesn’t serve an ad with every video play. It is mentioned in our guide Using ExoClick Ads With FV Player (“The ad won’t load every time since the ad container might be empty – that’s due to the ad server settings.”) and also in their FAQ:
I don’t see any In-Stream ads. Why?
Often the reason for not seeing an In-Stream ad is that you are getting an empty VAST response. When there is no video ad to show, our ad-server replies with an empty VAST XML, as per the VAST 3.0 standard. In such cases, your video player should simply play the content video without an ad.
We are not displaying a video ad on every single video play, so this behaviour is normal and to be expected.
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: Issues with ExoClick "In-Stream" adsHi Jeny,
The VAST tag should work individually without the Exoclick setting in FV Player Pro. Could you please remove the zone ID from Settings > FV Player Pro > Actions tab > Exoclick Ads (Pro) and test again? Because the zone ID in Pro player settings is probably generating a blank ad, which should not appear as the ID is from a different ad type.
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: Issues with ExoClick "In-Stream" adsHi Jeny,
I’m not sure what happened on the forum, we had no reports like this before. As for the In-Stream situation – have you generated the code for “Another VAST-Compatible Player” in the ad zone settings in ExoClick and have you pasted it to FV Player VAST (not FV Player) settings? It’s all explained in our guide Using ExoClick Ads With FV Player.
I did a quick check on whether ExoClick hasn’t changed anything in this process, but everything works the same (you can check the demo video).
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: How to put player for domain phpHello Nufie,
The source code of FV Player can be found here –
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: How to put player for domain phpHello Nufie,
Could you please elaborate what do you mean by putting the player for “domain php”?
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: How to remove embed linkHi Arefeen,
Thank you for this question. I noticed that this information was missing from our guide Using the Iframe Embedding, so I added it there (Deactivating Embedding Button).
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: Tab numbering/naming in tabbed playlistHi Stan,
Do you mean changing the captions of the playlist items? You should be able to do so in the shortcode editor in the settings for the individual videos (as it’s explained in our guide How to Create Playlists).
EduardHi Pamela,
VTT Chapters are available only in FV Player Pro. If you do own the Pro license and still have the issue, could you please let me know what document do you mean?
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: Click URL problemHi Linda,
If you can see only one ad per day, you should check if you haven’t activated Limit ad playback function in Settings > FV Player Pro > Video Ads? It is specifically designed for this purpose.
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: Remove space between videos in widgetsHello KB,
Before sharing any access credentials, could you please test this with one of the default WP themes (for example Twenty Sixteen)?
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: Click URL problemHi Linda,
I played the video, clicked on the ad and got redirected to without any problems. Are you seeing the 404 error on some specific devices or have you managed to fix the problem?
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: YouTube Splash Screen on AndroidHello Pádraig,
Thank you very much for the detailed analysis. I’ll ask our CSS designer about this and see what can be done.
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: No index option missing in postsHello Vibhi,
To be able to add noindex to posts and pages, you will first need to activate in the settings. Go to Settings > FV Simpler SEO > Extra Interface Options and there check the option Add no index checkbox to post editig screen.
Then you should be able to see the Add noindex button when editing posts (as you can see in the attached screenshot).
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: Creating online cinema for local moviesHi Faig,
Thank you for your interest in our services. FV Player is a video player plugin for WordPress and comes in a free and paid version (FV Player Pro). The free version contains the majority of the functions, except some advanced hosting solutions (YouTube, Vimeo, CloudFront and a couple of CDN services), custom video ads and a handful of other features.
If you want to build your website from scratch, we also offer an advanced service package called Your Private Netflix, which is basically creating a members video site with a lot of well-categorized videos with structured pages for each film and user voting, structurally similar to Netflix and other VOD services. In short, it’s a full development of an ultra-advanced membership site with superb video workflow for a fraction of a price that most agencies would ask for this kind of work.
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: Video security on elearning websiteHi Adams,
Trying out the free player at first is a good idea. You can check our guide CSS Tips and Fixes – there are some adjustments you might find helpful.
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: White block over social network iconsHi Alan,
It seems that the white block is appearing because the theme is using non-standard styling for the <label> element. It has position absolute and background set to white. If you switch off all of this styling, you’ll see that it’s the Embed link in the share bar of our player.
This issue is therefore related only to your theme, so you should try to fix it there. This is, unfortunately, not something we can foresee and make resilient measures.
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: YouTube Splash Screen on AndroidHello Pádraig,
Downgrading FV Player Pro is currently not available, but we would like to make this option available in the future.
I was not able to replicate your issue on three different Android devices. What OS version were you using?
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: Video errors labeled as "Unknown".Hi Lukas,
Yes, you should and I’d also recommend setting up the CORS headers. That will allow you to play videos on desktop browsers in HLS.js and without the need of Flash. It’s all explained in our guide Using HLS With FV Player.
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: Remove space between videos in widgetsHello KB,
Could you please send us a link to a page on your website where this issue can be seen?
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: White block over social network icons7 years ago in reply to: Click URL problemHi Linda,
I’d like to know more about this issue. Do you mean that when a user clicks on your custom video ad, he gets redirected to a wrong page? Or is this an issue with another ad format?
It would be best if you could send me a link to a page on your website where this issue can be seen.
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: Video security on elearning websiteHi Adams,
Although this is not possible right now, you can hide the fullscreen button completely and let your users use the “f” key shortcut for opening the fullscreen mode (list of keyboard shortcuts can be found in this guide.
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: Interactive Transcript ImprovementsHi Clod,
Thank you for feedback. May I ask, what exactly do you mean by “Setting for a value for scroll positioning”?
EduardHi Inka,
Re-encoding an MP4 to HLS is possible for free via the FFmeg multimedia framework (here’s a guide on how to do it – How to Convert MP4 to HLS), or you can do so with Amazon Elastic Transcoder, but that can be done only for a fee (as most of AWS services). You can follow our guide How to setup encrypted HLS stream with Amazon Elastic Transcoder to do so, just skip the part about the encryption.
As for the slower buffering of your video – the file is hosted on Amazon S3 and the server is located in the North California region (US West 1). I’m located in Central Europe, therefore it takes more time to load data from a server located that far.
If your website has a global audience, you should probably consider using a CDN, for example AWS CloufFront.
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: Video errors labeled as "Unknown".Hi Lukas,
Well, the issue with the stream you have sent is that there is incorrect mime type on server (null), and the server itself denied access to the file (403 Forbidden error). You can see both in the video checker report I attached.
Eduard- This reply was modified 6 years, 12 months ago by Eduard.
Hello Inka,
It would also help if you could use the built-in video checker, take a screenshot of the report and post it here.
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: Video errors labeled as "Unknown".Hi Lukas,
The “Unknown” event category means that the engine used for the video playback is unknown. However, I see the video name is still tracked.
Since the video fails before it could play, it doesn’t record what FV Player engine was used. We adjusted the code to track “Unknown engine” instead, so that will be less confusing. The fix should be released with the next update.
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: Error in frontend.php on line 1637 years ago in reply to: Audio only with the Ab Loop functionHi Chris,
Using audio files (preferrably in MP3 format) with the AB loop is available, you can try it in this demo – MP3 in FV Player. Just use the AB Loop button in the left side, which will activate the loop adjustment sliders.
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: Setting Up Video Quality SwitchingHi Grant,
What kind of video format are you using? If you were using HLS with the HLS.js, this would happen automatically.
If you are using another format and you want to use the manual quality switching, then you can select which video quality will be considered as the default one by changing the order of the available qualities in FV Player’s settings. It’s explained in more detail in this guide – Setting Up Video Quality Switching (check step 3).
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: Video errors labeled as "Unknown".Hi Lukas,
I apologize for the delay. We are currently analyzing the reason why these particular errors are labeled as unknown. I’ll let you know when we find out more.
EduardHi Claudia,
Thank you for reporting this issue. We are currently analyzing it, so I’ll let you know when we have a fix.
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: White block over social network iconsHi Alan,
Thank you for reporting this issue. Could you please send me a link to the video on your website, so I can check it there?
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: Video security on elearning websiteHi Adams,
Setting up the encrypted streams via AWS can be a bit tricky, but you should be able to set it up following our guides. If you run into trouble, let us know here in the forum.
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: Tracking users' video viewsHi Daniel,
Tracking total views is already available via Google Analytics, so we are trying to find an effective way to track the videos per user.
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: Player takes a while to switch to HD7 years ago in reply to: Chapters or transcript but not bothHi Michael,
Sorry that this is taking so long, but we are not able to replicate the issue anymore. Could you please send us a link to a video on your website where this issue can be seen?
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: Video errors labeled as "Unknown".Hi Lukas,
Could you please check the “Page” secondary dimension of the errors and let me know at least one example video with such error, so I can check it?
EduardHello Claudia,
Does the issue you are talking about look like the one in this demo?
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: Detect if video is watched to the endHi Robert,
Thank you for the suggestion. We are currently using our own solution which is integrated with Google Analytics, where you can monitor the events and take a look at what parts of the video have been played. The video is separated into quartile events and if all of these were recorded, then the user has watched the whole video. It will also give you an idea if a part of the video was skipped. The full explanation of this feature is in the part Video Quartiles of our guide Using Google Analytics with FV Player.
Eduard- This reply was modified 7 years ago by Eduard.
7 years ago in reply to: Video security on elearning websiteHi Adams,
I did a quick research on whether Vimeo Pro provides encrypted streams and I was not able to find anything about it. The only mention I found was that they provide DRM for some enterprise accounts, but no details on that. Do you have source I could check?
FV Player Pro can integrate encrypted HLS hosted on Amazon S3 and delivered through CloudFront. These streams are handled either by HLS.js on desktops, or Flash engine. Android and iOS supports the format by default.
You can read more details about HLS in our guide Using HLS With FV Player and check how to create an encrypted HLS stream in AWS in our guide How to setup encrypted HLS stream with Amazon Elastic Transcoder.
EduardHi Nanowhiz,
I apologize for the late reply. Again thanks for all the suggestions and info about Vooplayer. I’ll check with Alec about the discount and let you know as soon as possible.
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: No events in Google AnalyticsHi Angel,
I checked the Network log in browser dev. console while playing your video and I was not able to see the tracking response.
You see, the response URL for every Google Analytics event (including all video events) usually starts with
and includes the parameter of the event. For example, every played video triggers the video start event, so filtering out “video start” after playing a video will show you the specific response. You can try it for instance in this demo.However, on your website, these events are not generated for some reason. I’d, therefore, suggest checking one more time if the Google Analytics is integrated properly to FV Player settings.
If you are not sure if you are doing this right or you are in a hurry, you can always purchase a Pro Support Incident ticket and we can resolve the issue directly in your WP admin.
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: Demo player not working in my ChromeHi Gary,
I checked the guide you linked to and it turned out that the example videos in lightbox were broken. I fixed it, so they now point to our HLS demo. Could you please check again to see if you could watch the videos in Chrome? FV Player works with HLS.js library, so it should not require Flash in Chrome or other modern web browsers (except Internet Explorer).
As for the moderation, we, unfortunately, don’t have the capacities to provide 24-hour support, especially on the weekends, so I apologize for the late reply.
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: Tracking users' video viewsHello Daniel,
Thank you for this interesting suggestion. We already have a solution in development, which would allow you to track users’ video views directly in the user database in your WP admin. Currently, we are discussing the best way to implement this to our plugins.
EduardHi Mitch,
I did some testing and it seems that this is happening only when you are logged in to Google Chrome. It is possible that YouTube is collecting the behavioral data from its page and offers the quality it thinks you use the most as the only available setting. If you test the video in incognito mode or in other browsers without logging in, you should be able to see all four available qualities.
This functionality is probably in place due to ongoing changes in YouTube API, which we are monitoring and will update FV Player accordingly.
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: No events in Google AnalyticsHi Angel,
Could you please send me a link to a video in FV Player on your website? I’d like to check if the events are properly generated.
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: YouTube EmbeddingHello Daniel,
Yes, it is. There is a dedicated Remove logo button in Settings > FV Player Pro > Hosting tab > YouTube (Pro), that will do that.
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: YouTube Channel Player ?7 years ago in reply to: Encrypting AWS video URLsHi Fiona,
S3FlowShield doesn’t really encrypt the content, it just uses a signature that prevents other websites from hotlinking your videos. This can also be done via AWS itself (FV Player supports it, you can read more about it in our guide Serving Private Videos with Amazon S3).
The encryption of the actual video files that can be done via the Amazon Elastic Transcoder will make them inaccessible without the proper decryption key. That means they are protected from hotlinking and even if someone manages to download the video, he won’t see the content of the video – just a black screen.
FV Player Pro can deliver the encrypted videos in HLS format, as you probably already read in the guide. If you were following it and got stuck, just let me know where and I’ll try to help.
If you are in a hurry, we offer a service package called Amazon VIP DRM Encoding Bundle, which will basically have us set your encrypted HLS distribution for you, directly on your site.
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: Multiple Video Player Skins or CustomisationHello,
It’s hard to say, as we were originally planning to finish this in January, but we ran into some obstacles which we resolved together with the Flowplayer team. Now it’s in the closed beta testing phase, so it shouldn’t take too long.
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: Multiple Video Player Skins or Customisation7 years ago in reply to: YouTube Channel Player ?Hello,
Thank you again for the suggestion. FV Player currently doesn’t support YouTube channels, but we could check if it could be implemented.
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: Getting Multiple Buffering ComplaintsHi Luke,
I checked your video and had no problem with buffering. However, I noticed that you are serving in from Amazon S3 from a server located in the eu-west-1 region – the same one in which I’m currently located. If your website traffic is more global, this might be the reason. Users from for instance Asia will experience decreased loading speed given the geographical distance.
This could be resolved by using a CDN, for example, Amazon’s CloudFront, which is supported by FV Player Pro (you can read more about it in this guide – Serving Private Videos via CloudFront.
Thank you for clarification. Although there currently is no dedicated function for this, it could possibly be done via the overlay ads with some CSS modifications. I’ll ask our designer about this and see what could be done.
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: No events in Google AnalyticsHello Angel,
Thank you for your report. Could you please confirm that you have implemented the tracking code from Google Analytics to FV Player settings?
Also, the system starts tracking the video data from the moment you implement the tracking code, so it takes a while for Google Analytics to actually gather the tracking information.
However, after a day, there should already be some data, so if you still can’t see anything, make sure you are not in some kind of filtered view and test the events by playing a video yourself and checking the event log in Real-Time reports. This should show you an immediate response.
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: Chapters or transcript but not bothHi Michael,
As I said, the problem here is probably on our end, as we had similar issues with delivering images via CF. We fixed that and now we are looking into this if it’s the same bug and we’ll hopefully fix it soon.
EduardHello watchthepix,
You should re-install the Pro plugin, the free plugin can remain intact. We’re currently looking into the settings issue, so I’ll let you know what to do as soon as possible.
FV Player Pro works exactly as you have described – you just paste the YouTube link into the shortcode editor (or directly to the src=”” parameter in the shortcode itself) and the player will embed it automatically. No need to generate iframe embed code on YouTube.
It’s explained in more detail in our guide Using YouTube with FV Player.
I was not able to see the video on the page you have sent, but I assume that by the subscription you mean:
- subscribing to the YouTube channel – this is possible to do with the overlay ads, all you need to do is to generate the appropriate code for creating a subscription button on YouTube
- subscribing to newsletter – FV Player has a specific function for this, that will allow you to create a subscription form. It currently works only with MailChimp. You can read all about it in this guide – Email Subscription Form Pop-ups
As for the FV Player branding – we, unfortunately, don’t have such demo, because we have FV Player Pro on our website, but you can test it yourself by installing the free FV Player version. You will be able to see the watermark in the bottom-left corner of the video.
Thank you for this feedback, we’re actually working on creating a more comprehensible comparison that would show which feature is free and which is Pro-exclusive. If you have any other questions about the features, I’ll be happy to answer them.
Thank you for the thorough explanation. Your page, unfortunately, doesn’t work, but I assume that you meant using Facebook videos like in this guide.
This creates an iframe embed of Facebook’s player (which is different from WP’s native video player) – similar to using a direct link to a YouTube video. This is different than serving the YouTube via our player (the difference can be seen in this demo).
We are currently looking into the possibility of using Facebook videos in our player, so I’ll let you know if we get to something.
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: How to Create PlaylistsHello Özlem,
Then please update to the actual version (6.4.2), as the slider playlist style is available only since the version 6.4.
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: Understanding FV player Pro license.Hello,
When you purchase the FV Player Pro license, you will get the plugin and one year of support and updates. After your license expires, you are free to use the Pro player as long as you want, the functions will remain available to you, but you will not receive updates with new features and email support will no longer be available to you.
If you would like to continue to receive updates with new features and Pro support, you can renew your license for another year ($28.00 for renewing before expiration and $58.00 for renewing after the expiration of your original license).
Besides removing our branding, FV Player Pro will allow you to use YouTube and Vimeo videos, use Amazon CloudFront and a couple of other CDNs. It will also add some other features, such as DRM Text, custom video ads, interactive transcript, or ExoClick Ads.
FV Player currently doesn’t support videos hosted on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. If you could find an example of integration of the videos from these platforms in a third-party player, you can send it here and we can analyze it and see what can be done about it.
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: Chapters or transcript but not bothHi Michael,
Thank you for reporting this. It seems that this problem only happens when both functions are used with a video delivered via CloudFront. We’ll look into this and try to fix it as soon as possible.
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: Same VAST tag for some videosHi Florian,
FV Player VAST currently doesn’t offer such setting that would allow you to tag videos based o their content, but even if it had, you would have to set the content tags manually, so you would still probably have to edit all the video shortcodes.
The settings that are available right now are either setting a global ad tag for all videos on your website or set the tag manually for a certain video (or a playlist). If you have just two different content types (for instance SFW / NSFW content), you could set the global tag and then apply the individual VAST parameter just for the videos you want to have the other tag.
If you have more types of content, then we could work out some kind of custom solution for you, if you would like to pay for it.
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: How to Create PlaylistsHello Özlem,
What version of FV Player are you using? Also, could you send me the shortcode of the playlist from your screenshot?
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: adsense issueHi Pier,
The dimension is probably the issue here. To allow the ad box to appear, the ad dimensions must be smaller than the dimensions of your video player box. If the video player is 640×338, the ad box has to be smaller. Even then the box might not appear on some mobile devices as their screen might be even smaller and the player will, therefore, be smaller as well (as it’s responsive).
Try to create a new ad unit with different dimensions, as 728×90 is the Leaderboard format more suitable for placement in web pages. From the defaults in AdSense, I’d recommend Large Rectangle or Large Mobile Banner.
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: How to Create PlaylistsHello Özlem,
The Slider playlist style is available since the version 6.4. You should be able to see it in the shortcode editor when editing the whole playlist (not an individual video) under the Options tab (see attached screenshot). You can optionally activate it by adding the parameter liststyle=”slider” to the playlist’s shortcode.
If you want more detailed info on playlists, check our guide How to Create Playlists.
Eduard- This reply was modified 7 years ago by Eduard.
7 years ago in reply to: Embed function issuesHi Piero,
Thanks for the update. Could you please try to test it again while switching to one of the default WP templates (for instance Twenty Sixteen)? Also, did you install any new plugins since the time the embedding worked on your page? It might be a compatibility issue.
If this issue is time sensitive and you would like it to be resolved as fast as possible, you could purchase a Pro Support Incident ticket and we would resolve the issue directly on your website within a day.
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: Embed function issuesHi Piero,
Thank you for clarification, we’ll look into this issue as soon as possible.
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: Embed function issuesHi Piero,
I apologize, but I didn’t quite get what is the issue. I opened your link and the video played ok. Is there a problem with generating the embed link from it? If you are not able to play the video on that page, could you please let me know what operating system are you using and what browser?
Eduard7 years ago in reply to: Embed function issuesHi Piero,
1) Do you mean the iframe embedding? Could you send me a link to the page where the video is not generated properly?
2) VAST ads along with other scripts are not allowed in AMP pages. There are only a few exceptions, for instance, Vimeo and Youtube iframes. You can read more about the restrictions and regulations in our guide Using FV Player With AMP.
EduardHi Mitch,
The current setting restricts YouTube hosted custom video ads for all iOS devices with the version below 10 (<= 9) and Android devices with the version below 6 (<= 5). This is in place since the FV Player Pro version 0.9.3 (check the changelog for more details). The reason was simply that YouTube video ads were causing issues on numerous devices, so we just turned them off after learning which OS versions caused trouble.
Eduard- This reply was modified 7 years ago by Eduard.
Hello rodarby,
I tested your video on one of our test sites and you are right, it only played in Microsoft Edge. The Video Checker reported no obvious issues, yet when I re-encoded the video in Handbrake following our encoding guide, it suddenly started to work in Chrome.
The difference between the two videos was that your original video was in ISO media format (MPEG-4 Part 12) and the re-encoded video was in mp4 (MPEG-4 Part 14), yet our video checker did not detect it as an issue, so this is something we will improve.