Foliovision › Forums › FV Player › Requests and Feedback › could I use FV Player as stand alone app without wordpress site.
Hello Medal,
FV Player VAST can be used outside WordPress, although it will require a Flowplayer based video player (Flowplayer itself works outside WP, so that shouldn’t be a problem). We have a guide on how to do that – Using FV Player VAST Outside WordPress.
As for FV Player Pro, we don’t have a 100% solution at this moment, as it’s very difficult to adjust anything that requires Ajax for loading (CloudFront, S3, KeyCDN, etc.). On the other hand, we have already resolved how to make Vimeo videos work outside WP. Using the player would however still require you to always make the player’s HTML manually.
EduardHi Eduard,
So If I would like to use FV player VAST Outside WP, I have to purchase FV player 5 or 6 here: then use the solution your suggest here:, right?
Hello Medal,
what video type are you going to use? You should be able to copy the div.flowplayer element from your post HTML and use that. Then just include all the fv-wordpress-flowplayer and fv-player scripts in footer and the CSS file.
We will be working on a non-WordPress version of FV Player too.
Martinhi MArtin,
We have work as you said. But I still wonder, How could we verify fvplayer when we use outside wordpress. Here is our demo use outside wp.
Beside, We coudn’t close youtube ads cause something on top of the player prevent us click through it.
Hello Medal,
I guess you are asking about the license key – you have to provide the fv_flowplayer_conf JS array which you can check on your WordPress website – similar to what you do with fv_vast_conf.
Same for the YouTube issue – make sure you provide the fv_player_pro configuration JS array from the website which has the YouTube working properly.
MartinHi Martin,
+ I added fv_flowplayer_conf as you talked but I still not any change via
+ issue youtube ads, I added var fv_player_pro = {“vimeo_ajax_url”:””,”autoplay_once”:””,”dynamic_domains”:[“\/clouddrive\/share\/”,”\/photos\/share\/”],”debug”:””,”video_ads”:[],”v_dash”:”1″,”youtube”:”1″,”youtube_nl”:””,”youtube_ads_disable”:””,”default_api_server”:””,”video_ads_skip”:”5″,”video_ads_skip_minimum”:”10″};.Hi Martin,,
But I still isue close youtube ads,