Forum Replies Created
Hello Ahmed,
I’ve edited your first post, so the access credentials don’t show up here.
As for your questions:
1) The CloudFront hotlinking protection is not necessary, since the stream is only accessible with the unique decryption key
2) It actually is in the guide, check this part
3) DRM Text shouldn’t be visible. Here is a guide that should explain it – Protecting Videos With DRM Text
4) Adjusting the logo size is currently possible only outside FV Player – meanin you have to edit the original image and then upload the resized version again
Eduard8 years ago in reply to: How to Use Vimeo with WordPressHi Jeff,
It seems that you have used the full link with tracking parameters (probably from a newsletter) – To play the video in FV Player, just use the Vimeo domain + video ID:
EduardHi magentawave,
Shortcode editor not working seems like a serious issue. We had some reports like this and the reason was that in some text editors, shortcode editor doesn’t work in the source view. Could that be the case?
EduardHi magentawave,
Could you try to activate it via the shortcode editor and not in the shortcode itself? You can find the Sharing Buttons option in the Options tab in the shortcode editor. If you can’t find it there, make sure you have this activated in Settings > FV Player > Setup tab > Post Interface Options – there check the box Sharing Buttons.
Eduard8 years ago in reply to: Error in postHi magentawave,
I tested your shortcode and it worked ok with the parameter. Is is possible that you have copy-pasted it and some strange symbol slipped through?
Eduard8 years ago in reply to: JS Error After UpdateHi Amir,
Re-installing FV Player or FV Player Pro actually won’t delete any of your settings or videos, so if you want, you can do so immediately. You can use the zip file for your domain that you can download from
Eduard8 years ago in reply to: UPgrade message won't go awayHi Dan,
This might be caused by WordPress Object Caching, so if you are using it, just purge the object cache and the issue should go away.
Eduard8 years ago in reply to: YouTube pre-roll video demo not workingHi Ernest,
You can purchase the Pro license here and then you will be able to download the Pro plugin from There you will also find the unique license key, that you will use after installing the Pro plugin on your site.
EduardHi Yoshi,
Thanks for the screenshot. This might be a bug in the Pro plugin, so could you please send an URL of a page on your site with the video, so we could check?
EduardHi Yoshi,
What exactly does happen when you try to play the video? Does it appear in a YouTube iframe, or does it show some kind of error message in the playback? It would be best if you could send a link to a test page with the shortcode you have posted, so we could take a look.
Eduard8 years ago in reply to: YouTube pre-roll video demo not workingHi Ernest,
You were right. It should be fixed now, the problem was in the name of the video in AWS.
Eduard8 years ago in reply to: YouTube pre-roll video demo not workingHi Ernest,
Can I ask what device were you using? I can see all the videos on desktop, even the ones in lightbox.
Eduard8 years ago in reply to: Best solution to stream mp3Hi Valerie,
The Elastic Transcoder is made to work manually for a single file only, since every file in AWS has a unique URI. You can however create a trigger function with AWS Lambda, that will for instance automatically create a new transcoding job with preset parameters for every file uploaded to a bucket of your choice and stores the output m3u8 playlist into another bucket.
We haven’t deployed such solution yet ourselves, so we don’t have any documentation about it. There are a couple of guides that I found that might help you with this:
- Easy Video Transcoding in AWS
- Tutorial: Using AWS Lambda with Amazon S3
- Automate transcoding files by AWS Lambda
- Using AWS Lambda for Web Video Transcoding
- AWS HLS Transcoding with Lambda function
As you can see, this requires some level of programming skill. We havent done this yet, but our programmers could implement this solution for you for a price, if you are interested.
Other solution for you (that is in my opinion easier and more secure) is to bulk split your mp3 files to create short excerpts (for instance 30 seconds), that you could host directly from S3. These could be downloaded easily, but that wouldn’t matter, since they wouldn’t be full songs. There are couple of programs that should be able to split a batch of files, for instance this one (although I haven’t tested it personally).
I hope that this will help you.
Eduard8 years ago in reply to: YouTube pre-roll video demo not workingHi Ernest,
If you are referring to the last video on this demo page, then that’s fixed. However, there is currently a problem with YouTube hosted pre-roll ads on iOS and we have temporarily disabled them until it’s fixed.
Eduard8 years ago in reply to: Insert Button Not Working8 years ago in reply to: Resumable VideoHi John,
Could you check if it works when you enable the sharing buttons and/or embed button?
Eduard8 years ago in reply to: Resumable VideoHi John,
Yes, that also could be one of the reasons why it doesn’t work. Could you clear the cache and let me know if it helped?
Eduard8 years ago in reply to: Insert Button Not WorkingHi Valerie,
FV Player’s shortcode editor doesn’t work in the “Text” (or Source) view of some of the content management systems in WordPress. Make sure you switch to “Visual” view. I hope it solves your problem.
Eduard8 years ago in reply to: Mobile Video Icon overlappingHi Ankit,
Thanks for reporting this, we were resolving this issue before. If you are not using the latest versions of our plugins, then please upgrade them.
If you are using the latest versions and the problem still occurs, then please send us a link to a test page where it can be seen. It would also help to let us know what exact mobile device you used and the version of it’s OS.
Eduard8 years ago in reply to: Changing the Background Color of LightboxHi Uwe,
You can add this CSS code into your template’s style sheet:
#fv_player_pro_boxOverlay { opacity: 0.5 !important; background-color: #f4f4f4 ; }
EduardHi Jules,
Our player currently supports embedding, but doesn’t support silent autoplay of videos (only VAST/VPAID ads), or remembering the position on the timeline. These are however good ideas, so we’ll discuss them in our team.
Eduard8 years ago in reply to: Resumable VideoHi John,
Is it possible that you have disabled it in Settings > FV Player Pro > Setup tab > Sitewide FV Player Defaults? Otherwise it should be turned on by default.
Eduard8 years ago in reply to: Remove Google Chrome video download buttonHi Stacey,
I just tested it in a Divi Builder’s text module (using Extra theme) and was able to use the shortcode editor normally. The problem might be that it doesn’t work when you are in the Text view, it only works in the Visual view (check the attached screenshot). Please check, if you were using the correct view.
Eduard8 years ago in reply to: Remove Google Chrome video download buttonHi Stacey,
It’s very easy, just check this guide –
Eduard8 years ago in reply to: javascript errorsHi Deborah,
We did some testing and it appears that the issue is that your theme (Extra) doesn’t use the classic WordPress excerpt filters. The theme executes the shortcode and then removes HTML from it. It should first remove the shortodes, then strip HTML and show that instead – like normal templates do.
The et_truncate_post() function of the Elegant Themes framework only strips the [caption] shortcode, but nothing else. You should contact the theme support to fix that – there should be a strip_shortcodes() function.
EduardHello Allyn,
Thank you again for your feedback. We improved the labeling of the YouTube hosted videos in Google Analytics. From now on, they should be labeled with the video title. The change will be included in the next update of FV Player Pro (0.8.13), that will be released today. The feature will be available in the Beta mode.
Eduard8 years ago in reply to: Set the player as defaultHi Antonio,
What theme are you using? It would be great if you could send a link to your website, co we can check it.
EduardHi abz,
If you would still see the issue, it might just be cached in your browser, so clear the cache first and check again.
Eduard8 years ago in reply to: Video not playing after VAST ad on AndroidHello maroelamedia,
Thank you for reporting this issue. Could you please let us know what mobile devices and versions of Android were the users who reported this using?
EduardHi abz,
The problem is apparently caused by this CSS rule in your theme’s style sheet:
video { min-width: 100%; min-height: 100%; width: 800px; height: 450px; transform: translateY(2%) translateX(-20%); margin-top: -10px; }
Change the transform line to
transform: translateY(0) translateX(0);
Let me know if it worked!
Eduard8 years ago in reply to: Shortcode Editor Looks StrangeHi jdleigh,
I tested this issue with Membersonic Lite (we don’t have Pro), but I was unable to get the same issue as you described. If you would like us to fix this on your site, you can purchase a Pro Support Incident ticket.
Besides that, you can also switch to the old shortcode editor layout. You can do so in Settings > FV Player > Setup tab > Post Interface Options and check the box Enable old interface.
Eduard8 years ago in reply to: javascript errorsHi Deborah,
I’m sorry but I still can’t see the Javascript errors. Could you please send a screenshot?
EduardHi Deborah,
Did you have any errors in the log when you tested it? Here’s a quicke guide on how to access it –
Eduard8 years ago in reply to: Controls dont showHi wakspiddlevak,
There must be something broken on your website, because it crashed at when I tried to open it in Chrome. This is probably not caused by the player, but you can turn off the plugin and check again just to be sure.
As for the AdXpansion, we currently don’t support it (although we started supporting ExoClick some time ago), but it might be added in the future.
Eduard8 years ago in reply to: javascript errorsHi Deborah,
Sounds like there could be a conflict with your template. Did you use the template check button? What did it say?
EduardHello Allyn,
We are currently discussing how to improve the labeling of the YouTube hosted videos.
Eduard8 years ago in reply to: Display ads in free versionHi Antonio,
ExoClick ads are supported, but only in the Pro version. You can read more about it in this guide or on our blog.
Eduard8 years ago in reply to: Display ads in free versionHi Antonio,
If you use the free version, you will be able to use pop-up ads at the end of the video, or overlay pop-ups that can appear during the playback. You can use those for instance with Google Adsense.
Pro version will allow you to use your own videos as ads with other videos on your site in a pre-roll or post-roll. We also offer another plugin for serving VAST/VPAID ads called FV Player VAST .
Eduard8 years ago in reply to: javascript errorsHi Deborah,
Looks like you have removed the video from the homepage, because I don’t see it there. I also don’t see any Javascript error related to our video player.
EduardHi William,
We just released version, that will fix the problem. You might not see it yet in your Plugins screen in WP admin, because the previous version is probably still cached on
However, you can perform a manual update, if you want. Just download the latest version as a zip file from this link. Then just deactivate and delete the current FV Player installation from your WP admin / Plugins (don’t worry, no settings or videos will be lost). Then click Add New, then Upload Plugin (use the zip file) and activate it after the installation is done.
EduardHi William,
I apologize, the problem with the autoplay not working with playlists is actually on our end. We are looking at this right now. I let you know when it’s fixed.
EduardHi William,
We did no changes in the playlist technology. FV Player has gone through some changes in the code recently, but nothing that would influence playlists. We have the newest version here on our website and as you can see in this demo, everything works fine.
Could you send me a link to the page where you have this issue, so I can take a look?
EduardHi Deborah,
I’m glad that everything works. If you ever have any questions, feel free to ask here in forums!
Eduard8 years ago in reply to: VolumeHi nunbaggi,
On iOS devices, the audio level is always under the control of the physical hardware buttons. The volume property is not settable in JavaScript, so the software settings won’t affect it.
You can read more about it in this guide – Safari HTML5 Audio and Video Guide.
Eduard- This reply was modified 7 years, 12 months ago by Eduard.
8 years ago in reply to: Default pre-roll for all videosHi Luis,
Yes, it’s possible with FV Player Pro. You can choose any video and set it as a default pre-roll. This guide should help you with it – Video Advertising Options with FV Player (pre-roll and post-roll). You can also check a demo here.
Eduard8 years ago in reply to: Using FV Player with SquarespaceHi smith234,
Our player is made for WordPress, but you might be able to use it on a Squarespace website, if you really want. You would however have to maintain a WP website, where you would store the videos and use FV Player’s iframe embedding to post the videos to Squarespace website. We found this thread, where it’s explained how the iframes are used on Squarespace :
EduardHi xuhaibkhan,
Thanks for reporting this issue – the player should transfer all these information to the website via the embed. Could you send us a link to the page on your website where the video is posted and also a link to a website where it was embedded?
Eduard8 years ago in reply to: How to Create SubtitlesHi Tung,
Your shortcode is ok, but I can’t reach the address “http://bbland.lo/bruno.vtt” or even “http://bbland.lo”. Try to reupload your subtitles to another server where they will be accessible.
Eduard8 years ago in reply to: How to Create SubtitlesHI Tung,
What kind of issue with subtitles are you experiencing? I did a quick test with YouTube video and self-hosted subtitles and it went fine.
Eduard8 years ago in reply to: YouTube function requestHi clod,
Yes, it works fine with self-hosted MP4s. We are going to implement it in the next update, so I’ll let you know how to use it, once it’s available.
Eduard8 years ago in reply to: Run Video With FV Player Through Cloudfront8 years ago in reply to: YouTube function request8 years ago in reply to: Run Video With FV Player Through CloudfrontHi Jetheat,
Have you correctly set the CloudFront key pairs and added the credentials to FV Player settings? You can find a guide for that here –
As for the CORS, don’t forget to whitelist the headers in <i>CloudFront > Distribution settings > Behaviors</i>. More details are here –
You might also want to read our guide How to setup encrypted HLS stream with Amazon Elastic Transcoder, because it shows the whole process of setting up HLS stream. You can skip the parts that deal with encryption, if you don’t need it.
Eduard8 years ago in reply to: YouTube function request8 years ago in reply to: YouTube function requestHello clod,
We have just created this function, you can test it in this demo –
More details will be specified in the upcoming announcement.
Eduard8 years ago in reply to: HTML popups – dynamic "next page" buttonHi Ferdinand,
I’ll discuss this with our programmers to figure out the best possible solution.
Eduard8 years ago in reply to: MP3 Playlist not workingHello Valerie,
I’m happy to hear that. Let us know if everything in the update works ok.
Eduard8 years ago in reply to: MP3 Playlist not workingHello Valerie,
We actually added the advanced support for MP3 and other audio files right now. From now, on they will behave as videos and you can apply all the settings as custom start/end, AB loop and other. You can see it in this demo –
The audio support will roll out with the next updates, but you can try it right now by installing the newest version of FV Player manually from this link
The manual installation will require you to deactivate and delete the current version of FV Player from WP Admin > Plugins (don’t worry, no settings or videos will be lost) and then installing from the zip file.
After you install the new version, you can activate the advanced audio support option in Settings -> FV Player -> Setup tab Intregrations/Compatibility. Here check the box labeled “Enable audio playback”. If you can’t see it right away, just clear the browser cache.
Eduard8 years ago in reply to: Startend not workingHi Valerie,
Using the start/end time is not good for securing your file from downloading, or restricting access to it, since the whole file can be downloaded via page source. As for your questions about MP3 and playlists, I replied in your other thread –
Eduard8 years ago in reply to: MP3 Playlist not workingHi Valerie,
Although our video player supports MP3 files, we currently don’t have an option of adding them into a playlist. We can discuss adding this feature in our team and let you know.
Eduard8 years ago in reply to: How to fix size only height of the player?Hello Sergio,
I apologize, but I’m unable to replicate the problem. I tried it on IE 10 emulator, but the video contrast remained the same. What version of Windows are you using?
As for the downloading, I can see the option “Save as”, but that allows only the download of the HTML image of the site.
EduardHi Darius,
It should be available after the latest updates. If you don’t see the update available, then it’s probably just a matter of few hours before it shows up as WordPress caches this information.
To perform a manual update right now you can log in at and then download a ZIP file with your plugin there. Before you upload it to your site via wp-admin -> Plugins -> Add New -> Upload, make sure you remove the current installation of the FV Player Pro plugin. No worries, no settings or video will be lost.
Eduard8 years ago in reply to: How to fix size only height of the player?Hi Murat,
You should set the Default Video Size. You can find it in Settings > FV Player Pro > Setup tab > Sitewide Flowplayer Defaults. Here you should be able to set only one of the dimensions and leave the other one blank. Let me know if it worked.
EduardHello Sergio,
The high contrast in IE 10 is probably an option of that browser. You should be able to turn it off by pressing Alt + Left Shift + Print Screen.
As for downloading the video, well, that shouldn’t be so easy. Could you please send a link to your page so I could test it?
EduardHi Darius,
In case you haven’t noticed, we have added the AB loop option into the global settings. You can find it in Settings > FV Player Pro > Pro Features > AB Loop.
EduardHi RM,
YouTube hosted videos should have all the functionalities of videos hosted elsewhere. However, you need to own the Pro license to integrate them via FV Player and not through an iframe. If this is not the cause, then could you please provide a link to the page where the problem occurs, so I can take a look?
Eduard8 years ago in reply to: Video Ads – MidrollHi Bola,
Thank you for your idea! We’ll discuss this within our team and let you know about how we’ll proceed with this function.
Eduard8 years ago in reply to: vast tags are not displayingHello Sarah,
You can also try this test VAST tag from LKQD and see if it works. It should load an ad in the pre-roll.
Eduard8 years ago in reply to: YouTube function requestHi clod,
The problem with this function is that it works only in YouTube comments, so I’m not sure what the functionality should be. Do you want your users to add such links in the comment section on your website?
EduardHi coolwind,
Could you please check the first video in this demo in Safari and see if you experience the same error? I checked it with an emulator and the fullscreen mode worked fine, but we have an older WordPress version. Could you also please share a link to the page where you have experienced the issue, so we could test it there?
EduardHi Devin,
Good to hear that the problem is fixed and didn’t re-appear. Let us know when you get that feedback!
EduardHi Ahmed,
You’ve got a point, AWS doesn’t have a minimum payment.
I apologize, because I might have misled you in my previous message – the videos from KeyCDN are not ‘encrypted’. They are protected from downloading and hotlinking by the secure token, but not encrypted per se. That means no one without the unique access key should be able to use the video link for downloading or using the link on their website.
EduardHi Ahmed,
Yes, I did some testing over the last couple of days and it seems more complicated than I first thought + it’s probably more expensive than AWS. We will probably integrate it some time in the future anyway.
If you want a relatively cheap hosting with content protection, you can use KeyCDN. You can serve encrypted videos (as you can see in this demo) that will not be accessible without the proper key even when downloaded. I haven’t tested it with HLS yet, though. Here is a guide on how to start with KeyCDN, how to create the distribution and how to use it with FV Player – Using KeyCDN With FV Player.
EduardHi Devin,
I’m glad you like the playlists! As for the questions:
1) We had were resolving this problem last week. I tried to replicate your issue with and iPhone 5 emulator, but I always saw just the FV Player play button. What version of the iOS were you using?
2) I added the answer to your question into the Vimeo documentation. Hope it helps!
Eduard8 years ago in reply to: Turn off social sharing for members areaHi cruiseparts,
We’ll cover this in the documentation in the next couple of days, but for now, just activate it in Settings > FV Player Pro > Pro Features or alternatively in Post Interface Options if you want to set it individually.
What it basically does is that it adds a watermark that appears only for a fraction of a second every couple of seconds during the video playback. This watermark contains the user’s ID (if he’s logged in to your site) or his IP and date. This is a protection against screen capturing. Or to be more precise – it will prove that a video has been screencaptured from your website and is your content.
EduardHi Ahmed,
I apologize – there is a way to create a script for converting larger batches of videos, however we have no experience with it yet. I have found this article that might be helpful to you – How To Convert Videos With Elastic Transcoder.
EduardHi Ahmed,
Unfortunately yes, you have to create each HLS stream manually, since it has to convert each video to m3u8 individually. There is no easy way when working with AWS.
EduardHi Russell,
The player should redirect in the same window by default. Does it open a new tab for you?
Eduard8 years ago in reply to: Default video size ignoredHello Gerald,
Yes, that’s how it works. However, this works mainly on the first viewing of the video, because if the user switches quality to something else, the information will store in a cookie and the user will see all other videos load with this quality. If he switches again, the cookie updates and the same thing will happen again.
Eduard8 years ago in reply to: Custom Labels for Chapters and TranscriptionHello clod,
Thanks for the idea, I’ll discuss it with the rest of the team. As I told you in the other thread, we are currently working on improving these features, so it’s an actual topic.
EduardHello clod,
Right now we are working on fixing the compatibility issues of these two features. I’ll get back to you when we have the fix ready and tested.
Eduard8 years ago in reply to: Default video size ignoredHello Gerald,
You can change the order in which they appear by using drag & drop in the Quality Switching settings box in Settings -> FV Player Pro -> Setup tab. You will need to click in the blank area on the right side of the table.
Eduard8 years ago in reply to: Videos not playing on iPhonesHi El,
Could you provide the link to the page with the stream, so we could take a look at it?
Eduard8 years ago in reply to: Clickable link at end of single videoHi cruiserparts,
Thanks for pointing this out, our documentation on this topic was outdated, but it should be up to date now.
I’ll discuss the shortcode option with our programming department, but at this point you can use for instance jQuery for more complicated actions, or of course HTML with CSS styling.
Eduard8 years ago in reply to: Videos not playing on iPhonesHi Matt,
I think that this might be caused by the Simple Social Icons plugin. Could you please turn it off and test it?
EduardHi clod,
That’s odd. What browser are you using and what version? I can see it on Chrome, Firefox and Safari.
Anyway, thanks for sharing your subtitles, I can see now that the player does really have issues with skipping within the transcript, when the chapter and transcript files are different.
I’ll notify our programming department. Thank you for bringing this up.
Eduard8 years ago in reply to: Interactive Transcript ImprovementsHello Sergii,
Thanks for this feedback! You have some good points. The transcript feature is relatively new, so we are still doing some improvements and ideas like yours are always very helpful.
EduardHi Darius,
You could use the Search Regex or a similar plugin to search for a regular expression “[fvplayer“. That would find all your video shortcodes and then you can replace them all with “[fvplayer ab=”true” “, so all your video shortcodes will contain the AB loop parameter and the rest of the parameters will remain intact.
The downside is, that search & replace can be risky, so make sure you create a backup.
EduardHi Darius,
Thank you for pointing this out! It’s really missing in the global settings. I’ll pass this to our programming department.
EduardHi James,
Thanks for the bug report. Could you please check for a Javascript error in the post edit screen? (Here’s a guide on how to do that)