An MP3 audio track played in FV Player. MP3s can be added in the same way as videos, for instance the Add Video button in the shortcode editor. You can learn more about all the possibilities of audio tracks with FV Player in our guide.
- Single File
- Playlist
- Start-end Time
- Speed Buttons
- User AB Loop
- MP3 served via Amazon Cloudfront
- FLAC media file
- MP3 With Interactive Transcript
- Splash Image
- Audio Playlist with Splash Images
- Mixing Video and Audio Tracks in Playlist
- HLS Audio
Single file
Start-end Time
Using the same audio files as in the first player, but starting at 10th second and stopping it at 60 seconds.
Speed Buttons
Experimental, the styling needs to be improved.
User AB Loop
Experimental, the styling needs to be improved.
MP3 served via Amazon Cloudfront
FLAC media file
MP3 With Interactive Transcript
The player below plays the audio track from the Foliovision introduction video with the English transcript.
Splash Image
Foliovision Introduction