I have tried almost everything but I just can’t get my HLS video to work through Cloudfront with FV Player.
I have set up a bucket with transcoded HLS videos (ending in .m3u8).
If I grab the direct link to this file and paste it in my video tag on my WP website, it plays well.
But if I change the front part to my cloudfront url, then it doesn’t work anymore.
I have set up all the options in FV player as standard and when I try to play the video, FV Player shows an Admin Issue. When I check it, it says CORS Headers Missing.
Although I’m not a techie, online tutorials seem to suggest that my CORS file in my S3 seems to be ok.
<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
<CORSConfiguration xmlns=”removed_link”>
</CORSConfiguration>Any idea what the issue could be?