Forum Replies Created
Hello Supriya,
you can use this CSS:
.fp-timeline {
display: none;
}Or you can use live=”true” in the shortcode.
MartinHello Cruiserparts,
thank you for an interesting questions – no, these ads won’t be blocked, as they are loaded from your own website (or from where the video ad files are hosted).
Martin9 years ago in reply to: How to change subtitle font size?Hello Zizan,
I was thinking – is your whole WordPress website set to the Malay language? If you use the Malay WordPress translation, then it’s easy for us to detect that language and use it as a label for the subtitles button.
Martin9 years ago in reply to: Closed Captions ButtonHello Gary,
please post your answers here so that I don’t have to repost it from email. You can post without logging in, just use your email address.
We need to improve this, in the meantime you can fix it in the code:
Martin9 years ago in reply to: Video Ad Skip ButtonHello Cody,
please update to FV Player Pro 0.5.9, it should fix the autoplay issue with the video ads. Could you please let us know how it works for you?
Martin9 years ago in reply to: Video Ad Skip ButtonHello Cody,
I had a look at your licensed website and I can see that your video ad doesn’t behave a like an add – there is no information about the remaining time and no skip button. I found why it breaks – because you use autoplay for that video. I’m going to fix that now, thank you for the bug report!
Also, your main video appears to be stored on Google Drive. It only plays for me if I’m logged in into Google. We recommend Vimeo as a effective video host + encoding service:
Martin9 years ago in reply to: Video Ad Skip ButtonHello Cody,
make sure you entered your license code to Settings -> FV WordPress Flowplayer -> (field at the top of the screen) and let us know what domain you are using so we can check why you don’t see the update. But perhaps it’s just natural delay of WordPress updates, they don’t show up instantly. You can also grab a fresh copy of the plugin at -> My Products.
Martin9 years ago in reply to: Video Ad Skip ButtonHello Cody,
how long are your video ads? We would like to add an universal setting of minimal ad length for the skip button to show up. That way your short pre-rolls (perhaps with your site logo) would go without any skip button but in case you have 30 second ads, these should show up with a skip button.
And actually if you mean that you only want to show the video ad on some of the ads, you can simply set the individual video to now show any ad using Video Ads -> No Ad in the shortcode editor (or typing ads=”no” to it).
Also, did you mentioned issues when using the skip button?
Martin9 years ago in reply to: Video Ad Skip ButtonHello Cody,
I had a look:
Video ad click not opening the link – I’m getting the same behavior when using YouTube video as an ad. It works for normal video files though. Please upgrade the FV Player Pro – I just released version 0.5.8 which will fix the issue for you.
Regarding your request to add a feature to hide the skip button for some video ads – we will have a look at in in our team and decide if we want to add this feature. I think it would work nicely on a per-ad basis, thank you for the suggestion!
Martin9 years ago in reply to: Custom post type title contains html span tagHello JP,
I guess it’s needed if Easy Digital Downloads adds the tags the way it does.
Thank you for showing us your fix, we will put it into the plugin code!
9 years ago in reply to: How to change subtitle font size?Hello Zizan,
we need to improve our support for subtitle languages.
If you know a bit of PHP you can edit models/flowplayer-frontend.php and add this to where < track > element is created:
srclang="my" label="Malay"
Martin9 years ago in reply to: Issue with video ads.Hello Kerry,
I realized there is a bug when using YouTube as the custom video ads. FV Player Pro 0.5.7 fixes the issue, please upgrade to it and let us know if you still have any issue.
Martin9 years ago in reply to: S3 Protected Content vs s3FlowshieldHello Balduro,
you are right that our “foliovision” and “MySite” users are not entirely the same, but the point is the “MySite” user how which you generate the access keys has the ReadOnly permissions for Amazon S3.
It’s weird that your URLs are not signed in the code. Could you please post some [fvplayer] shortcode which you use (you can shorten the URL) and what you entered into “Amazon S3 Protected Content” -> “Amazon Bucket” field?
Martin9 years ago in reply to: Can’t play my live RTMPHello Oscar,
the shortcode with rtmp and rtmp_path works for me, are you sure FV WordPress Flowplayer is on the latest version? That is
Martin9 years ago in reply to: Can’t play my live RTMPHello Oscar,
at what time is the stream live? It appears to be 0-4 AM our time which is not very good for us.
It appears the issue is with parsing. Please try to change [fvplayer src="rtmp://{your-ip-here}/hls/:live"] into [fvplayer rtmp="rtmp://{your-ip-here}/hls/" rtmp_path="live" live="true"]
We only count on rtmp://{your-ip-here}/hls/{extension:}live but if there is no externsion, there is a problem. But I see we could detect the “:” symbol.
Martin9 years ago in reply to: Can’t play my live RTMPHello Oscar,
please send us the stream info and let us know when it will be live again. We will not publish it if you don’t wish to.
Martin9 years ago in reply to: Windows Phone 8.1 issue playing a videoHello Carlos.
so there are no issues with Windows Phone and it’s all about WPLMS? We heard about this issue before, here’s a guide for it from WPLMS authors:
This should help with your videos. It won’t fix our playlist integration when using Ajax loading though (that’s what WPLMS modules use), improving that is on our list.
Martin9 years ago in reply to: Issue with video ads.Hello Kerry,
yes, you should be able to self-host the video ad. You can mix selfhosted videos with YouTube or Vimeo.
What we haven’t fully tested is using YouTube as an ad in front of Vimeo and vice-versa.
However I’m noticing some other issues on your website – the first video “Youtube player with youtube video ad (pre-roll)” won’t play. It seems to be a conflict with the elementQuery.min.js script in your theme. Could you please let us know if you are also noticing this? Does is still happen with the default WordPress theme?
I’m also noticing that I can’t close the YouTube text/graphic ad. This is supposed to be fixed already (they changed the dimensions lately), so I’ll check again.
Martin9 years ago in reply to: Windows Phone 8.1 issue playing a videoHello Carlos,
could you please try our homepage video on your website?
[fvplayer src="" mobile="" width=598 height=356 splash=""]
Perhaps the issue is with your video encoding. Could you please report the video using video checker? Here’s how:
Martin9 years ago in reply to: Can’t play my live RTMPHello Oscar,
actually please upgrade to FV WordPress Flowplayer – we fixed the RTMP parsing for these streams where the stream name has no mp4: (or other) prefix.
Please let us know if it works for you, it helped on our test stream with no “mp4:”
Martin9 years ago in reply to: Playlist with control no control optionHello Al,
if you have our FV Flowplayer license you can just use the FV Player Pro extension plugin which allows you to use custom video ads just like you describe:
In the latest version you can set any ad to be default for the whole website and even specify video ad on video by video basis.
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Martin9 years ago in reply to: Can’t play my live RTMPHello Oscar,
unfortunately there is a bug in core Flowplayer (it’s already reported), if you still have the latest version of FV Flowplayer 6 installed please try using this:
[fvplayer rtmp="rtmp://" rtmp_path="mp4:test"]
Or could you just post your exact RTMP URL so we can try it?
You can try to do the following to increase the RTMP buffer length in fv-wordpress-flowplayer/flowplayer/fv-flowplayer.min.js to avoid jittery performance:
Just addend this at end of the file after any } closing bracket:
flowplayer.conf.bufferTime = 6;
Make sure you clear your browser cache after you tweak this and please let us know if it helped. The default values is 3 (seconds) so putting in 6 or 10 should really improve the playback.. We might put it into the plugins settings if it helps.
Martin9 years ago in reply to: Windows Phone 8.1 issue playing a videoHello Carlos,
could you please check the video on our homepage?
It works for me on Nokia Lumia 1320 which also has Windows Phone 8.1. Here’s the complete user agent string:
Mozilla/5.0 (Mobile; Windows Phone 8.1; Android 4.0; ARM; Trident/7.0; Touch; rv:11.0; IEMobile/11.0; NOKIA; Lumia 1320) like iPhone OS 7_0_3 Mac OS X AppleWebKit/537 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile Safari/537
Could you please visit and post yours?
Also what does say? On our Lumia it says:
Are you Windows Phone 8.1? true
Do you support inlineVideo? falsePerhaps we need to tweak inlineVideo to report as false for older Lumia phones.
Martin9 years ago in reply to: Creating a loop functionHello John,
please upgrade to FV Player Pro 0.5.6 which fixes this issue.
Please let us know if there is anything else about the AB loop.
Martin9 years ago in reply to: Playlist not working properly after updateHello John,
I can see the bug when I try to skip to the next playlist item.
Please upgrade to FV Player Pro 0.5.5 and the issue will be solved. Please remember to clear any kind of cache your site is using (cache plugin, CDN…).
Martin9 years ago in reply to: Playlist not working properly after updateHello John,
could you please post the URL where we can see this? There was no change which should affect this and if there is a bug we will fix it right away.
Martin9 years ago in reply to: HTML5: VIDEO FILE NOT FOUNDHello Kerry,
could you please post the exact shortcode you are/were using? I see you are using standard Vimeo iframe now. If you can switch back to using FV Player Pro advanced embedding, I can check what’s wrong with it, today I’m available until 2PM UTC.
The Vimeo file URL is refreshed with each single visitor to make sure its fresh as these URL expire (and thus are resilient to hotlinking).
Martin9 years ago in reply to: Using Vimeo and YoutubeHello shamman357,
we released FV Player Pro 0.5.4. Please upgrade to it and your issues should be fixed.
Make sure to check our release notes to see the new YouTube Playlist (Channel) feature:
Martin9 years ago in reply to: Change default text of email share and tweetsHello cruiserparts,
as this point the “Check the amazing video here:” part can be adjusted with fv_player_sharing_mail_content WordPress filter hook, but I see it could be a setting.
Regarding using tinyurl or similar service – do you have some plugin which we could just hook into our plugin? I think most of these services require API key to generate the shortened links reliably, so it’s not that easy.
Martin9 years ago in reply to: Using Vimeo and YoutubeHello shamman357,
do you use multiple YouTube videos on a single page? I noticed there are some issues with that, so we will get it fixed.
MartinHello Kerry,
do you want to remove the controlbar? In that case try adding this to the shortcode:
If you want to get rid of the timeline, you can try:
The “live” attribute can also be used from within the shortcode editor once enabled in FV WordPress Flowplayer -> Post Interface Options
Martin9 years ago in reply to: Using Vimeo and YoutubeHello shamman357,
when I open your link I get:
“This Course can not be taken. Contact Administrator.”
Can you post a link to some test page? Are you using YouTube or Vimeo videos? How to reproduce the bug?
Martin9 years ago in reply to: Hiding the “this ad will end in…” messageHello Kerry,
as a quick solution you can just add the following to your theme CSS:
.fv-cva-time { display: none }
I see that there could be some more settings for this, for example a text input where you type in “Please wait for % seconds…” or just leave it empty and nothing would appear.
Martin9 years ago in reply to: Amazon S3 on AndroidHello Alessandro,
sorry about the delay. Unfortunately I can see you already removed your test page. Is there any other page where I can see some video?
Martin9 years ago in reply to: Redirect no longer workingHello Jeremy,
thank you for the bug report!
I found the problem – it’s in fv-wordpress-flowplayer/flowplayer/fv-flowplayer.min.js. Look for:
var url ='redirect');
And change it to:
var url ='fv_redirect');
Are you able to do such edit? If so, that would help with our testing. Please make sure you clear your browser cache after you do this fix and reload your page with video to see the change.
Martin9 years ago in reply to: Redirect no longer workingHello Jeremy,
could you please try entering absolute URL? That means full not just /ad-9302/
Unfortunately your links leads to a membership page, so I can’t test it.
MartinHello Sergey,
could you please let us know what browser you use on what OS (it’s Windows, but what version?) so we can have a look ourselves?
Martin9 years ago in reply to: Tremor TagsHello Matthew,
thank you!
Did you see the 0.4.1 upgrade in your WordPress plugins screen? If not, then we have to fix it.
Martin9 years ago in reply to: Tremor TagsHello Matthew,
I tested the VAST URL as it is on here: And it worked, I got an ad playing.
Please make sure you upgrade to FV Player VAST 0.4.1, you are only on version 0.4. Please let us know if you don’t see the update available, it should be there. We have done some improvements to the update system.
With version 0.4.1 the ads will work.
Martin9 years ago in reply to: Tremor Tags9 years ago in reply to: autoplay just once?Hello Bruno,
I removed your domains, so the links are not complete but they still serve us for a reference.
I had a look at your website. Unfortunately Autoptimize appears to cause the issue. The thing is removes any <script> tags and moves everything to a single cached file where all JavaScript files are merged into one.
However that doesn’t appear to work with wp_localize_script(). It’s a core WP function which we use to set configuration parameters for our players.
Does the plugin offer any option to not combine inline JavaScript? wp_localize_script() only produces static array definitions, there will be no performance penalty from having it in the HTML. I found that a hook like this can be used to skip combine/minify of inline JavaScript: Are you able to put that up on your website?
I tried it on a test site and it helped. Now I posted about this whole Autoptimize issue here as well:
I also promised you a JavaScript hook when a video autoplay is skipped if user already autoplayed the video – the “autoplay just once” function. Sorry about the delay, I’ll work on that now and tomorrow.
Martin9 years ago in reply to: Adaptive watermark sizeHello Olexander,
we are having success with the following CSS:
@media (max-width: 600px){
.flowplayer .fp-help p{font-size:9px;}
.flowplayer .fp-logo{max-width: 130px;}
@media (max-width: 359px) {
.flowplayer .fp-logo{max-width: 90px;}
}We will include this in the next plugin version. If you have experience with tweaking CSS on your site and you can try it out, that would be helpful.
Martin9 years ago in reply to: FV Flowplayer 6 update issuesHello Asanka,
I had a look at on Chrome 45.0.2454.93 on OS X 10.9.5 and I couldn’t see the issue on homepage nor single article page.
Could you please:
1) Let us know what Chrome version you use?
2) Check what addons you use in your Google Chrome?
3) If you have some web development skills, can you paste any error messages from your Chrome Developer Tools Console?
I’m not sure about, it appears you deactivated the plugin there, could you please reenable it?
Martin9 years ago in reply to: LicensingHello Matt,
could you please double-check that you downloaded the version for Make sure you click the green download icon next to the domain name at I had a look and it appears you are using version from
Martin9 years ago in reply to: Update problemHello Miguel,
sorry about the issues, we had some issues with the update processes, but since version it should be much less severe.
The settings should definitely not be disappearing. If the FV Player Pro becomes in active some of the settings might be hidden, but should still be there.
Martin9 years ago in reply to: Custom post type title contains html span tagHello JP,
I’m sorry about the delay, we are very busy at this moment.
Could you please check if adding strip_tags() to this line will help?
If that helps your site we can add it to our plugin.
Martin9 years ago in reply to: HLS – m3u8 – large .ts filesHello Ganesh,
you can find our recommended solution for HLS documented here:
I’m not sure if your convertor is doing it right, I expect shorter segments are required for adaptive quality switching, as the recommended value is 10 seconds:
You could try to ask at their support forums if they used their HLS with web video successfully.
Martin9 years ago in reply to: youtube autoplay not workingHello Michal,
sorry about the inconvenience. It works for us here:
So we will have to look at your website if there is any conflict with some other JavaScript.
I had a quick look and it appears to be a problem with the “WP PRO Advertising System” – notice on your browser JavaScript console that you get the error “Uncaught ReferenceError: clickable_paszone is not defined”.
You should be forwarding this report to the developers of that plugin. I believe it’s paid, so you should get some good support with removing that error from your website.
On the other hand, we should make sure a global JavaScript error like this won’t stop our plugin.
Martin9 years ago in reply to: Custom post type title contains html span tagHello JP,
could you please let us know what plugin you use for itemprop markup (I guess it’s
Our plugin uses get_the_title() to get the post title, so perhaps some plugin is putting in the markup on that filter.
MartinHello Mike,
I figured out that the account has been already setup.
I had a look at the website – the problem is that our plugin checks your website as not logged in user and you require a login to be able to access the site.
What we can do it our plugin is detect that it has been redirected to a login form and say that the site appears to be password protected and we can’t check it automatically.
MartinHello Mike,
at this point it’s not clear why is it failing for you, but it could be because of the editor you are using.
Martin9 years ago in reply to: FV Player Pro version 0.5Hello Katalina,
you need to make sure you have FV WordPress Flowplayer (or any bigger number as the new updates come up):
FV Player Pro should be at version 0.5.2. Version 0.3.8 is too old now. If you are still at version 0.5.1, then there might be some issue with the autoupdates and I would recommend you download the plugin ZIP file from -> My Products -> Extensions -> FV Player Pro – and the install from that.
Once that version is installed, further updates should work fine.
Martin9 years ago in reply to: FV Player Pro version 0.5Hello Katalina,
please upgrade to the latest version – 0.5.2. If you do not see the upgrade, you can try turning the plugin off and back on or you can grab if from -> My Products -> Extensions -> FV Player Pro. The older versions had a bug in the update code which caused the updates to be often delayed.
Also, make sure that you are on latest version of FV WordPress Flowplayer. Our goal is to make this easy for our users, but obviously we have missed some of the edge cases.
Martin9 years ago in reply to: FV Player Pro version 0.5Hi Katalina,
please check if you have any other version of FV Player Pro installed. If you do, please deactivate it and remove it. Only the last version needs to be installed and active.
you can just use our shortcode editor to upload the splash image using the “Add Image” button next to the “Splash image” field. That way the image is stored in WP Media Library.
If you change the site domain, you will need to do search and replace in the post content, but you need to do that anyway for the images in posts.
Martin9 years ago in reply to: RTMP Stream of mp3 filesHello Jodi,
supporting CloudFront for audio files is one thing, but serving it over RTMP is another. I found no proof that this should work at a glance.
Could you please post the articles which you used so far?
Martin9 years ago in reply to: RTMP Stream of mp3 filesHello Jodi,
our CloudFront feature was not designed with audio in mind.
We will talk about this in our team – perhaps we could add at least a basic support for audio.
Martin9 years ago in reply to: Closed Captions ButtonHello Gary,
yes, FV Flowplayer 6 is out:
Just make sure your license is active when you upgrade, if you need to Pro features like Vimeo, YouTube, lightbox or quality switching.
Martin9 years ago in reply to: Adaptive watermark sizeHello Olexander,
thank you for the feature request, it is true that the logo is sometimes too big for mobile display.
We will try using some generic responsive CSS for it.
Martin9 years ago in reply to: vast tags are not displayingHello Jon,
I had a look here:
I see you put in __player-width__ and __player-height__ properly, but you haven’t taken care of the other argument – ua and ip. However these should be not needed as we are not using a server side parsing for the ad. rnd=random_number should certainly be changed to rnd=__random-number__
I got no ads as well, but we are in Europe, so that’s normal. I tried a VPN in USA and it still wouldn’t load.
I even tried to switch the ad from output=vast to output=vpaid, but no dice.
Could you please:
1) Ask your ad provider for a test ad? They might have not enough ads in rotation to be able to show an ad on each video play, but the test ad should work all the time.
2) Ask your provider for some documentation for all the parameters which they use in the ad URL?
Martin9 years ago in reply to: Closed Captions ButtonHello Gary,
please check our subtitles demo here:
There is a button to turn subtitles on and off at the right side of the control bar.
We must work on allowing you to add multiple language subtitles, but the basic on/off works.
Martin9 years ago in reply to: vimeo html 5 errorHello Malc,
well, we have a national holiday tomorrow. WP Super Cache won’t be a cause for this. Could you please put up on Wednesday?
You can also order our pro support and we will fix the issue right on your website: That would be faster than having to figure it out the way we do it now, but we can continue this troubleshooting.
Martin9 years ago in reply to: Overall Youtube EmbedHello Grunt,
this is now part of our plugin, see our guide here:
Martin9 years ago in reply to: vimeo html 5 errorHello Malcolm,
I had a look, but there appears to be some strange issue with core WP Transients. Are you on some cached WordPress hosting?
Could you please post this video on some test page?
That will allow us to troubleshoot this better.
Martin9 years ago in reply to: vimeo html 5 errorHello Malcolm,
I can see the issue here:
It plays well on our website though. I’m looking into it.
Martin9 years ago in reply to: vimeo html 5 errorHello Malcolm,
can you switch it back now? I’ll be able to check it until 4PM UTC and then also later in the evening.
MartinHello Kenneth,
could you please send over a demo URL?
It works for us here: Could you please test it and let us know what browser you use?
Martin9 years ago in reply to: change subtitles colorHello paddy,
I see you are already trying to do the CSS here:
Martin9 years ago in reply to: How to use Flowplayer in WordPress template?Hello Satri,
our shortcode is primarily [fvplayer]. We also don’t support the id attribute.
Could you please let us know more about your issue?
Martin9 years ago in reply to: vimeo html 5 errorHello Malcolm,
unfortunately I’m not able to reproduce the issue as on your website you are not using FV Player Pro for Vimeo right now. Can you re-enable the advanced Vimeo embedding?
I setup a demo of your video under “Malcolm” here, does it work for you?
Martin9 years ago in reply to: How to change subtitle font size?Hello paddy,
sorry about the delay, could you please let us know where you changed this? Do not edit the CSS file in the plugin as next plugin upgrade will remove it. Also it’s written out with the color settings on options save, so you won’t see the changes immediately.
If you edited the CSS of your theme, you must make sure your rule takes priority over FV Flowplayer CSS. If it’s loaded before that, you must put in ID of some wrapper element used by your theme – the basic CSS rules apply here.
You can also order “Custom CSS changes to make FV Player work within your theme” here:
We might just add this to plugin settings (background color/opacity), but we have other more important fixes to take care of right now.
Martin9 years ago in reply to: Amazon S3 on AndroidHello Alessandro,
sorry about the delay, but I haven’t found your reports. Could you please try to resubmit them?
1) Could you please try if the video here works on these Android phones?
2) What about these?
3) If the video in (1) works, could you please try to host this video on your Amazon S3? Will it play?I’m trying to figure out if the issue if bound to your website, your specific Amazon S3 or Flowplayer core.
Martin9 years ago in reply to: flash: Video File Not Found for VimeoHello Chi,
FV WordPress Flowplayer released today fixes the issue for Flash engine with older Vimeo videos.
Martin9 years ago in reply to: flash: Video File Not Found for VimeoHello Chi,
I can see the issue. This only affects the old Vimeo CDN when used with Flowplayer Flash engine (not much users are Chrome, Firefox, IE all support MP4 in HTML5). You are currently using Settings -> FV WordPress Flowplayer -> “Prefer Flash player by default”, so then more users get the issue. Could you try disabling it.
We are releasing a new FV WordPress Flowplayer tomorrow, so it will include the fix.
Martin9 years ago in reply to: Amazon S3 on AndroidHello Alessandro,
could you please submit that video checker report using the “Send to Foliovision” button?
I had no issues with Chrome on Android 4.3 Huawei phone nor iPhone (iOS 6 and iOS 7).
Martin9 years ago in reply to: mobile player not working for YouTubeHello Frank,
please upgrade to FV Player Pro 0.5.1. If you don’t see the upgrade right away, please get it from We noticed that these updates are often too delayed and this new version fixes it.
Also upgrade to FV WordPress Flowplayer to fix the logo issue.
Martin9 years ago in reply to: FV Flowplayer 6 update issuesHello Curtis,
please upgrade to FV Player Pro 0.5.1. If you don’t see the upgrade right away, please get it from We noticed that these updates are often too delayed and this new version fixes it.
Regarding the YouTube issue – YouTube API has changed the Android support a bit, so we need to acomodate the changes. Our goal is to make the mobile YouTube playback a single click which is not happening right now (requires two clicks).
smith234, I was able to reproduce and fix this. Please upgrade to FV WordPress Flowplayer and it will work.
Martin9 years ago in reply to: flash: Video File Not Found for VimeoHello Malc,
please upgrade to FV WordPress Flowplayer which was released now and you should not have the issue anymore.
The problem was that the logo link was not set properly and your logo was probably covering your player area as it was too big.
Martin9 years ago in reply to: FV Flowplayer 6 update issuesHello Curtis,
we are still working on this. When we first put in Flowplayer 6 into our plugin it was version 6.0.2 and YouTube worked with that. However later, right before we released FV Flowplayer 6 for public there was a Flowplayer 6.0.3 release with some small bug fixes, so we put that in. And that causes the YouTube issue.
Martin9 years ago in reply to: flash: Video File Not Found for VimeoHello Chi,
the fix will be part of the next plugin version, so no worries about upgrading, just upgrade the plugin when you see a new version.
Martin9 years ago in reply to: FV Flowplayer 6 update issuesHello Robert,
could you please check if you entered the FV Wordpres Flowplayer license key? If you did then you should see an upgrade for FV Player Pro version 0.5 which you need to execute.
If you don’t see it, then there must be some problem. As a quick fix, you can just get FV Player Pro from -> My Products -> Extensions -> FV Player Pro. Download that ZIP file and install FV Player Pro from it.
Hello Curtis,
I checked the issue on your website with an Android 4.3 phone. The issue appears to be that your logo is so big that users click (touch) that instead of the player play icon. So then the link on the logo opens instead of the video.
This should not be happening, there should be no link like that on the logo. We will get it fixed on Monday. As a quick fix you can just remove your custom logo.
Martin9 years ago in reply to: AJAX Portfolio and flowplayerHello Fab,
looks like you should be able to replaced the part labeled as “activate html5 video player” with it.
As I said perhaps we should check if there are new <video> tag periodically and add Flowplayer on them automatically. It would be an advanced integration option available in settings. We will have to discuss this on our team.
Martin9 years ago in reply to: FV Flowplayer 6 update issuesHello Marek,
you should be checking why the fonts are missing in that directory.
It appears you might have the Media Element player hard-coded in your theme, so try disabling that.
Since this is an issue with your website, you can as well order our pro support and we will get it fixed right on your website:
Martin9 years ago in reply to: flash: Video File Not Found for VimeoHello Chi,
I checked this and there is a bug in the Flash engine when using playlists with video path which use signatures (custom video ads are effectively playlists, Vimeo and protected CloudFront videos use signatures).
Could you please remove the FV Worpdress Flowplayer which you have now (latest stable version from and put up this version? I put in a quick fix for Vimeo videos into it:
Martin9 years ago in reply to: FV Flowplayer 6 update issuesHello smith234,
I’m glad that it works for you now! We will address the Vimeo Pro video stats in the coming weeks.
Hello Marek,
as this is a new release I had a glance at your site:
1) your font files appear to be missing, try this one:
Perhaps there was some issues when updating plugin. I suggest you deactivate and delete it and then install again. If that won’t help, check that directory via FTP.
2) I’m not sure what you mean about the second issue, but it appears you are using two video plugins at once.
Martin9 years ago in reply to: flash: Video File Not Found for VimeoHello Chi,
I tried the above link and the video was playing fine for me in Chromium (open source version of Chrome).
Then I tried again I got the error as well.
I see you use the custom video ads. Does the issue improve if you disable them for a while? We will need to do more testing here.
Martin9 years ago in reply to: FV Player Pro and Vimeo statsHello Tim,
I’m pretty sure your CDN is the issue here.
Looking at the script file on your CDN, I can see the old FV Player Pro script:
Looking at the script on your site, I can see the new file: //
I think various CDN services are incredibly popular right now, but it certainly makes the troubleshooting harder – specially if you have issues clearing the CDN cache.
Martin9 years ago in reply to: FV Flowplayer 6 update issuesHello Diego,
what FV Player Pro version do you have installed? It appears that the upgrade is sometimes stuck, so we will have to put some code into FV Wordpres Flowplayer to fix it I guess.
Martin9 years ago in reply to: FV Player Pro and Vimeo statsHello Tim,
sorry about the upgrade hassle.
Are you sure you have cleared your CDN cache?
Martin9 years ago in reply to: FV Player Pro and Vimeo statsHello Tim,
please deactivate, delete and reinstall FV WordPress Flowplayer (use the version from There was a typo in the FV Player Pro checking routine – if you have FV Player Pro 0.5, then you have the required version.
If you don’t see that update right away, please try to reactivate the FV Player Pro (it will re-check the license) or get a copy from -> My Products -> Extension -> FV Player Pro.
Martin9 years ago in reply to: Lost license and symbols after the upgradeHello Pavel,
I checked HTTP headers of one of your fonts:
I can see the required headers:
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
So perhaps this has a matter of waiting a bit until the CDN updates and you can remove flowplayer.css from exclusion.
Martin9 years ago in reply to: FV Flowplayer 6 update issuesHello Chan,
FV WordPress Flowplayer was released, it should fix your issues.
Martin9 years ago in reply to: Lost license and symbols after the upgradeHello Pavel,
I put up instructions for this into the FAQ:
Let us know what CDN you use, perhaps there is a step-by-step guide directly from your provider.
Martin9 years ago in reply to: Lost license and symbols after the upgradeHello Pavel,
looks like the problem is with cross-domain access control. Your site is at, your CDN is Based on CSS3 and HTML5 specs not all the resources can be shared between domains.
So you need to set the following on your CDN for web fonts (woff, eot, ttf, svg):
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Or you can allow your domain only (but in that case it might be good to also allow it with https):
Or you can exclude wp-content/plugins/fv-wordpress-flowplayer/css/flowplayer.css from CDN.
Martin9 years ago in reply to: Issues with licenceHello Diego,
do you mean that it works on one WordPress Multisite but not on the other? Are you sure FV WordPress Flowplayer is Network activated on both?
We will check if we need to improve our code to work with Multisite properly.
Martin9 years ago in reply to: Vimeo videos fail to playHello Diego,
FV WordPress Flowplayer 6 is out. You should be able to upgrade your beta version to 6.0.3, then you will be back on the update system – not beta version anymore.
FV Player Pro needs to be updated to version 0.5. If you don’t see that right away, please try to reactivate the FV Player Pro (it will re-check the license) or get a copy from -> My Products -> Extension -> FV Player Pro.
Please let us know if there are any issues.
Martin9 years ago in reply to: FV Player Pro and Vimeo statsHello Tim,
FV WordPress Flowplayer 6 is out. You should be able to upgrade your beta version to 6.0.3, then you will be back on the update system – not beta version anymore.
FV Player Pro needs to be updated to version 0.5. If you don’t see that right away, please try to reactivate the FV Player Pro (it will re-check the license) or get a copy from -> My Products -> Extension -> FV Player Pro.
Please let us know if there are any issues.
Martin9 years ago in reply to: Lost license and symbols after the upgradeHello Pavel,
sorry about that, FV WordPress Flowplayer was released. It will fix the issue.
Martin9 years ago in reply to: Firefox Skipping ProblemsHello Pavel,
FV WordPress Flowplayer 6 is out. You should be able to upgrade your beta version to 6.0.3, then you will be back on the update system – not beta version anymore.
FV Player Pro needs to be updated to version 0.5. If you don’t see that right away, please try to reactivate the FV Player Pro (it will re-check the license) or get a copy from -> My Products -> Extension -> FV Player Pro.
Please let us know if there are any issues.
Martin9 years ago in reply to: FV Flowplayer 6 update issuesHello Chan,
sorry to hear about the issues, we are dedicated to make the upgrade as seamless as possible.
We will be releasing version with these fixes today.