Forum Replies Created
9 years ago in reply to: Undefined index: SERVER_NAME
I deleted and installed it from the host said no more errors have shown up now. Ty very much.
9 years ago in reply to: Undefined index: SERVER_NAMEAny update on this?
9 years ago in reply to: Undefined index: SERVER_NAMEOK ty you very much. It is causing a error in my admin in wordpress sometimes.
9 years ago in reply to: splash screen for vimeoThat would be nice to have incase it happens again. It didn’t say it expired on my wordpress but I knew it was when the Roku wasn’t working and instant tv said the token key wasn’t valid. It was working and a valid key but became invalid.
Last week I asked vimeo to sign me out of all devices meaning computers. To make sure it was signed out of the church laptop. (Vimeo keeps you logged in and that doesn’t expire). They signed me out and I guess that signed the tokens out to making them invalid. Good to know that it signed them out also. Incase that happens to someone else.
The only thing it wouldn’t do for the fv plugin was not pull up screenshots. It would play video fine so the last thing I thought it would be was the token key but that is normally what it is the last thing you check lol.9 years ago in reply to: splash screen for vimeoI figured it out. It appears that this week sometimes they reset all the tokens. I had to fix the roku channel also. I didn’t know that was the problem until the roku channel stopped working to. Do they do that often?
9 years ago in reply to: splash screen for vimeoOk, It’s a vimeo issue with your plugin. I put a direct video link now and the splash is working for that one. It will not put a splash for vimeo even when I put a splash in the short code on vimeo. Putting a splash in the shortcode with the direct sd link it will work. View on the link I sent you examples on the same page. One works one doesn’t
9 years ago in reply to: splash screen for vimeo
I sent you a email to not sure if you got it. When I make a new or update a post it will not show but already posted post it shows. It does that with a direct link video also. Just started that recently.
9 years ago in reply to: Video player for FacebookI wouldn’t use cloudfront for videos for playing unless they were really small. I only use them for Roku stuff, (image, biff, etc) and audio for podcasts. They are really good for that. Cloudfront at least for rtmp is horrible to say the least. If there was away to load it on all the cdns before using maybe. I like vimeo for videos for the price. I use vimeo pro and for the most part don’t have any problems.
9 years ago in reply to: Admin fv pro updated notificationThere is no folder names that. I checked.
9 years ago in reply to: Admin fv pro updated notificationNever mind, I removed and installed pro. It seems rename the plugin to the correct folder name then activating again breaks it. I had to reinstall from main plugin.
9 years ago in reply to: Admin fv pro updated notificationI think that vimeo changed something again because the videos are doing the same thing again.
9 years ago in reply to: vimeo 720 and 1080pThanks that works great.
9 years ago in reply to: Admin fv pro updated notificationI am not sure, I just noticed it recently. It only does it with the pro plugin and no other plugin. It renames the folder on update.
9 years ago in reply to: Admin fv pro updated notificationVimeo videos aren’t playing for some reason now. I click play and nothing is happening. I even went back to a older version of pro. Same thing. It plays the video in settings.
9 years ago in reply to: Admin fv pro updated notificationIs there any reason why the pro plugin is in the folder fv-player-pro-cUn7fl I deleted the folder and reinstalled it so it would be in the correct file name and when I logged in the next day it said couldn’t find plugin. I removed it and installed it from your admin setting page for your main plugin and it installed it to that folder. It did that before I removed and reinstalled it a few days ago.
When I logged in a few days ago I noticed that the vimeo would play in their player not yours. I logged into plugins it said it deactivated it, that it couldn’t find it. I looked it was in a folder similar to the one above. So it keeps doing that. Is this a bug?9 years ago in reply to: Admin fv pro updated notificationI don’t know if you got my email I send about this. When updated to wordpress 4.4 it fixed this issue. There must have been a issue with the previous WordPress. We do use a varnish private server but several posted having the same issue with yoast seo, as did I with that plugin also. Updating to the latest wordpress fixed both though. Thank you very much for your awesome support though.
9 years ago in reply to: Admin fv pro updated notificationany update on this?
9 years ago in reply to: Admin fv pro updated notificationIt’s in the main plugin not the pro. I have removed the pro more than 10 times and reinstalled it and it still shows it. I deactivate the pro it shows it still deactivate the main plugin it goes away. I deleted main and reinstalled still shows it. I have tried deleting both installing main then pro still shows in, I tried deleting both, reinstalling pro then main. Still shows it. It’s in the main plugin.
9 years ago in reply to: Admin fv pro updated notificationIt says FV Flowplayer Pro extension upgraded successfully!
I can’t attach screenshots here.
9 years ago in reply to: FV Flowplayer 6 update issuesI think there is a bug with the latest flowplayer pulling screenshots from vimeo. I was using the new post and it wouldn’t pull a screenshot. Previously using same method to post it would pull a screen. I had to use the screen shot feature to add one.
9 years ago in reply to: FV Flowplayer 6 update issuesThe update worked great to me. It fixed the errors I had with the 6.0 release. The player looks much better to. I love that is used hls on all devices. The vimeo videos load much faster to especially in hd. I haven’t tried to see if the vimeo stats work now. Did you see that you use a new api that makes that work?
9 years ago in reply to: FV Flowplayer 6 update issuesI was unable to upload previous version to fix error until you fix them. I have to leave for Nashville. You can see the errors on my site. The flowplayer logo seems to only show in chrome in live stream.
9 years ago in reply to: FV Flowplayer 6 update issuesAlso, in the live stream the flowplayer logo is shown, it’s not your logo either it’s the flowplayer one. That is just in the live stream either in rtmp or hls on desktop. I will try to go back to previous version until this is fixed. I will out for a few days also.
9 years ago in reply to: Video player for FacebookOk, well I found a site that says if you have a player in swf file format just have the link in the meta video data along with mp4 link right on the same url together and it would play. I can send you that info. Do you have a player that has .swf file extention?
9 years ago in reply to: Vimeo splash screenThat worked ty
10 years ago in reply to: Google Analytics ErrorWell the stats show up in analytics it just gives a error on notifications. It’s better to have it separate so you know which one is for videos and not.
10 years ago in reply to: Google Analytics ErrorI use a different code for videos than the main website. Yes it’s the correct.
10 years ago in reply to: Google Analytics ErrorYes it’s the same
10 years ago in reply to: Google Analytics only shows countriesty, I looked through it. I had a hard time figuring it out though. I finally got it. google ana is very hard to use. I finally made a custom report.
No I never ftp uploaded anything. I removed one once and uploaded the latest because it never updated.
I think you are very confused Alec, I have never installed anything over top of anything and I don’t touch your code. I think you are confused. When I installed your update it said pro wasn’t install click to install. That must have installed it again. I don’t touch your plugins at all just use it. So if it was broken I haven’t done it as I don’t touch your code in the least. I don’t even look at it.
Alec, well I didn’t rename the plugin. I had nothing to do that that.
As for pro support the issue with the 1080p has nothing to do with sermon plugin. I fixed the issue with the sermon plugin. The link I posted now is on a page not sermon plug.The video when set to flash by default you can’t forward through video at all so I unchecked it again at least in chrome.
I made a test page so you can see how it works with me with flash unchecked.
vimeo is working on the stats to see about that.
OK ty, The sharing was fixed but it now says pro isn’t installed.
The only thing else I see is that you are correct about vimeo stats. For some reason it will not show in the stats in vimeoOk, I noticed something. It will play the videos, maybe I was putting the wrong url on. But it will not play the 1080p very well. It stops a lot and starts. The vimeo player will not do that.
The sharing option isn’t working with the new version though.
If the quality switch let me enter the URLs so I could use the file links it would work.
I couldn’t even pull videos with that when the video wasn’t first pulls from a normal post.
Yes the video urls on video files in settings work with the stats.
It’s a sermon plugin not custom code. You plugin with vimeo pro is the only thing I have even seen not to work. It will not pull a video with your plugin. Using the urls would be much easier. I don’t know what you are talking about with global post.I had to download and reinstall the pro plugin for it to update. It wouldn’t show up on updates. No the pro will not work for me in the sermon plugin. It will not pull video or image. I need it to be able to enter the url. Also, entering the url would allow me to use vimeo stats and not google.
I don’t see a update for it in updates. Did you put in away to enter the direct urls on vimeo and it work with quality switching?
I noticed last night that your plugin will not play the vimeo videos in the sermon plugin anyways. If you have it embedded in the sermon plugin without first playing it in a page it will not play in sermon plugin page. Remember I told you about the image not working? Well it seems the video will not work either.
I would love to get yours to work if it would let vimeo track plays and play in sermon plugin. Is there anyway you can give a away to enter their direct links so make a quality selection. That would be much better.
Just the title would be good and not the vimeo and numbers after. The whole point of using the plugin is to not have vimeo showing. How can I remove that?
I wouldn’t need google to track it wouldn’t Vimeo still track it through your player?
I would rather not have vimeo in front of it.
10 years ago in reply to: ver 2.1.2 start video mutedIs there a way to set the volume to half?
10 years ago in reply to: Apple HLS support in FlashDoes your plugin play hls on all devices yet?
10 years ago in reply to: Rackspace IssuesIt didn’t show offset but that wasn’t flash rtmp. It did that only with rtmp that I saw. Also, it plays really slow in flash on xp.
10 years ago in reply to: Rackspace IssuesThe link you sent to test shows fine. Just on the one on my site.
It only does that with the rtmp and hls embedded video not a video I have using just the mp4 link.
10 years ago in reply to: Rackspace IssuesThe video shows to the left with all the black on the right when clicking full screen. I can’t tell if it’s using flash or not in chrome. When in full screen then clicking a different quality it is full screen as it should be. Only in Chrome does it do this on windows 7. I cleared the cache in browser. It does it not logged in to. On ipad it should it switches I just can’t call because the video looks same to me in quality. I don’t have private mode.
10 years ago in reply to: Rackspace IssuesI don’t see that it’s changing with hls when clicking on ipad. It might be you can test it.
The rtmp seems to work now in quality switching. When going to full screen in rtmp it’s off until you change the quality then it works in full screen but not until you change the quality while in full screen.
I’m using Chrome the latest. I can confirm that it only shows the video off on full screen in chrome. The others work good.
10 years ago in reply to: Rackspace Issues10 years ago in reply to: Rackspace IssuesCheck my FV Flowplayer licensed website. You will see that the quality switching doesn’t work.
10 years ago in reply to: Rackspace IssuesI got the rtmp working but the quality switching isn’t working.
10 years ago in reply to: Live streaming possible?Yes the one used would be less than 480.
10 years ago in reply to: Live streaming possible?Got this error when testing cdn sun. I don’t know what it is.
Video analysis:
Analysis of
File not found (HTTP 404)!
unable to determine file formatGot this error when testing cdn sun. I don’t know what it is. I can’t read part of it because the text is white.
Video analysis:
Analysis of
Mime Type: text/xml
Bad mime type: Video served with a bad mime type text/xml! Some web browsers may experience playback issues in HTML5 mode (Internet Explorer 9 – 10). (show fix)10 years ago in reply to: Rackspace IssuesI can’t get this url to work with your player: rtmp://
And this one shows up with my domain in front of it in video checker
The RTMP works in jwplayer just perfect. I don’t want to spend a $150 for it to work without there logo though.
10 years ago in reply to: Rackspace IssuesYes they always use .mp4. I noticed it wouldn’t play either.
10 years ago in reply to: FV Player Pro PHP warningsYes I am using the latest.
11 years ago in reply to: Multiple Resolutions – Quality SwitchingWould it be possible to add a fourth quality setting for mobile?
Also, Rackspace gives a streaming and ios streaming url. All end with the file name though and start with http. Would it help to enter all those for a source to help people play it better?
11 years ago in reply to: Multiple Resolutions – Quality SwitchingIt works now
11 years ago in reply to: Multiple Resolutions – Quality Switching-720,High
-360,Lowthat is the short code. That is the one you said to use that was working.
11 years ago in reply to: Multiple Resolutions – Quality SwitchingI did address it. I said it matched when showing the hint.
You said to look at step 6. Step 6 asked about showing hint. I showed the hint and it says the it matched a quality and to make sure the other file names are there. Just like the screen shows in step 6 it what it showed me. The other step you ask is ok to for shortcode.11 years ago in reply to: Multiple Resolutions – Quality SwitchingIt said it matched when showing hint. I am using the same code as before and file name. It always worked before but It will not work on any video after update to the latest pro.
11 years ago in reply to: Multiple Resolutions – Quality SwitchingIt is something with your plugin. I uninstalled it, deleted the dir for the pro, reinstalled it. Still will not work when clicking on a quality.
11 years ago in reply to: Multiple Resolutions – Quality Switching11 years ago in reply to: Multiple Resolutions – Quality SwitchingThe quality switching it now broke with the latest pro update.
11 years ago in reply to: Using with W3 Total CacheI didn’t know if I had to enter anything in to cache program for the quality selection. I was reading on your site somewhere about needing to add something for the cache plugin.
11 years ago in reply to: AkamaiI haven’t seen any problems at all with it myself. It works really well and really really fast. You can test it on the 5-4-14 service one the website. I was just wondering what they mean about Akamai advanced plugin.
11 years ago in reply to: Scale Engine video hosting and SMILI only saw three types, the only http was for hls, the others where rtmp and rtsp.
11 years ago in reply to: Multiple Resolutions – Quality SwitchingI updated to the latest pro today. It is nice. It’s still hard to play on ios but it will get fixed over time. It still plays that is what counts. Rackspace does have a ios link I can add. I don’t know if that will help or not. I seems to be the switching.
The error about adding different src was a wordpress thing. I was using visual and it added code for the little code at the end for fv. I saw it when I clicked text.
On firefox I noticed that you need to click a quality setting before clicking play. It plays well after that. I haven’t tried it after todays update though. Firefox plays good without the webm so I see no reason to add it. I can if it will help though.Over all the plug in plays better than all the others I have used. It works really good with Rackspace Akamai cdn I think. It’s really fast.
I think the clicking the quality that isn’t on the bar is growing on me. It would be easier for a lot of people to see that instead of it small on the bar.
I updated the design on the website. You can check it out. It seems to work good with fv. The only thing I seen is that is puts a white box around the logo on fv. Thank you for a nice plug in. Do you write other plug ins if requested?
11 years ago in reply to: Akamai11 years ago in reply to: Multiple Resolutions – Quality SwitchingI have also seemed to have seen something in firefox. When trying the video you must first select high medium etc before clicking play or it will show a html5 file not found error. The one about adding different server feed was a error in wordpress adding a code when I forgot to hit text when entering it in. The bug with the ios needing to tap three times is still there.
11 years ago in reply to: Multiple Resolutions – Quality SwitchingIt seems to be a bug. I tried your site example of switching and it still does the same thing. I just wanted to let you know. It’s not really a big deal but it is a bug.
Also, I tried the Rackspace ios and streaming url for different src to make sure the file would play on all devices in a test page I made to try it. The switch will not shop up them. The video tested ok but will show the switch. It might be because as the end of the url is the same file name just different server feed. Would I have to rename the file alittle differently but with the same ending prefix and upload them for that to work?11 years ago in reply to: Multiple Resolutions – Quality SwitchingI just tried it on ios and I noticed you have to tap it three times before it will play the video. Is there a bug or should I add another src for ios?
11 years ago in reply to: Scale Engine video hosting and SMILI am testing out Rackspace also. I didn’t see any buffering issues either but it’s html5 on mine.
So the adobe adaptive will not work either? It would be nice to use that also to help people watch it better.
Rackspace does have a ios streaming and streaming link is that rtmp. It has http though in the link not rtmp.11 years ago in reply to: Multiple Resolutions – Quality Switchingtry it now. and see if it works. I made the changes. Also, can I add another types of videos like hls stream etc in the same code and the switching still work for the .mp4?
11 years ago in reply to: Multiple Resolutions – Quality SwitchingI posted a video with the switching and it seems not to work. It seems to play the highest video when selecting the others.
I don’t think I have a cache plugin. It might be in the theme. If so, I am working on another better theme.
11 years ago in reply to: Scale Engine video hosting and SMILYes that seems to be the problem with it. stops and start.
11 years ago in reply to: Scale Engine video hosting and SMILDo you think there is a bug in the flash part of your player though. I do notice that if it’s using the flash it stops and goes. It goes that on any computer viewing it. I tested it. It might have been the php was older I don’t know.
11 years ago in reply to: Multiple Resolutions – Quality SwitchingIt now works
11 years ago in reply to: Multiple Resolutions – Quality SwitchingPHP version: 5.2.17.
I now set the setting to PHP 5.5. I don’t know how long it will take for it to save.
11 years ago in reply to: Multiple Resolutions – Quality SwitchingI tried to install pro on your plugin and got a error. I really would like to use that.
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_FUNCTION in ...plugins/fv-player-pro/fv-player-pro.php on line 552
Also. On your example the selection of over the video. Wouldn’t it be best to have it on the bar?
11 years ago in reply to: Multiple Resolutions – Quality SwitchingI gave me a error, I couldn’t install the pro. Gave me a error clicking the install after adding the &pro_beta=yes
then a error on line 552 error after trying to activate the fv player pro plugin.
11 years ago in reply to: Scale Engine video hosting and SMILYes but we have music also with praise and worship. It would kick the video out. I tried to pro. Wouldn’t install.
11 years ago in reply to: Scale Engine video hosting and SMILThey say to use jw player. I am sorry. I didn’t see most of these messages. I will use another company then.
11 years ago in reply to: Scale Engine video hosting and SMILHello Martin,
I’m also getting: “We recommend that you also provide your RTMP video in MP4 format.”
When I enter my RTMP stream. The video is in mp4 format. This is a false error I think.
11 years ago in reply to: Scale Engine video hosting and SMILThat is a multi bitrate file for jwplayer. It lets them select witch bitrate to play. It doesn’t work with flowplayer that well. I just sent it because it asked me to. Do I need to enter that one info with rtmp or can I just out the link?
I entered the shortcode which you recommended. It doesn’t play right when you click forward. I don’t know if it’s there server or the plugin.
11 years ago in reply to: Ad options for YouTube and Vimeo VideosI uploaded a program to youtube that aired and added it to the website via your plugin and it showed the youtube player on it. I thought it would show your skin instead of youtube. Did I do something wrong?
11 years ago in reply to: black line after playing video in ios safariThat is a ios bug in the newest ios 7 I think. It did it on and they use jwplayer. Same line in the same place.
11 years ago in reply to: wmv and mov filesThank you. I tried the wmv and found out it wouldn’t play. On the main page it should it would. Anyone know if a good free flv encodeder that doesn’t leave a logo on it?
11 years ago in reply to: black line after playing video in ios safariI changed it to 608 by 342 and it still shows the line. I don’t have autoplay turned on.
11 years ago in reply to: black line after playing video in ios safariI don’t have your developer installed now. I installed your latest release.
11 years ago in reply to: black line after playing video in ios safariThe black line is till there after your latest development version.
11 years ago in reply to: Encoding for iTunesIt is a large video put it does look very good and plays good. I am encoding a small one for the phones as we speak.
I think it’s the codec they use. I tried presets just to see, alittle of different ones and it still doesn’t play in iTunes. I used miro even and it will not work. The miro presets. I think they use the same codec. It plays on apple tv everything else but not on the iTunes on a pc. It’s prob a iTunes problem but I post some videos on the podcast in iTunes and I want them to play it also.11 years ago in reply to: black line after playing video in ios safariThe fixe worked. I like the fix for the playlist screens. I think I will keep them at the bottom. That works better on mobile. The black line is gone. Thanks.
11 years ago in reply to: black line after playing video in ios safariI don’t see the update yet.
11 years ago in reply to: black line after playing video in ios safariI like the playlist. I haven’t tried it with several videos but it seems to work nice. The skin isn’t bad though. It would just be nice to have a playlist in black on the right side to click on instead of the bottom but it isn’t a bad look. I just wanted that bug fixed and glad you all found it.