If you are in video development and you are ever contacted by Curtis Allen from TunedInLive.com, you should know that he is highly unlikely to pay for work he commissions.

Curtis Allen headshot
I should have known better looking at his website.

TunedInLive.com website of Curtis Allen
Originally Curtis Allen wanted to do some weird barter arrangement with free live streams and then asked for a discount price.
Everyone makes mistakes. TunedInLive.com is a probably not a company you want to do business with.

Alec Kinnear
Alec has been helping businesses succeed online since 2000. Alec is an SEM expert with a background in advertising, as a former Head of Television for Grey Moscow and Senior Television Producer for Bates, Saatchi and Saatchi Russia.
He has also defrauded me, charging for auto repairs that were not performed. He lives in Littleton, CO now.
Currently living at my house. He just bounced a check. Promised work on my car. Glad he didn’t do that! Castle Rock. I’m currently trying to evict him. He plays some kind of game. Trying to say he can do everything for you. Don’t pay him in cash and never upfront. Was going to go into a car and flip it. I’ve got the title and curious how this is gonna turn out. Do not trust Curtis or Wendy Allen.
Wow, if what you wrote is true, this Curtis Allen really gets around. Incredible that a single guy would manage to successfully commit software fraud and car repair fraud.
He strikes again this time on a boat repair about $1,500 fraudulently never did the repair and non responsive to call and text mgs. He is now in Littleton CO
Wish I’d found this post a while back. Curtis (maybe his alias) was supposed to fix my car a couple years back. It was to be a simple fix…basically a TCOV (OEM wastegate). I knew that was the problem, but he he then insisted on “rebuilding” my turbo…which it turns out, he had never done before. He decided to use my car/engine/turbo as a guinea pig for work he had convinced himself he knew how to do.
I paid him up front…big mistake. He had my car for seven weeks and claimed that the machine shop was taking too long and it was all their fault. I started to put a little heat on him, and played the victim,. This guy is a complete fraud/POS. He had his stepson tearing my car apart, who also knew nothing about cars and how to repair them. Keep in mind…I was using uber at this point, to get back and forth to work.
Finally, after about ten weeks, he said my car was all done and “better than new”. He had Frankensteined some illegitimate turbo innards into my stock turbo housing. That next morning, I drove it home and made it about two miles before the impeller shaft shot through the turbo and grenaded everything.
Long story short…this guy is a fraud, and claims to be able to perform work that he zero knowledge about. He creates false timelines, false narratives, and then plays the victim when you ask why this is taking months, rather than the original 10-14 days quotes. He no longer lives off Titan Road in Littleton. When he was living there and had his “shop” there, he would also claim to live in Castle Rock as well. Beware of this guy…if you see him, DO NOT let him anywhere near anything with an engine/turbo.
thought this was also interesting how he has a website for car repair, but still goes by TunedInLive
Took my Veh to this guy in May. Paid some cash up front for parts and the rest when done. Sometime later he said Veh is done req for full payment…and want to hold to Veh as there are a few minor details need to be done still. After payment has cleared,…days become weeks, and weeks become months. All of sudden I have become a pain to him after I turned on the heat of his responsiveness to my texts and phone calls. He starts playing that he is a victim of this transaction bc he keeps finding more things and he is now doing me a favor. Finally got my Veh back in Sept and he failed to provide a final receipt after repeatedly req for one to show itemized parts and labors with warranty expression as required by the Colorado Motor Repair Act and also wasnt there when I picked up the Veh. Seeking legal advice…still more to come.
Just had to file a police report on this fraudulent POS!!! Cant wait to run into him. He got me for 25k. Same thing excuse after excuse! He plays the victim role….Karmas a B***
wow…are you the guy with the silver Turbo 911? Oh yeah…he loves to play the victim. He’s a huge POS.
Currently living at my house. He just bounced a check. Promised work on my car. Glad he didn’t do that! Castle Rock. I’m currently trying to evict him. He plays some kind of game. Trying to say he can do everything for you. Don’t pay him in cash and never upfront. Was going to go into a car and flip it. I’ve got the title and curious how this is gonna turn out. Do not trust Curtis or Wendy Allen.
This guy currently lives at my house. Trying to evict him now. He wrote a bad check. Was late on payments. Constantly tried to lower payments with work. Then changed terms to agreements as he saw fit. He seems to have done everything from websites, european car repair(has a really expensive porsche at my house for a time “working on it”), photography to video streaming. Please if you need help contacting them for legal issues I’d love to help.
Curtis Allen is a FRAUD and SCAM and is NOT to be trusted. He works out of a shop on Flamingo Way in Littleton. Over promises, under delivers, constantly plays the victim. PRESSURE PRESSURE PRESSURE. Will happy wrap up your car in his shop, push you to an uncomfortable place, and squeeze out your money bit by bit. Does shotty work and may actually ruin your favorite & expensive sportscar. Incompetent for high-level work on European brands, or any work really. I can’t believe Carol rents her shop to a thief and a criminal…. someone should honestly let her know who she’s really renting to. DO NOT TRUST CURTIS ALLEN OR WENDY ALLEN who front “European Auto Services” in Littleton.
Curtis Allen is a complete fraud. He is currently getting kicked out of flamingo way. He still has that 911. Who know where he is going to go next. He still has like 5 customer cars there. Have no clue where they’re going to go but he is out I guess.