Licensed users of FV Flowplayer who benefit from powerful Vimeo and YouTube embedding often ask us to convert their old video embeds into the [fvplayer] shortcodes to be able to use the same player for all their old videos and also all of our features.
That’s why the new version of FV Player Pro (0.5.2; it’s the Pro extension for our licensed users) gives you just the tools to do this.

Use the following buttons and you are just two clicks from enjoying our fully-featured player
The conversion process runs through your posts (pages, custom post types) and replaces the embed codes in content. Both YouTube and Vimeo made some changes to their embed codes over the time, so if you find that your embed code was not converted, please use our support forums. Here’s what we support right now:
YouTube iframe with URL like
YouTube object tag with URL like
Vimeo iframe with URL like
Vimeo object tag with URL like
- and clip_id={video_id}
Before starting the process you are warned to take a backup of your site in case anything does wrong. We use the WordPress revision system as well, so you can even restore individual posts to their previous state.

FV Flowplayer conversion screen make sure you know which posts to check
This way you can use our video lightbox, custom video ads, quality switching, custom start/end time, user AB loop and much more with your YouTube and Vimeo videos.
Issues with videos after conversion?
Make sure you are using our Vimeo integration (you need your account API key) as well as YouTube (you need to Google API key to be able to see the splash images reliably – although we plan to remove this limitation for YouTube).
To make sure the splash images appear, enable Settings -> FV WordPress Flowplayer -> “Scan video length” and they will gradually appear.
More information
- You can install our plugin via WordPress
- More resources, how-tos and documentation available on our site
- Pro licenses available
- Support available on our FV Flowplayer forums
Martin Viceník
Martin graduated as an engineer in Computer Science from Slovak Technical University in Bratislava. He grew up in Liptovský Mikuláš in northern Slovakia next to the beautiful Tatra mountains. He is the developer behind our FV Player.
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