What is Textile? In the beginning there was Textpattern, Dean Allen’s lightweight CMS primarily for weblogs. Textpattern was a direct competitor to Moveable Type, B2 (later WordPress) and Joomla! Textpattern lost the CMS wars for two reasons: SEO unfriendly URLs (required numbered ID’s) and Dean Allen’s collapse from overwork in 2006 (the story is gone from textism.com and Textpattern is back but still with numbers in the URLs). The WordPress story you all know.
Where is Textile now? Most importantly Textile is the markup language for 37 Signals Basecamp messages and Writeboards and Backpackit.
There’s nothing nicer than Textile for making a quick list with asterisks:
* item one
* item two
* item three
- item one
- item two
- item three
in no time.
Blockquotes are easy to do too: bq. gets you there.
h1. h2. h3. h4. will get you headers of various sizes.
# will get you numbered lists instead of bulleted lists.
I often have to introduce our team to Textile formatting and our clients. That’s the essential above. Rather than create too much documentation when there’s lots of other great Textile documentation out there. I’ll link to the rest.
Essentials of Textile and Basecamp formatting attractively presented by Alex Kendrick.
Great Textile test bed with reference in left hand margin from Txstyle.org
Not very attractive but covers the essentials clearly: Warpedvisions’s Textile Cheatsheet.
Total overkill is Textile Reference Manual. Recommended only to hardcore geeks.

Alec Kinnear
Alec has been helping businesses succeed online since 2000. Alec is an SEM expert with a background in advertising, as a former Head of Television for Grey Moscow and Senior Television Producer for Bates, Saatchi and Saatchi Russia.
Hello Do you have any ideas how I can make the code below to work properly?
“+44 243 689 4005”:tel:+442436894005
It replaces the “+” with %2B And as a result my link looks like the one below and it does not work tel:%2B442436894005
Thanks for your question Jordan. I have a couple for you…
Hi Alec,
I am using perch CMS which has markitup editor. I have phone numbers across the interface and I want client and also business members to click on the telephone links and make the call using appropriate software for example we use cisco jabber.