Foliovision now uses Markdown for formatting text in fields in our MLS listings software. You can use Markdown in either short or long description. Markdown also works throughout our project management system if you disable the WYSWIYG. This is a really quick practical guide to using Markdown without all the complicated advanced syntax only geeks need.
Micro Markdown Syntax Reference
Headers - ### Bold - **word** Italic - *word* [link text]( Numbered lists - 1., 2., 3. Bullet point lists - *, -, + Blockquote - > Quotation text, could span multiple lines and sentences. Image - 
Short Markdown Syntax Guide
The page below contains examples of Markdown syntax.
Markdown and HTML
Markdown | HTML |
# This is an H1 |
This is an H1 |
This is an H2 |
This is an H3 |
This is an H4 |
Paragraphs are separated by empty lines. Within a paragraph it’s possible to have a line break, simply press <return> for a new line.
For example, like this.
Character styles
Markdown | HTML |
*Italic characters* |
Italic characters |
**bold characters** |
bold characters |
~~strikethrough text~~ |
Horizontal lines
You can create horizontal lines with three or more:
*** - asterisks --- - hyphens ____ - underlines
This is the equivalent of the HTML <hr>
tag. Those horizontal lines will look like this:
Unordered list
* Item 1 * Item 2 * Item 3 * Item 3a * Item 3b * Item 3c
Ordered list
1. Step 1 2. Step 2 3. Step 3 1. Step 3.1 2. Step 3.2 3. Step 3.3
List in list
1. Step 1 2. Step 2 3. Step 3 * Item 3a * Item 3b * Item 3c
Quotes or citations
Markdown | HTML |
Introducing my quote: > Neque porro quisquam est qui > dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, > consectetur, adipisci velit... |
Introducing my quote:
Inline code characters
Use the backtick to refer to a `function()`. There is a literal ``backtick (`)`` here.
Code blocks
Use 3 backtick quote marks before and after the block, like this: ``` This is a code block ```
Links to external websites
This is [an example]( of an inline link. This is an example of an inline link. Links are also auto-detected in text:
Inline image syntax looks like this:
For example:

The video syntax here is not Markdown spec but created for your ease of use. You can post any of
- a YouTube link:
- a Vimeo link:
- a direct link to an MP4:
and your video will show up in FV Player, our pro video player (a license for FV Player Pro is included with your hosting) like this.
Updated Foliovision Final Promo Video with Websites
Do not copy iframes over from YouTube or Vimeo.
| Schools | Number | :--------|:---------:| | Primary | three | | Secondary | two |
will appear as
Schools | Number |
Primary | three |
Secondary | two |
The left hand column is left-aligned. The second column is center aligned.
Additional references
The above is a simplified guide to Markdown with the best practices for headings, links and images. It doesn’t include syntax for footnotes for example or alternate formats for headings. We recommend writing Markdown in either Mou or Typora (for table support).
If you fall in love with writing in Markdown — Markdown is a revelation — in terms of writing lists and links, there is even an email client for OS X called Mailmate which allows you to write in Markdown full time.
- Foliovision review of Markdown clients
- John Gruber’s original explanation of syntax.
- Markdown Cheat Sheet.
- Mike McLin’s video guide to why you should love Markdown. Our featured image is his “i heart markdown graphic”.
- The Ghost Guide to Markdown.
Alec Kinnear
Alec has been helping businesses succeed online since 2000. Alec is an SEM expert with a background in advertising, as a former Head of Television for Grey Moscow and Senior Television Producer for Bates, Saatchi and Saatchi Russia.
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