New version of our plugin should cure the error message which was appearing on some hosts or sites with broken plugins:
“Toolbar set ‘Foliovision’ doesn’t exist”
We decided to not use that file anymore and moved all the configuration options for FCKEditor into inline JavaScript. That should fix the problem.
If you had this problem, download the latest version of our plugin (0.9.14) here. This new version fixes this problem and also some other bugs in file management.
We will be glad to hear any feedback on our Foliopress WYSIWYG plugin page.

Martin Viceník
Martin graduated as an engineer in Computer Science from Slovak Technical University in Bratislava. He grew up in Liptovský Mikuláš in northern Slovakia next to the beautiful Tatra mountains. He is the developer behind our FV Player.
Hello, I took a look at the settings page and I got this error message: There is a problem opening your configuration file. Please check if is executed in PHP correctly.
Is there a way to correct this?
Hello Nitro,
sorry about that, that’s the automated checking mechanism from the previous version of our plugin which needs to be removed now.
But it shouldn’t stop plugin from working, are you able to see the editor toolbar when editing and post images?
Thanks, Martin
Hello Martin,
Thanks for the quick reply. Yes I can see the editor toolbar and everything seems to be working fine. I was just going to add more buttons to my toolbar and I noticed the error message.
Is this something I can remove myself?
Hello Nitro,
this is just a quick fix until I fix this in plugin repository at You can change this in the plugin folder in file view/options.php:
Line 36: $if( $error == 1 ) { to if( $error == 100) {
Line 39: else if( $error == 2 ) { to else if( $error == 200 ) {
If you know a little about PHP, it should be easy. If you fail, just remove the plugin and install it again, preferences will be kept. And this error should not affect your buttons configuration.
Thanks, Martin
Got it, thanks.