Forum Replies Created
Hello Martin,
thank you for the reply and info.
Checking forif( typeof( == 'undefined' ) { ... }
seems to work to get the main video. Although it seems a little odd, that the the main video is returning
whereas the pre-roll returns the video object.But nonetheless this solves our issue.
Robert1 year ago in reply to: Use Scroll Autoplay only on a specific page1 year ago in reply to: Use Scroll Autoplay only on a specific pageHi Martin,
it’s a static page set as frontpage.
How would I set the postmeta? Just like
add_post_meta( page_id, 'fv_flowplayer_scroll_autoplay' );
Or does it need a value as well?Making it a setting sounds like a good idea.
Best regards,
Robert3 years ago in reply to: Permissions for Editor role3 years ago in reply to: Permissions for Editor roleHello Martin,
no there is no “Video Ads” menu entry when I log in as an editor. And when I copy the URL to the page (wp-admin/admin.php?page=fv_player_video_ads) I get a message, that I do not have permission to access it.
The only available menu items are “Videos/Playlists” and “Bunny Stream”.
Best regards,
Robert3 years ago in reply to: Every single Video is shown as a playlistHello Martin,
You were right, it’s the video ads. When the feature is activated in the global FV Player settings under “Video Ads”, I can see in the player code the playlist part and in the video the playlist controlls.
As you suggested, if I set “No ad” in the actions tab, everything works fine. But this is not a solution, because we have hundreds of videos and can’t set this on every video by hand.
So it seems like the problem here is the “Use site default” option.
The affected website has very strong security measures. I have to check if I’m allowed to grant you access. In any case I would need you IP address to add it the our whitelist.
Best regards,
Robert3 years ago in reply to: Every single Video is shown as a playlistHello Maria,
here are the system infos:
### Begin System Info ### ## Please include this information when posting support requests ## Multisite: No SITE_URL: HOME_URL: Plugin URL: FV Player version: FV Player core version: FV Player license: Valid (next check 2021-11-17 10:51:28 GMT) FV Player Pro version: FV Player Pro license: Valid (next check 2021-11-17 10:51:27 GMT) WordPress Version: 5.7.4 Permalink Structure: /%postname%/ Active Theme: RCM infoBreak 3.1.6 Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/96.0.4664.45 Safari/537.36 PHP Version: 7.4.24 MySQL Version: 5.7.35 Web Server Info: Apache WordPress Memory Limit: 512M PHP Memory Limit: 2048M PHP Upload Max Size: 3000M PHP Post Max Size: 3001M PHP Upload Max Filesize: 3000M PHP Time Limit: 3600 PHP Max Input Vars: 1000 PHP Arg Separator: & PHP Allow URL File Open: No WP_DEBUG: Disabled DISPLAY ERRORS: On (Off) cURL: Your server supports cURL. ACTIVE PLUGINS: abss Fund Academy: 1.0 abss Tests: 1.0 abss User Log: 2.0 Advanced Custom Fields: User Role Selector: 3.0.2 Advanced Custom Fields PRO: 5.9.8 Borlabs Cookie - Cookie Opt-in: 2.2.28 Caldera Forms: 1.9.4 Classic Editor: 1.6 Export User Data: 2.1.3 FV Player: FV Player Pro: H5P: 1.15.3 Import and export users and customers: 1.17.8 Really Simple SSL: 5.0.2 Regenerate Thumbnails: 3.1.5 Registration Blacklist: 1.3.16 Revisionize: 2.3.4 Search & Replace: 3.2.1 Tabs Block: 0.1.1 Ultimate Member: 2.1.19 Ultimate Member - Notices: 2.0.8 User Role Editor: 4.60 Widget Options: 3.7.8 Worx Challenge: 2.0.3 Wp-testing: 0.21.18 Wp-testing — Sections: 0.4.2 WP Crontrol: 1.11.0 WP File Download: 5.1.1 WP Mail SMTP: 2.9.0 WP Maintenance Mode: 2.4.0 WP Media folder: 5.3.18 WPS Hide Login: 1.8.5 WP ULike: 4.5.3 [WORX] Anchorbar Block: 1.2.1 [WORX] Challenges Renamer: 1.0 Final [WORX] Contentbox Block: 1.0.0 [WORX] Customize ACF local-json: 1.0.3 [WORX] H5P Mods: 0.0.2 [WORX] iB Aside & Widgets: 1.1.0 [WORX] Teaser Block: 1.0.1 [WORX] UM assets loading: 1.0.5 [WORX] Userdatenverwaltung mit Whitelist: 1.0 SETTINGS Array ( [autoplay] => false [googleanalytics] => (redacted) [key] => (redacted) [logo] => [rtmp] => [auto_buffering] => true [scaling] => false [disableembedding] => true [popupbox] => false [allowfullscreen] => true [allowuploads] => true [postthumbnail] => false [tgt] => backgroundcolor [backgroundColor] => #333333 [canvas] => #000000 [sliderColor] => #ffffff [durationColor] => #eeeeee [timeColor] => #eeeeee [progressColor] => #ffec00 [bufferColor] => #eeeeee [timelineColor] => #666666 [borderColor] => #666666 [hasBorder] => false [adTextColor] => #888888 [adLinksColor] => #ff3333 [playlistBgColor] => #808080 [playlistFontColor] => # [playlistSelectedColor] => #fbf315 [parse_commas] => false [width] => 1280 [height] => 720 [engine] => false [font-face] => Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif [ad] => [ad_width] => 0 [ad_height] => 0 [ad_css] => .wpfp_custom_ad { position: absolute; bottom: 10%; z-index: 20; width: 100%; } .wpfp_custom_ad_content { background: white; margin: 0 auto; position: relative } [ad_show_after] => 0 [disable_videochecker] => true [interface] => Array ( [ads] => false [align] => false [autoplay] => true [controlbar] => true [embed] => false [mobile] => false [playlist_advance] => true [playlist] => false [playlist_captions] => false [share] => false [speed] => false [splash_text] => false [sticky] => false [synopsis] => false [end_actions] => true [lightbox] => true [ab] => false [popup] => true ) [amazon_bucket] => Array ( [0] => ) [amazon_key] => (redacted, 1) [amazon_secret] => (redacted, 1) [amazon_region] => Array ( [0] => ) [amazon_expire] => 5 [amazon_expire_force] => false [fixed_size] => false [js-everywhere] => false [marginBottom] => 28 [ui_play_button] => true [volume] => 0.5 [player-position] => [version] => [css_writeout-httpwww-rcminfobreak-atcmswp-content] => 1485783541 [pro] => Array ( [autoplay_once] => false [start_end] => true [autoplay_scroll] => false [interface] => Array ( [chapters] => false [copy_text] => false [hflip] => false ) [vimeo_debug] => false [vimeo] => false [youtube_qs] => false [youtube_key] => [cf_domain] => [cf_key_id] => [cf_pk] => [video_ads_default] => 9 [video_ads_postroll_default] => no [video_ads_skip] => 5 [quality] => -hd-720p,HD 720p -sd-480p,SD 480p , [video_ads] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [videos] => Array ( [mp4] => ) [disabled] => 1 [name] => Blog [click] => ) [1] => Array ( [videos] => Array ( [mp4] => ) [disabled] => 1 [name] => Investment-Zukunft [click] => ) [2] => Array ( [videos] => Array ( [mp4] => ) [disabled] => 1 [name] => Facebook [click] => ) [3] => Array ( [videos] => Array ( [mp4] => ) [disabled] => 1 [name] => YouTube [click] => ) [4] => Array ( [videos] => Array ( [mp4] => ) [disabled] => 1 [name] => Wiki [click] => ) [5] => Array ( [videos] => Array ( [mp4] => ) [disabled] => 1 [name] => Paragraf 14 [click] => ) [6] => Array ( [videos] => Array ( [mp4] => ) [disabled] => 1 [name] => Fondssparen Event [click] => ) [7] => Array ( [videos] => Array ( [mp4] => ) [disabled] => 1 [name] => Raidex [click] => ) [8] => Array ( [videos] => Array ( [mp4] => ) [disabled] => 0 [name] => WNA [click] => ) ) [yt_logo] => false [youtube_titles_disable] => false [amazon_s3] => false [elastic_key] => [elastic_secret] => [elastic_region] => [ads_exoclick_login] => [ads_exoclick_cat] => [ads_exoclick_zone] => [ads_exoclick_site] => [youtube] => true [copy_text] => false [ab_loop] => false [download_template] => %caption% [stackpath_domain] => [stackpath_secure_token] => (redacted) [keycdn_domain] => [keycdn_secure_token] => (redacted) [video_ads_skip_minimum] => 3 [youtube_ads_disable] => false [video_ads_once] => true [bunnycdn_domain] => [bunnycdn_secure_token] => (redacted) [copy_text_time] => 5 [transcript_theme] => light [watching_prompt_msg] => Are you still watching? [autoplay_scroll_enhanced] => false [display_preset] => flash [watching_prompt] => false [watching_prompt_interval] => 1 [transcript_hidden] => false [separate_subtitle_disabling] => false [download_no_right_click] => false [stream_loader_on] => false [stream_loader_speed_up] => false [cloudflare_domain] => [cloudflare_secure_token] => (redacted) [video_ads_between_vids] => false [copy_text_ip] => true [copy_text_email] => true [copy_text_name] => true [copy_text_site] => true [copy_text_date] => true [copy_text_opacity] => 0.3 [cf_ips_cron] => false [chromecast_enc_hls] => false ) [disablesharing] => true [logoPosition] => bottom-left [liststyle] => horizontal [ui_speed] => false [ui_speed_increment] => 0.25 [splash] => [subtitleOn] => false [lightbox_images] => false [lightbox_improve_galleries] => true [fv-wp-flowplayer-submit] => Allenderungenspeichern [cbox_compatibility] => false [css_disable] => false [hlsjs] => true [profile_videos_enable_bio] => false [integrations] => Array ( [featured_img] => false [wp_core_video] => false [facebook_sharing] => false [schema_org] => false ) [parse_comments] => false [rtmp-live-buffer] => false [db_duration] => false [subtitleSize] => 18 [popups_default] => no [css_writeout-httpswww-rcminfobreak-atcmswp-content] => 1510912332 [fv_player_admin_pro_quality_alive] => 1 [subtitleFontFace] => inherit [subtitleBgColor] => rgba(0,0,0,0.50) [subtitleBgAlpha] => 0.5 [fv_player_admin_pro_video_ads_alive] => 1 [playlist_advance] => false [sharing_email_text] => Check out the amazing video here [disable_video_hash_links] => true [audio] => false [email_lists] => Array ( [#fv_list_dummy_key#] => Array ( [title] => [description] => [first_name] => 0 [last_name] => 0 [disabled] => 0 ) [0] => Array ( [title] => [description] => [first_name] => 0 [last_name] => 0 [disabled] => 0 ) [1] => Array ( [title] => Subscribe to list one [description] => Two good reasons to subscribe right now [first_name] => 1 [last_name] => 0 [disabled] => 0 ) ) [mailchimp_api] => [mailchimp_list] => [mailchimp_label] => Subscribe for updates [playlist-design] => 2014 [sticky_video] => false [sticky_place] => right-bottom [sticky_width] => 380 [css_writeout-https-www-rcminfobreak-at-cms-wp-content] => 1618912142 [old_code] => false [mobile_native_fullscreen] => false [mobile_force_fullscreen] => false [skin-custom] => Array ( [hasBorder] => false [bottom-fs] => false [borderColor] => #666666 [marginBottom] => 2.8 [bufferColor] => #eeeeee [canvas] => #000000 [backgroundColor] => rgba(34,34,34,1.00) [font-face] => inherit [player-position] => [progressColor] => #fbf315 [timeColor] => #ffffff [durationColor] => #eeeeee [design-timeline] => [design-icons] => fp-outlined [accent] => #4682B4 ) [skin-slim] => Array ( [progressColor] => #bb0000 [accent] => #4682B4 ) [skin-youtuby] => Array ( [progressColor] => #bb0000 [accent] => #4682B4 ) [skin] => custom [video_position_save_enable] => false [vi_login] => [vi_pass] => [video_sitemap] => false [video_sitemap_meta] => [chromecast] => true [css_writeout-https-www-rcminfobreak-at] => 1636973479 [nag_fv_player_7] => true [notice_db] => true [notice_new_lightbox] => true [show_controlbar] => false [hd_streaming] => false [matomo_domain] => [matomo_site_id] => [multiple_playback] => false [ui_no_picture_button] => false [ui_repeat_button] => false [ui_rewind_button] => false [lightbox_force] => false [mobile_alternative_fullscreen] => false [mobile_landscape_fullscreen] => false [playlistFontColor-proxy] => # [customCSS] => [s3_browser] => false [digitalocean_spaces] => Array ( [space] => [endpoint] => [key] => [secret] => ) [video_model_db_checked] => [player_model_db_checked] => [player_meta_model_db_checked] => [video_meta_model_db_checked] => [notice_7_5] => true [video_stats_enable] => false [js-optimize] => false ) DATABASE CREATE TABLE `wp_rcm18313_fv_player_players` ( `id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `player_name` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci NOT NULL, `player_slug` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci NOT NULL, `videos` text COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci NOT NULL, `ab` varchar(3) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci NOT NULL, `ad` text COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci NOT NULL, `ad_height` varchar(7) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci NOT NULL, `ad_width` varchar(7) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci NOT NULL, `ad_skip` varchar(7) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci NOT NULL, `align` varchar(7) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci NOT NULL, `author` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `autoplay` varchar(7) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci NOT NULL, `controlbar` varchar(7) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci NOT NULL, `copy_text` varchar(120) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci NOT NULL, `changed_by` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `date_created` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `date_modified` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `embed` varchar(12) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci NOT NULL, `end_actions` varchar(10) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci NOT NULL, `end_action_value` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci NOT NULL, `height` varchar(7) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci NOT NULL, `hflip` varchar(7) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci NOT NULL, `lightbox` varchar(7) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci NOT NULL, `lightbox_caption` varchar(120) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci NOT NULL, `lightbox_height` varchar(7) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci NOT NULL, `lightbox_width` varchar(7) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci NOT NULL, `playlist` varchar(10) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci NOT NULL, `playlist_advance` varchar(7) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci NOT NULL, `qsel` varchar(25) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci NOT NULL, `share` varchar(7) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci NOT NULL, `share_title` varchar(120) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci NOT NULL, `share_url` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci NOT NULL, `speed` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci NOT NULL, `sticky` varchar(7) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci NOT NULL, `video_ads` varchar(10) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci NOT NULL, `video_ads_post` varchar(10) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci NOT NULL, `width` varchar(7) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci NOT NULL, `status` varchar(9) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'published', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=140 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci CREATE TABLE `wp_rcm18313_fv_player_playermeta` ( `id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `id_player` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `meta_key` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci NOT NULL, `meta_value` longtext COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `id_player` (`id_player`), KEY `meta_key` (`meta_key`(191)) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=233 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci CREATE TABLE `wp_rcm18313_fv_player_videos` ( `id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `src` varchar(1024) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci NOT NULL, `src1` varchar(1024) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci NOT NULL, `src2` varchar(1024) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci NOT NULL, `splash` varchar(1024) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci NOT NULL, `splash_text` varchar(1024) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci NOT NULL, `caption` varchar(1024) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci NOT NULL, `end` varchar(1024) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci NOT NULL, `mobile` varchar(1024) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci NOT NULL, `rtmp` varchar(1024) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci NOT NULL, `rtmp_path` varchar(1024) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci NOT NULL, `start` varchar(1024) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `src` (`src`(191)), KEY `caption` (`caption`(191)) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=143 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci CREATE TABLE `wp_rcm18313_fv_player_videometa` ( `id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `id_video` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `meta_key` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci NOT NULL, `meta_value` longtext COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `id_video` (`id_video`), KEY `meta_key` (`meta_key`(191)) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=175 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci ### End System Info ###
5 years ago in reply to: Default video size ignoredHello Juraj,
I’m sorry for the confusion.
Because all videos are for registered users only, you need to login nevertheless. But you can use one of our test accounts. How should I send you the login credentials?
Robert5 years ago in reply to: Default video size ignoredHello Juraj,
as I said, we will look into the new version and try to convince our client to update.
Because of high security criteria, I need a static IP address to grant you access to the backend of the website. Can you provide such?
Robert5 years ago in reply to: Default video size ignored5 years ago in reply to: Default video size ignoredSure, screenshot is attached.
We havn’t updated the plugin because of two reasons:
1) there are over 200 videos on the website and it’s impossible to convert all of them by hand to the new shortcode version
2) our client does not like the fact, that inside the shortcode he is not able to see which video it represents (it’s only the ID instead of the URL)But it is definitely a our goal as the webdev agency to convince them to change.
5 years ago in reply to: Default video size ignoredSorry, but I don’t have a “Tools” tab there (see screenshot).
But my client is using this version:
FV Player v6.6.6
FV Player Pro v6.6.75 years ago in reply to: Default video size ignoredHello Juraj,
sorry but I can’t find Tools -> System info on my FV Player Pro settings page. Where is it supposed to be exactly?
5 years ago in reply to: Default video size ignoredHello,
I have a new problem regarding this topic so I post it right here and don’t open a new ticket. I hope thats ok?
My problem is, that the default ordering of the quality switch does not work. On the options page it is set like that:
HD 720p
SD 480pSo the HD quality is first and should be loaded on default by the videos, but that does not work. On the first load the user get the SD video. If he switches to HD everything works fine and his choice is saved in the cookie. Have you any idea what the problem could be?
Kind regards,
RobertHello Martin,
strange, but thank you for the check. So I guess you can’t suggest any solution to us?
There are over 200 videos on our clients website which use FV Player and we haven’t tested yet what happens if we update.
Robert6 years ago in reply to: FV Player ID – ShortcodeHello Martin,
the shortcodes look all like this:
[fvplayer src="..." splash="..." width="1280" height="720" qsel="true"]Only some have an additional parameter (popup) but these are rather old ones and can therefore be neglected.
If it’s not to hard or costly I would really appreciate a solution to bulk change the old shortcodes.I’m on vacation from 8.-20. August, so I will not be able to answer on this topic till I’m back. But maybe you can come up with something until then.
Robert6 years ago in reply to: FV Player ID – ShortcodeHello Juraj, hello Martin,
thank you both for your reply. Right now the videos are used within a custom video post type and therefore with the classic editor. Because of some special circumstances my clients website is at this time not ready to switch to Gutenberg at all. But I’m in the process of developing a strategy to do so.
Converting the old shortcode by going into each video post type and clicking into the shortcode as recommended in your tutorial is no option because we are talking about almost 200 pages/videos. Is there any bulk way to do this?
If this is not the case I just want to clarify, that it would have no consequences (now or in the future) if the old video shortcodes would stay as they are?
The feature you mentioned about Gutenberg and the preview is not implemented at the current state of the plugin, or is it?
Robert6 years ago in reply to: FV Player ID – ShortcodeHere is a follow-up question: My client has about 200 videos on his website. Now if I would stick to the latest major version (7) of the plugin, all new videos would be inserted on the fv_player admin page. The problem is, that I have no reasonable explanation why none of his past videos are listed on this page. Is there a way (without downgrading) to use the old system?
Kind regards,
Robert6 years ago in reply to: FV Player ID – ShortcodeHi,
I use this thread because the topic is close to my question.
Since version 7 of the FV Player plugin the insert-video-button on a post/page generates a new shortcode with only an id attribute (which does not indicate which video it refers to). This is a problem as my client does not see anymore which video is used nor which settings are active. Is there a way to get the old shortcode back? If not, I really struggle with using the newest version of the plugin.
Kind regards,
Robert6 years ago in reply to: Show same video popup via two links6 years ago in reply to: Show same video popup via two linksOK I just noticed, that the wpfp_ID is not always the same. It changes on every page load. So nevermind the question above.
6 years ago in reply to: Show same video popup via two linksHello Martin,
thank you for your help so far. I’m already working on a JS script for that.
But to trigger the video play-event by JS, I need it’s ID.
Is there a way to obtain the ID by php somehow? Like the WordPress function the_ID(); but for the video.Thanks,
Robert6 years ago in reply to: Show same video popup via two linksHello Martin,
enabling the sitewide lightbox setting did the trick, thank you. I somehow missed this option.
But is there a way to autostart the video when opened in the lightbox? Right now the user has to click the play button.Thanks,
Robert6 years ago in reply to: Show same video popup via two links6 years ago in reply to: Show same video popup via two linksHello Martin,
thanks for the advise, but unfortunately this does not work. I tried using it like this:
” class=”colorbox”><?php the_title(); ?>
and like this:
<?php echo apply_filters( ‘the_content’, ‘‘. get_the_title() .’‘ ); ?>
but both ways don’t work. There is no lightbox.<div id=”video-<?php the_ID(); ?>”><?php echo do_shortcode(‘ [fvplayer src="'. $video_URL .'" caption="'. get_the_title() .'"]‘ ); ?></div>
Do you have any idea?
Robert7 years ago in reply to: URL-Parameter for VideoHello Martin,
thank you for you answer. This is definitely pointing me in the right direction.
7 years ago in reply to: Action after livestream endsHello Martin,
thanks for your reply, thats good to know.
Unfortunately, I can not provide you with a livestream.
But we will do some tests for ourselves. I will come back to you if I have any further questions.Thank you for your help.
Kind regards,
Robert7 years ago in reply to: Detect if video is watched to the endHi Martin,
unfortunately the code was not working for me at first.
I then tried around a bit and found out, that when I delete this query: if (typeof _gat != ‘undefined’) { … } it suddenly works. I don’t know what this “_gat” is but it seems to be undefined because the code after was not executed.Without the query it works as expected.
7 years ago in reply to: Detect if video is watched to the endHi Eduard,
thanks for your reply. But should this code/solution still work?
I need to fire an action on the website after the user has watched the whole video.
This has nothing to do with Google Analytics.Kind regards,
Robert8 years ago in reply to: Use colorbox link in theme/template8 years ago in reply to: Default video size ignoredOk I tried that. And the video started with the Quality Option I put first.
But that means, regardless what video I set in the Shortcut on the page, it will always use the Quality Switching order. Is that right?So if I set the 720p video as main video in the shortcode but put the 480p quality first at the options page, it will display the 480p version on the page…