Developing a nice piece of software is not only about coming up with new features. Sometimes you have to stop, look back and go through all of it once again.
How small spark can cause big fire
If you are following our weblog you couldn’t miss this article where we described how there was quite a big issue with loading SVG animations in Flowplayer 7 core causing overheating on Android mobile devices.
After some difficult testing we decided to make our own CSS loading animation, which takes far less juice out of user’s CPU performance. So we have fixed it and we have also submitted our fix to Flowplayer as we always do.
Caption field renamed to Title field
Also a little reminder – we decided to rename Caption field to Title, so don’t be scared if you noticed something is missing, it just has different name.
Why we’ve decided to name it this way although WordPress does use phrase “Caption” for describing image titles?
In the world of video word “caption” most of the time points toward “closed captions” which are widely known as subtitles. That’s the reason why we find “Title” much more accurate than “Caption” in this case.
Everybody who at least tried to write a code know that adding new piece of code to the existing one always bring errors to the light. That’s the time when bugfixing takes the place.
There’s no perfect code, just “good enough”
What we have fixed:
- Bugged temporary files removing for duration check:
Fixed a bug with video duration checker forgetting to remove fv_flowlayer_tmp_* temporary files.
- Bugged corner on YouTuby skin:
Fixed a bug with weirdly looking corners on YouTuby skin with Fullscreen mode.
- Low database performance and too many checks:
Fixed a bug when few users experienced slow loadings or performance issues with our FV Player database. We’ve also deleted several meaningless SQL checks from our FV Player database in WP admin back-end for better user experience.
- PHP 7.2 compatibility problems
Fixed a bug when some users experienced problem FV Player’s compatibility with PHP in 7.2 version.
Stay tuned for more!
We are trying to make our FV Player plugin better ever single day by bringing more and more upgrades and updates into it. You can actually help us a lot, by giving us feedback.
So if you have any tips or questions, don’t hesitate and contact us via our Forum!
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