Foliovision’s office doesn’t have air conditioning. Normally it doesn’t matter. It’s about one week or ten days per year that the heat gets up to the uncomfortable level. It seems to be more and more days each year as this year we are now into the third week of heat right now.

In any case, last week was the second hot one. We had a birthday party scheduled for our programmer Riso and designer Janette on Thursday night. We moved it out to the banks of the Danube, opposite Devin Castle. For many on our team, it was the first time swimming in the might Danube, as in Bratislava the Danube is too fast and after Bratislava and into Hungary, the river is considered too dirty for safe swimming.

Austria apparently checks its rivers often and punishes those who dump waste into the river severely. It’s a pity Slovakia and Hungary have not caught up, as it would make the Danube a better tourist attraction and more enjoyable in summer for them as well.
We had a great time and there is a work lesson here. Don’t hit your head against a stone wall. Change things up when things aren’t working. A great cooldown like this left us all motivated to work hard on Friday and we had a really productive day. Yes we lost the end of an afternoon on Thursday (we left the office at 3:30pm) but with the heat we weren’t at our best anyway so not much was lost in terms of work and much was gained in making last week one to remember.
While we all enjoyed the beach volleyball, our keenest player was Thor, the company dog. He ended up taking the ball home with him. Thor’s lesson: if you want something enough you can get it.
We had a delicious sour cream and bisquit cake prepared by the radiant Anna Dudasova, our team coordinator and a project manager. A thermos with fresh coffee and we could have been in one of the best cafes in Vienna.
If you are wondering why Devin looks like such a ruin, you can ask Napoleon. In the campaign of 1809, after the siege of Pressburg (Bratislava), he blew up most of the castle.
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Alec Kinnear
Alec has been helping businesses succeed online since 2000. Alec is an SEM expert with a background in advertising, as a former Head of Television for Grey Moscow and Senior Television Producer for Bates, Saatchi and Saatchi Russia.
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