A very smartly dressed Julian Assange joined other attendees at the sold out Linklove conference in seeking ways to outsmart Google and to propel Wikilinks back to the top of search rankings. His last year on the run from UK, US and Swedish authorities has not seemed to phase the energetic Assange. He’s looking, younger, fresher and ready to continue the battle for his liberty.

Julian Assange at Linklove in London.
Was Assange looking for SEO help for wikileaks
Will Critchlow, co-director and founder of Distilled.co.uk, organizers of the Linklove SEO conference said Assange’s attendance was as much a surprise to him as to everyone else there.
I’m happy to see Julian here. Politics are not really something that are a priority with me, but I believe everyone has a right to their viewpoint. At this point, Wikileaks needs all the help it can get and what Julian and his team learn at Linklove will certainly be able to help them avoid any further penalties in Google.
Assange declined to comment insisting he was present as a private party and not as a public figure.

Alec Kinnear
Alec has been helping businesses succeed online since 2000. Alec is an SEM expert with a background in advertising, as a former Head of Television for Grey Moscow and Senior Television Producer for Bates, Saatchi and Saatchi Russia.
I was convinced this is someone who just took Julian’s style, looked to young for me to be him! Lol. So is it for sure it was not his look-alike?
Nice Link Bait attempt I guess! :)
This is not Julian Assange ….
Why on earth is this fake news still circulating in 2024? That guy doesn’t even look like Julian Assange.
It’s not fake news. It was a light-hearted jest. At the time, I made this post I had no idea that Julian Assange would become the most significant political prisoner since Nelson Mandela. Thank goodness Julian is free at last.