I should preface this article by saying that of the social networks, we like LinkedIn best. They don’t try to get ahold of information about you they shouldn’t have and they give the account owner very good granular control of what appears in his or her account. On the other hand, sometimes one wants to close an account. And it should be easy.
How can one quickly and easily delete one’s LinkedIn account? It turns out nohow.
First, it’s almost impossible to do it without seeking out very detailed documentation. Fortunately you have arrived at the right place.
The received wisdom is that you have to open up a customer support ticket to close your LinkedIn account. That’s no longer the case. Possibly thanks to the direct pressure that celebrity programmer (can a programmer be a celebrity?) David Heinemeier Hansson brought to bear.
In the second round of Heinemeier Hansson’s LinkedIn let me go hell, Heinemeier Hansson wrote:
But two people from LinkedIn has now been in touch and hopefully we can work this out. I’ll try my best to get the quit-account operation to be automatic, not manual. That’s the big problem.
But it’s still not easy.
You have to search for the cancel function deep in the help profiles. What brings it up is “delete profile” here – http://linkedin.custhelp.com/
Once you are there here are the instructions:
Close an account and remove your profile from LinkedIn by completing the following steps:
Log into the account you wish to close.
Click on ‘Account & Settings’ found at the top of the home page.
Click on ‘Close Your Account’ under Personal Information.
Select a reason for closing your account.
Click on ‘Continue’.Members should only have one LinkedIn account. Multiple accounts can prevent the ability to accept an Invitation. Closing additional accounts should resolve this dilemma. Prior to closing any secondary accounts:
Inventory all connections and identify any that may be missing from the primary account you wish to keep.
Send Invitations to those connections missing from the primary account.
Update any profile information that maybe on other account profiles.Note: Once the account is closed, a user will no longer have access to the account or the contact information. If an account is closed in error, it can be reopened by contacting Customer Service. LinkedIn will be happy to re-open your account if you can provide a confirmed primary or secondary email address tied to that account. However, LinkedIn does not have the ability to restore any pending invitations or sent recommendations on a re-opened account.
Not so easy. If you are managing any groups you have to delete those too.
You have to go through about six screens to get this done.
One of my clients has multiple profiles. The emails that those profiles were created under are long gone. Let’s see how long it takes LinkedIn to actually respond.
Update: out of three duplicate profiles:
- I found the email and removed the account
- Wonder of wonders LinkedIn removed this one based on my ticket (logged in as my client from his main account)
- This one (a Private profile but certainly my client) is still there.
God help you if you actually sign up for their paid service. Apparently they will not allow you allow to terminate at all in that case. One poor sod had to cancel his credit card to get off paid LinkedIn:
I tried to cancel my $20/month subscription with LinkedIn. They never responded to emails and charged me for months until I finally found a way to stop the billing. Seriously this worked.
Cancel or report your credit card lost or stolen with the number you used for LinkedIn. no new charges occurred after that. And my account was finally set back to the basic status no more $20 fees.
What’s worse, for a business which takes money for its services, LinkedIn does not answer its telephone. Here’s the number in case you need it: if anyone comes across an extension which actually works you can post it and I will send anyone who subscribes here that info. Posting it on the open web would probably lead to the extension being disabled within a few weeks.
Speaking of which, LinkedIn’s pricing is absurd – $400/year for an address book. That’s one pricey piece of software. We pay $100/month for our online accounting package and something similar for project management but there are ten to forty users using those services day in and day out.
With the help of a senior customer service manager (I think the head of the whole shooting works) we were finally able to get some duplicate accounts deleted/merged. It was far too painful and took a matter of weeks. It necessitated giving false information to LinkedIn (if we didn’t give false information they wouldn’t help us), even though they knew the information was false.
In fairness to LinkedIn, there are people manning support and in extreme cases they are reachable. Which is better than Google (only place you can contact is AdWords, as they are taking your money) and probably Facebook (Facebook is so invasive we won’t use it at all).

Alec Kinnear
Alec has been helping businesses succeed online since 2000. Alec is an SEM expert with a background in advertising, as a former Head of Television for Grey Moscow and Senior Television Producer for Bates, Saatchi and Saatchi Russia.
i closed my linkedin account the free one but it is still on the web and they said it was suppose to be removed from search engines
Hi Cookie,
It will take a few weeks/months/years for the search engines to drop the deleted page. The important thing on your end is to check that the URLs in the search engine go to a 404 page or a blank page so that the old page will eventually be dropped. If the page is just hidden inside the internal database but exists on the web still (if you know the address), Google will probably not drop it, at least not any time soon.
I joined this network and got pop up menu from a dating site Lexa.nl (the Dutch TV program Radar made a topic about them, nasty stuff I cant get it away, till now. so I closed my linkedin account, the next day it was still active with pictures and all
I edited every field in my profile with “Not Applicable”, Including my name, prior to deleting the account. Should it persist, it shouldn’t be autolinked to pipl or whatever.
closed my linkedin account the free one but it is still on the web
Thank you for the article. I was very useful. If I had known before, I would not start to pay for an account. I myself had a problem to fill in the right info. I’m going to change my job so I tried to change info about me and I could not. And they do not allow to set info if you are a freelance, they need a web address of the company. I wonder if anybody found themselves a job through LinkedIn or established good professional contacts?
Hi Svetlana,
I’m sure some people have found work through LinkedIn. It’s more a place to reconnect with past contacts which might lead to work offers.
LinkedIn is kind of a Facebook for grownups.
I’m not sure if we’ve had direct inquiries and deals from LinkedIn but we definitely have had from Twitter.
I have found it a mission to turn off the incessant emails I get every day – which my Thunderbird email client advises me are a scam!
I can’t login because it won’t recognize my email provider. I’m pissed off. It wants all my email contacts to do anything. I’m not a social website type and don’t want this at all. It wasn’t like this when I created this account 5 or so years ago. All I wanted to do was change my email address but all I get is BS. They are evil. Don
Thank you so much for this advertisement. I have been trying to shut down the LinkedIN or StalkedIN site for days. It has completely messed up my life being on that site. Thanks again.
they are all about data mining. from the faggots at facebook, to spoke.com, and this gay site. I dont know anyone who has gained employment by using one of these sites. stick with what works. it’s called a phone, a resume, etc. it’s bad enough that potential employers have your job history, I for one do not want it out for the world to see. it is not anyones business.
for me is Wikipedia and facebook enough. NO INTEREST with Link in Sorry it is not my thing !!!!I don`t like head hunting!!!!!!
Please dont`t show my mail account Thanks!!
Hi Ulrike,
That’s funny. I loathe Facebook (I wouldn’t trust Mark Zuckerberg with a $20 loan, let alone all my personal data) but have been reasonably happy with LinkedIn which has allowed me to reconnect with a lot of wonderful people from the past.
You missed out on a very important part. You cannot delete a company !
Who created the CON ARTIST stuff “linkedin” ?
Help them to hide in the darkest corner on the planet, because – I am prepared to rip these scam-bags into bits and pieces in front of any court, anywhere in the world!
(I am not updated, but, when did they partner with Mark Zuckerberg?)
Hi I want to remove my primary mail id from Linkedin.Please suggest me as soon as possible.I am very confused.
Thanks Jitender
Hi Jitender,
LinkedIn will not give up your primary email address. They will keep mailing you until you die.
It’s unbelievable. Spammers.
I used to have a high opinion of LinkedIn and was quite active, but with the spam filled groups and the non-stop spamming of users, I’ve almost stopped using LinkedIn.
Pay back time !!! My brother ordered an online accounting package and yearly subsciption from these muppets in Feb 2011, We went ballistic as hes under age to undertake any transactions. We contacted the bank and they put an SO4 on the transaction as it was illegal because of his age. Good part is we are now getting money paid into our account every mth from a foreign bank and have recieved to date 6 times what their fees were and it still keeps rolling in.
y bank seem to think its a reverse DD which has been misinterpreted by their bank and said I should let them know – but guess what, and heres the good bit – YOU CANT SPEAK OR CONTACT ANYONE AT LINKED IN – he-he-he.
I find Linkedin useless. Please tell me hyow to change a business account with the same email, or how to close this account.
Thank you
Thanks this worked a treat!!
Please remove my Linkedin account completely. D. Mark.
I do not have an account in the first place. All I want to do is unsubscribe so I do not receive any further emails from Linkedin.
linkedin have an office in london but there no details of a phone number not even in google ??
i deleted my account but profile still could be see. is there any say to delete my profile info?
Thanks for the instructions, I’ve been meaning to get rid of my duplicate acct for some time now.
This is a worthless company…………boycott them folks……..In Ole Wild West we Just shot the sonofbitches…….and that what the internet has become.
I dont have time to see my account . hence kindly close my account.
Thanks for your help on this. You are right it would be next to impossible without your map.
please close my account
Please uninstall my account and profile
Please close my linkedin account
THANK YOU for this article!
Linked In was absolutely useless to me. It offered no benefit except for others who wanted more info on me (i.e. quasi stalkers).
LOL @ people here asking YOU to close their accounts. Kinda makes you wonder how they managed to set up a profile in the first place.
Thanks again
I am having problems with this account and found that very interesting as I did not set up an account i can’t get rid of spam that these people keep posting on my phone and tablet
Thank u….
Please cancel my account with linkedin and delete my profile. I did not ask for this account and do not wish to have it!!!!!!!!
I’s wrongly advised by a friend of mine to open a linkedin accout. But immediately I found out that it is only to kill my time. So, I’m interested to delete my account.
Very complicated to close the account – one has to rummage around – there are some changes – I just stumbled into it after many blind alleys. I was getting very tired of seemingly random invites.
I don
t have any account or to be a member at all with Linkedin.I had never given you my paticulars.I don
t want to receive any more e-mails from you or face book.I want you to delete any least detail of me.I want to unsubscribe completely from you.I never asked to be linked to Linkedin and I want my name and profile removed. I do not want to receive any more emails. How can I get my email address removed? I did not set up an account or profile. H E L P !!!!!!!!!
More than two years old and still helpful. Thank you.
please help me! i cannot close this account and need someone to get me out of this – it is sending messages non-stop to all my friends who can’t stand the emails!
please delete me frome linkedin!
please unsubscribe my account with twoo
i already deleted my account in LinkedIn but still existing.. i still saw my profile in Google.i dont want to publish my profile in public….
How do I get off twoo? I was sent an invitation from a friend and thought it was like linked in and filled out stuff but now cant work out how to get off??
No Tel.#, no contact form… in Germany (at least!) illegal! Dont give them Your details!!! You´l never get them back! Linkedin never existed… NO: it never should have been existing!
Kindly Remove my linkin account permanatly from the web site
i wat to unsubscribe, why can’t this be possile
Cancel my account w/Linkedin as soon as possible. I got in by mistake and i don’t know how. Please confirm.
Kindly Remove my linkin account permanatly from the web site
Just closed my Linkedin account – about 10 hours after opening it. In those few hours I have had an unbelievable amount of spam email.
Closing wasn’t that hard – they have a Help section and it really does give advice on how to close the account.
Hi Alex,
Thanks for your report.
Please let us know if the email spam stops once you close your account. It would be great if you then tried to reopen the account on that same email?
If you are reoffered your profile it would suggest LinkedIn hold on to your data but give it back to you.
If you are not allowed to open up a profile on that email address, it would suggest LinkedIn is holding onto your data but not giving it back to you.
If you are offered the chance to keep a new account with no suggestion of previous registration, it’s likely that LinkedIn have effectively (at least within the active system), deleted your profile.
I just deleted my only LinkedIn account, according to Alec’s instruction. Then I tried to sign in 5 minutes afterwards. The result is: I can not sign in with my old data (email and password) any more. They keep sending me info that my email address or password are wrong. But, of course, when I Google my name all data are still there. A nightmare!!!
Alec wrote: “They will keep mailing you until you die”. I would add: “Even a very long time after we all die, they will still keep our data visible to the public on their sites”.
My proposal: Someone of you guys (IT experts) could earn a lot of money by developing a way (system /procedure/special software/application – whatever) and helping us ordinary people to get out (rid) of the places (pages) like LinkedIn.
It could become a new profession!
Hi Ann,
Thanks for the detailed info. Please keep us posted if LinkedIn do take your profile down. It may take a day or two. The page itself will stay in Google for at least a couple of months (you don’t have rights to have Google de-index a page, LinkedIn would have to make that request themselves).
If not, sending LinkedIn a registered letter in legal form might smarten them up. Be aware of the kind of miscreants you are dealing with in the person of Reid Hoffman and any of his associated companies.
Great suggestion. The simple approach is to empty your account of all but your name and a single job description before closing it.
Any automate service, Facebook and LinkedIn can (and have) just blocked.
Keep up the good fight! And don’t forget to have a laugh or two at the people actually trusting their data to these self-interested blackguards.
ridiculous post. closing is easy. what’s the bfd?
kindly de link me from linked in. i do not want to continue in linked in. thank you, regards.
I misunderstood when I was giving my retirement information. I gave my husband’s business and I did not give my pkace of employment. I do not need Linkedin
PLEASE CLOSE MY ACCOUNT AND DELETE MY PROFILE COMPLETELY!!!!!!!! I’ve receiving mails since 2009!!!! P L E A S E !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can you please close my LinkedIn account?
Delete my account/profile please.
I want my information dropped from LinkedIN. No more. I’ve tried over and over to do this and it just will not go away.
I think it’s a scam and I’m tired of it. I will find out who to write if I have to start from the top and work my way down. The FCC should be told of this.
I just tried to delete my account. Wow. These guys just confirmed for me why I despise these types of services that collect your personal info and remove your ability to control it. That being said, I just made some adjustments to my account. I removed all connections, groups, job info and companies I was following. I then created a bogus email account so that I could add it to the account as my primary and then deleted my legitimate email so that I wouldnt continue to get harrassed with updates and emails. It really is ridiculous that one should have to go through all of this trouble to remove their own info from such a site.
Hi “Name”,
Thanks for sharing your steps for destroying your account. Not a bad approach. I wouldn’t be surprised if LinkedIn have an archive system which will restore your account to its previous state (once they see the bouncing email) and they start to mail you again in a year.
But maybe LinkedIn don’t have that automated archive restore and you’ve found the right away to really wrench your data freee.
how to remove my linkedin account (personel details)in search engines
Clear me off any and all registers you may have. Thank you
please cancel linkedin
I do not have a business.
Thx.. Correct info and quick and easy, I am out :)
after they have sent friendship invitations in my name, attack me with email, bothering me and more… you have saved me with that info. Thanks
I’m not interested to running this account. Please delete it.
Please remove my profile from this company i am no longer with this company. left this company for a new a position.
Thank you.
I am not interested any more please delete
I just received from Linkedin” ” Do you know…. First my sister’s name. then the names of two of my friends….” How in hell, did they get those names? I have regular e-mail contact with those people, so they must have a way to get into MY data, without MY permission !! I object very much to such invasiveness. Isn’t it illegal somehow ? If at all possible I want to get rid of such brazen scum.
Dear Sir, Please delete my account! I have retired and no longer need access to Lindeklin. Thank You for your consideration! Sincerely, Pam Case
I would like to delete my account please.
Please delete my account. We’ve had many enquiries as to whether Linkedin is genuine, or whether it is a scam. It has wasted a lot of time.
Please cancel my connection with it as soon as possible.
Thank you very much.
I did not set up a LinkedIn account and I better not get charged
I opened this account by mistake I have no need for it I don’t have a clue on how to use it and would appreciate it if it gets deleted thanks Steve
I want to close my LinkedIn account
Thanks guy’s! Closed my account in mere minutes. I’m retired and just don’t need this type of account. I really appreciate it!
I never opened an LinkedIn account yet I am listed through them on the Internet. How do I get them to stop? Info is inaccurate to boot.
Hi Pat,
Rush to get the dummy account closed down. Evildoers can impersonate you and cause all kinds of trouble for you in your professional and even personal life.
I’ve sent you a working LinkedIn telephone number. Please write back about how it goes.
Wtf delete my account pronto or I will get an attorney
Took me 30 seconds. Click the link, sign in, and follow the instructions.
Wow, I was shocked after reading the first two lines in this article:
“I should preface this article by saying that of the social networks, we like LinkedIn best. They don’t try to get ahold of information about you they shouldn’t have and they give the account owner very good granular control of what appears in his or her account.”
Are you serious? Okay fine, they do give you the ability to control which info you give out, but by default you are configured to give out everything! I’ve never felt so intruded upon in my life, not even by Facebook.
Alec, Here are a couple of add-ons.
just like to be removed from linkedin for good. can any one have me removed please. thank you all mr. vargo
Simple Fact , in the end, the ability to hurt is greater than the gain. If you do join, make SURE its all fictitious. Then you have a possibility of creating a gain……
i never asked for a linked in page and i see my information plastered all over the net with this ‘linked in’. i want it removed. i didn’t even sign up for this and have no password or id, yet i find i have a profile!
i am actually scared to try and create a password and id to get rid of the linked in information…no telling what will pop up about me if i do!! also, it seems that most of the folks who have commented here do not get their info removed even when they try to delete their profile.
if someone knows how to get rid of an profile that i didnt even make, please let me know. i noticed that the heads of this company DO NOT post thier emails where one can tell them of their invasion of my privacy.
please help if you can, ms madness
hi, I want to remove my linkedin account. can somebody help me out from this hell forever? It’s annoying really, Thank’s
Great article. I tried to delete my zip code from my profile to clean it up prior to deleting the account. It seems to insist I need to put in a valid number. Please help
I have tried to close my account but it is not closed.
Renove my name & e-mail address or i will turn it over to my attorney . This site is not above being sued !!!!
well, i tried clicking the link above from Kristen. it is asking me to sign in and i dont have a sign in bacause i never asked for this.
if i create a log in, will i now be validated and then more information about me will show? i am so scared to risk creating a log on cause they already have info on me that i didnt even ask to be posted.
help someone!!!
ms madness
not interested
Here is the link to close the linkedin account.
Thanks for your helpful post on closing a LinkedIn account. I have recently tried to close duplicate accounts. Whilst I found finding the duplicate account easy, accessing my profile still remains and I can’t gain access to the data I submitted.It brings a constant error message ‘we do not recognise your email account’. I still receive group emails and have no way of contacting the groups because I can’t access my original linkedIn account? I would be grateful if you have any further suggestions to help so I can clean up/close the account.
Hi Joanne,
I would suggest reporting the wrong account as personal impersonation.
Login and go to this URL: help.linkedin.com/app/ask
The screen will look like this.
linkedin help email
Choose Privacy/Abuse and report the wrong account as impersonation. LinkedIn have to verify it then and shut it down if it doesn’t check out.
Let us know how it goes Joanne.
Would like to delete my name from lindkin
Would like to delete my name
I am the same as post 90 above. I don’t have a LinkedIn account, yet my name and profile is all over the net and I get bombarded with Invitations! I never even signed up for this and don’t want it. Anyone know if this is even legal? Companies like this should be made to account for their unethical behavior!
I don’t all this social cyber space stuff, none of them. If I want to get in touch with anybody I’ll do it on my own. I keep getting these invitation to something that I don’t know anything about and from people I don’t know. Plus friends will ask to join me on something I never sign up for.
due to some extreme busy-ness i will not be able to use linked in
I am 78 Yrs old and retired in 1996. Please delete my account..
Thank you
Could anyone help me by the information about my LinkedIn account. I lost my email and password. so i create another account. I want to close old account. how? . I can’t sign in .
Here’s the best way to get off of linkedin.
Falsify ALL of your information. It is relatively easy to edit all of it. Use something whimsical. Have fun making up things.
Change your name to something that is obviously not a real name. Mine is Willy Maket.
Add an email address, preferably something that ends in @mailinator.com (I just did this and was surprised that they took the mailinator.com domain). With mailinator.com, you just make up any old thing for your email user name and you can then go to mailinator.com and see what is sent to that address after you use it.
Go to mailinator.com, enter the email address you just entered in linkedin, open the email linkedin sent, and confirm the mailinator.com email address.
Go back to linkedin, make the @mailinator.com email address the primary address and remove the old primary address.
After that, they will still have you connected to your contacts, but they will not have any valid information shown about you, your email address will be unlinked from your now fake linkedin profile, and it won’t matter that you ever joined linkedin.
Hi My Way,
It sort of works, except anyone who can figure out your email address or is browsing around Mailinator could take over your account.
On top of that, you remain hooked up to your real contacts. I’d say you should remove your real contacts first if you going to use this solution.
Thanks for the suggestions though.
I want to unsubscribe from linkedIn ,because I do not have anything to respond I tried but am not qualified to be on this post thanks
Found this info fall of 2013 and decided to get out of Linkedin since I was planning on retiring. Closed my account down as directed. Just received another invite to connect with an old coworker so I guess my profile has not been taken down. Re-established my linkedin, changed all of my contacting info to no emails and shut down my linkedin profile again. Hopefully I will stop receiving emails to connect with people.
I have been trying to delete my account with LinkedIn. It is such an impossible task. I just hate being connected to my soon to be ex-hudband, who is a vindictive arrogant monster, tried to muder me on January 5, 2014 because he was careless arrogant technology lawyer.
His love affair photos from his iphone synced into my computer photo stream, something that shocked him. I printed his photos of his lover and confronted him. He got violent, and attacked me using his Aikido martial arts, a calculated attack to kill me instantly to break my neck, just like in the movies. He had my right hand twisted backward and his other hand on base of my neck with intense pressure and pushed me down to ceramic floor with his body weigth and mocked me, ” I am stronger than you are”. . .with hos satisfaction eyes made me realized thst was the end of me. I only had one hand to defend myself. While on the floor, for some miraculous reason, I got my right hand, I grabbed his crotch and induced pain to it. He then started to release my neck and twisted fingers. I WANT TO DELETE MY LINKEDIN ACCOUNT BECAUSE I DO NOT WANT TO BE CONNECTED TO VINDICTIVE ARROGANT MONSTER LIKE PETER.
I do not have any use for this so please take me off your lists.
I closed my account (haha) and am still getting notifications, requests to link etc. I think it’s ridiculous that you cannot chose close and actually have it close! I understand about the web and it takes time for it to clear, but closed should mean closed!
To Whom it May Concern: I have been trying for over an hour to cancel my account through your website. I am tired of searching and searching for how to do it!
I just sold my business and am now retired. I no longer need your services. However, you make it so difficult to cancel I am tired of it.
If you don’t accept this contact and cancel my account I will dispute any further automatic charges to my credit card.
Thank you for your attention to this and I expect positive results.
I have canceled my subscription to Linkendin. Please verify this and send me a confirmation of my cancellation.
Tom Johnson
I signed up for a LinkedIn account a long time ago as a sort of joke. I don’t need a job, and I’m still connected to most of the people I want to be connected to. I am still connected to. The company name I used was “Nirvana,” and my job title was “Destroyer Of Worlds” (I obviously merged two Eastern religions, both of which I highly respect, and I apologize for any offense that anyone takes. It was not my intention. When I tried to change it, the site would not allow me to. This is one of the main reasons to delete the account). Using the above article, I got as far as linkedin.custhelp.com/ which does take you to their help site, but because the words “delete profile” meant to me, something that LinkedIn could use to keep my account open, yet still delete my profile…I used the words “Delete account” in the search box. What came up were instructions that will follow, and it does look and seem pretty cut and dried, but this is, after all, LinkedIn we’re dealing with, so its not quite that simple. The instructions are right after the fear of hellfire and damnation, fear inducing tactics: Closing Your Account How do I close my account? Last Reviewed: 12/23/2013 Report Answer Inaccuracies Closing your account means shutting off your profile and removing access to all your LinkedIn information from our site. If you have a Premium account, you can cancel the Premium access, but still keep your free Basic account to retain your profile, connections, and other information.
Before you close your only LinkedIn account, please note:
You will not have access to your connections or any information you’ve added to your account. Your profile will no longer be visible on LinkedIn. Search engines like Yahoo!, Bing, and Google may still display your information temporarily due to the way they collect and update their search data. Learn more. You can close your only LinkedIn account on the Privacy & Settings page:
If you’ve created more than one account, learn how to delete or merge a duplicate account. Do you want to keep your account but receive less email? You can set the frequency of email communications from the Communications section of the Privacy & Settings page to reduce email notifications, group digest emails, and LinkedIn announcements.
That was all, just 3 steps, and I did exactly what it said, and it went off without a hitch. Except…notice that part with the asterisk that says you may be prompted to sign in again? It did ask me to do that, so I did. Then I was again back in front of the close account query, so I hit it again, then it asked again for me to sign in, and I did, believing that they just wanted to be thorough, and what resulted was a page saying that my account had been restricted. Now, that may mean it’s closed. However, when I’ve closed accounts in the past, I’ve always received a confirmation of this. No such luck with LinkedIn. So, I went again to their help page, and used the name Noneofyour Business, I submitted a ticket which reads:
I am trying to close my Linkedin account. I have that right, and want to close it. I got as far as the “verify account” page, and clicked that, then clicked close account, then it asked me to sign back in, so I did that, then I hit close account again, and it asked me to sign in again. After I signed in the last time, it said that my account was restricted. I never got confirmation that my account is closed. I think this is a stupid, and useless site, and signed up for it as a joke. Obviously, the joke is on me, if I can’t get the account closed. If there are in fact any humans that work there, and read this, please let me know that my account is now closed. That will be the only email I will actually read from Linked in, and the only one I’ll be glad to see, by far. Thank you, Noneofyour
Stand by for anything further, if you care to.
I need to close my hubby’s linkedin account because he is deceased. Help please
unsubscribe i’m stopping my e-mail contacts
Hi Adeola, Chuck and Murph,
Please try MyWay’s instructions. LinkedIn will never let you go. You can just pollute their database.
I’d suggest delinking all your contacts before you lose access. When you have the fake name, they won’t be offended and won’t even know how delinked them.
If you are in Europe, your lawyer may be able to get you out for about €500. He’ll have to use the exact European directive sent to LinkedIn’s Legal Department. I may post more detailed instructions in the future. If anyone has a template and the right address, please send it here.
Why is un- subscribtion from linked in made so difficult? Please unsubscribe me because I am too old to continue with linked in emails. Thks.
I have just followed the directions KIRSTEN posted (#85) in August 2013. I’ve just followed those directions and I’ll now just wait to see what happens. I have not read any comments to say it didn’t work so I’m more than hopeful.
As Kirsten wrote: “Took me 30 seconds” and so it did for me too. I will also be tabbing any future emails linked to linkedin as ‘spam’ and that way, my email client can deal with them, I don’t have to look at them anymore.
Here’s the link:
Easy Peasy! Try it people and post feedback.
For now THANK YOU, KIRSTEN! and yes, I make no apologies for ‘shouting’!!!
I have clicked onto the link again (after following the delete process), and guess what? I have entered my email address and password, an error message comes up: “Hmm, we don’t recognize that email. Please try again.”
No thanks! That’s fine with me. :)
Hi Ann,
I don’t trust LinkedIn’s own process (it will archive your account). By using spam filters to get rid of ongoing incoming email from LinkedIn, it’s just like putting your fingers in your ears and shouting “I can’t hear you, I can’t hear you.”
The idea here is to get one’s data off of LinkedIn’s servers. Changing to bad info and deleting contacts one by one seems to be the surest way.
I did not ASK for Linked In , I don’t want it. A simple way of DELETING all this UNWANTED crap would be very welcome. Example: Down the BOTTOM of every page should be : If you like to delete this “sh#T please click on DELETE here and everything will be removed from our data base. DON’T make us going around in circles ‘PRESS THIS , PULL THAT, SHOVE THERE etc etc. Yours ” NOT HAPPY” !!!
I understand exactly how you feel, Bat, as do most people commenting here. Though I continue to use LinkedIn, I’m still using a secondary address as I can’t have my primary address attacked by LinkedIn.
Thank you SO much….couldn’t get rid of linkedin no matter how hard I tried…worse yet, I never signed up for it!!! Someone else must have done it, because whoever it was knew what some of my passwords were, and I started trying some of them and one of them worked! Couldn’t have gotten it canceled if it wasn’t for your help. Thanks SO much!
I am retired and have no use for LINKEDIN anymore. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE CANCEL IT AT ONCE.
I am retired and have no use for LINKEDIN anymore. PLEASE PLEASE CANCEL AT ONCE.
Due to illness I wish to unsubscribe from Linkedin. Thanks Linkedin for all your help, I will miss you & my friends , but I’ never forget.
Kindest Regards,
Kenneth j Waller. PGA of Aust member
Thank you so much, you saved me a few hours I’m sure, and probably a phone call as well. **Just a note I was not closing my account due to anything related to linkedIn, I think they have a great low pressure social environment, and a come to them instead of them to you atmosphere. And I was able to set up a profile with images of past projects and a history of work and volunteer projects within minutes. Nice place I plan to return when I am less overwhelmed with business elsewhere.
Please close and delete my LinkedIn account or subscription.
Thanks & Regards
Please Cancel me @ once . carol Fine
Could you please cancel asap as I feel this is not for me – thank you
Never signed up to Linkedin please help me to unsubscribe – it irritates me beyond words and I cannot get rid of it. Thanks Persimmon
Please help me cancel my LinkedIn account. I’m unable to do so.. Thanks for your usual cooperation.
LinkedIn in have made all my private information public, spread across more than dubious pirate information crawlers namely Yasni and Connect 6! I wonder how much money they’ve charged. Thanks a bunch, LinkedIn, whatever you are linked in. You are totally dishonest. Wolf in a sheep skin.
I have tried and tried to cancel and delete my account I want to see it happen I can’t do it so this LinkedIn better figure out how to delete me Not impressed !!!! Bad site to be on. Not happy
Ridicules they wont let you delete your account if you have a lot of connections. I work and have access to documents that I have to keep safe which means refraining from obtaining any profiles on sites that have been linked to terrorist etc. I don’t even have a facebook for privacy reasons. I heard on the news that they found terrorist on LinkedIn and decided I’m going to take my mother advice and go back to the basics. Have not received anything from customer service in which the message said I should be receiving something from them about deleting my profile. Its 2015…..websites should not force you keep profiles if you do not want to be apart of their organization anymore……no better than facebook.
Hi there
I would like to delete my acc in linked in,..it is showing in google search..I dont hv email and password. ? Pls help me on this..thanks
Want out of linked in keeps bringing my ex’s name and picture up and didn’t ask for it why would i
I could no longer sign into my Linked in account. They, after several years, were asking for additional information and phone number. I wasn’t not able to sign on. So I simply deleted my account. Funny, that they could help me with their changed sign in process
as of 1/03/15 stop, cancel, any and all contacts from others to me and from your company…cancel my membership to which I NEVER JOINED up for……….do confirm or this matter shall be handed over to the FCC
Please delete me from linkedin
I am a senior citizen, who is also disabled. I do not want to receive E-mail solicitations. I feel like I am being forced to accept something, I do not want.
Here’s how to delete your LinkedIn account with one step:
Hi Solo,
That’s a great tip, but your data will be lying around hidden somewhere forever in the vandals file. If you delete all your info and your contacts ahead of time, this does sound like a solid way to get a dead account permanently inactivated.
remove me from your list of subscribers. Also remove my profile. Thank you. I have tried following all of your instructions and none of them work.
i was with Linkedin till i saw my profile picture on google images and wasnt impressed that my photo was put out there for the world to see without my permission. i closed my account but the photo is still on google images. i dont know how to contact Linkedin without an account and i dont want to sign up again. can anyone help. thanks
I have met someone and I not want it an my fone anymore I have not really used it
These instructions were spot on. Took less than 3 minutes to complete.
I was trying to get an email address from a people finder site and when I clicked (get email address) a box came up that said I had to join LinkedIn. So I started to join. I got to the part where I was to put in my email address and I decided to not sign up so I went to the exit button in the upper right hand corner and exited. Later I went to my outlook email acct. and opened it. Normally my new emails will down load at this point. I got an error (error 0x80041024) error synchronizing your folder Hierarchy error 80041004. any body have an idea as to what I should do to solve this problem as I can no longer send or receive email
Hi LJ,
I hope your email account has not been hijacked. The first thing I’d do is go to the online login of my email in a fresh browser and change my password.
I’d then run good antivirus on my machine (Czech Avast has a good free edition). Then I’d try again with my email program. Be very careful about filling in login information online. I hope it’s nothing serious.
Making the web work for you, Alec
there is no particular reason for canceling my subscription . some things has changed for social media.
Hi, I have deleted my linkedin account, but still my information is alive on the site and my info is available on Web, But i tried to login to my account, it is not allowing me to login because there is no such account associated with my email id.
Can you tell me how to delete the content and remove my information from Web.
Thanks Harika
I want to unsubscribe to this website due to the pictures you allow on your website. You may think people will hire girls with big assets…I assure you this is inappropriate to most places unless they are looking for a pole dancer.
Recently, a friend asked me to join Linkedin. It was not what I was looking for. I am happy with Face Book. I am retired and I have no need to network or find jobs. I had an irate brother complaining that I am sending invitations to everyone. I am also receiving emails from people saying that they wanted me to subscribe. I am upset too that you are sending emails to my late father – Gerald G Meyer. He died two years ago. Please unsubscribe me immediately. I deleted all the emails that I receive from Linkedin As far as I know, I don’t have any personal information on Linkedin. I read through your list of complaints from people who wanted to unsubscribe and they said that it is almost impossible to unsubscribe.
Please Please unsubscribe me immediately!!!
Hi L. Small,
It’s exactly this kind of wicked behaviour (stealing people’s address books surreptitiously) which makes me loathe LinkedIn. How this is any different than what spammers do is beyond me. Yet Silicon Valley smiles on Reid Hoffman, whom I consider a fat rude prick. His gourmandise at table presages an insatiable appetite for others personal address books. In a better world, the man would be behind bars.
I hope my story (linked above) will help you extricate yourself.
I have spent countless hours trying to have all of my information from this website, with no success. I have come to believe it is virtually impossible! Once in, there seems to be no way out! “Help” is of no value, since I don’t know what password I used. Extremely frustrating!
to my knowledge I have NEVER joined linkedin so how have they got to me?and ive tried clicking unsubscribe 6 times in as many months.as I don’t have a profile with them what do I do?report them to a higher authority and if so who?
Linkedin like other tools of global fling, mass surveillance and thought control (egg facebook) has been put in place to lure people into something that simply doesn’t exists: a free lunch.
Linkedin is the favourite tool of lazy people who don’t want to make efforts or spend time to put their resume online or to adapt it to the companies they apply to.
Linkedin is the favourite tool of HR • Linkedin is the favourite tool of lazy HR people who don’t want to make efforts or spend time to do their job of assessing resume, finding candidates, interviewing them to find the right candidate.
• They love it, with Linkedin, they think they have a gigantic database of “talents” (the “newspeak” word for worker or employee) at their disposal. • They mistakenly think that the all world is there (while only a minority of real pros are using this piece of crap).
HR can go do what they do best thanks to Linkedin: • Avoid direct contact with Human beings • spend their days at the coffee machine or online, on “social” media, buying clothes and make up products • or chatting with their “friends” all day long, • “Working” from home, getting up late, not answering any emails or calls • Pretending to be important by participating to meetings after meetings all ore useless than the others.
• Etc..
Linkedin is the tool of choice for incompetent, lazy, arrogant, petty and egocentric HR employees.
• This is where they post their fake job ads to “enhance” their “talent” “pool”, not wondering why every candidate out there hate them for posting fake jobs and wasting their time. • Thanks to them and to the traditional crooks of the ‘recruitment” industry, Linkedin has become a vast platform of false advertising, data collection, spamming, junk and fraudulent adverts.
Besides the use made of Linkedin by these brave people, let’s not forget that:
• Linkedin “privacy” policy is a mock of privacy. I can get any information I want about anybody as long as they have made the mistake to join Linkedin (even those who set up their profile as the most private, I can still get all their info).
Linkedin is not a tool to find jobs:
• Linkedin is designed for HR, recruitment “specialists”and sales people to spam, bother, file, monitor, post fake ads, spy and check on your former colleagues. • This is why millions of morons pay for “premium” accounts. Allowing them to violate further the privacy of other users. • Linkedin is like this guy who organise a party for his few friends and invite figuration people to make it look like he has thousands of friends and to fill the room. Guess who get the best parts?
Linkedin is involved in heavy harassment and bullying of their users.
• They decide to avoid users to access their accounts, bare them from some functionalities if the user doesn’t comply to their political or corporate views. • To bully users, Linkedin uses often the “bug” or “technical problem” trick with the message everyone knows:
“There was an unexpected problem that prevented us from completing your request”. • This is not only illegal, this is ethically low. Linkedin screw their “clients” (pigeon is the right word).
• when it comes to cancel payments on the people who made the mistake of signing for a premium account. Please read the thousands of complaints and rants on this subject on the web.
Last but not least, like their totalitarian counterpart ,Facebook, Linkedin isn’t for free at all:
If you do not publishing name, I will find the right entity to stop you from doing so. I never subscribed in then first place.
Thank you for the censorship. Linkedin is a big piece of crap used mainly by corporate morons and useless marketers to screw real professionals.
My daughter visited one weekend and set up her profile on my computer. How can I delete this profile from my computer but not affect her profile on her computer?
Hi John,
You only need to log out of LinkedIn. You can then log in with your own credentials or not, as you see fit.
For extra points, you could flush all your cookies (but then you’ll have to log in to all sites again from zero: probably not as big a burden for you as it would be for me).
Making the web work for you, Alec
I am a disabled man; I just want to be left alone – very bothersome, furthermore, I do not own this business. RELEASE ME FROM THIS IRRITANT – PLEASE.
Hi, Apparently I cannot open my linkedin account because that was opened with my previous employers email. How do I go about deleting my profile? I haven’t used this for years! Can help me get to the bottom of this? Thanks.
Hi Maddie,
You can contact LinkedIn and let them know you are unhappy about a profile set up in your name which is not you. They’ll ask for proof of identity but when you can establish that there is a fraudulent profile up which was set up by someone else, LinkedIn will have to delete it (tell them your old company set it up in your name). If you tell LinkedIn you set it up yourself, good luck either getting it taken down or the email address changed. You’d have to find someone very sympathetic inside LinkedIn if you want that kind of help.
hi. I can’t remove my account in LinkedIn, I do this step: privacy & setting closing Your LinkedIn account but the rest step only error! can anyone help me to close my account?
I have deleted my LinkedIn account,but now also my information is alive on the site…How can i solve this problem????
I want to close my this account, because I have two accounts created mistakenly,, Please help me.. Thanks
I want to close my LinkedIn account. I don’t know how I joined in the first place. LinkedIn have sent invitations to everyone on my contActs list! I requested. I don’t want to be offered a job. I am a 70 year old retired lady who could do without nuisance. Please help.
LinkedIn are forcing me to dance in circles. I tried to log in to my account and got an error message saying I needed to reset my password. After I clicked on a relevant hyperlink, LinkedIn sent an email with a link to reset my password. But the link just takes me to the LinkedIn error message saying I need to reset my password. Back to Square One! Any solutions out there please? Many thanks.
Your instructions worked beautifully – Thank you!
Pls close my account mr.zia ur r khan haked my account. He works at calzedonia s.p.a liasion office of bangladesh.
Pls take action other wise day by day y will lost y’r popularity & business policy.
Please close my account or unsubscribe now. This should NOT be so difficult!!!!!!!!! I am not one iota interested in LINKEDIN OR Rinkydink – whatever! Thank You.
Seems that LinkedIn is a lot like Hotel California, you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.
Please delete my account.
Someone hacked all my accounts and I don’t have the phone number or email addresses to remove them but I would like my information taken down? How do I go about doing this? Or please just delete all my accounts.
Thank you, Sarah Yonkers
I love this post!