I was looking up information on Canadian accounting software (or more particularly looking for a Mac OS X offline tool for Freshbooks, the amazing online accounting system with which I run Foliovision.com).
I couldn’t find a Mac OS X tool for Freshbooks but I did run across a great website which typifies to me many of the things which a weblog should be:
- Personal
- Illustrative (very nice and simple photos on most posts)
- Simple (no annoying javascripts or frilly designs that get in the way of reading and enjoying)
- Helpful (the articles may not be all that frequent but they are all have some thought or use to someone, this is not posting for posting’s sake)

duomo milan from ruk.ca
Here is a sample of Peter Rukavina’s writing about the dangers of online social networking – a virtual world where only like will meet like:
One of the great things about geography, at least some of the time, is that it often places us in situations where we have to learn how to live in harmony with a whole range of people. You want to praise God on Sundays while your neighbour wants to listen to Motorhead. I like french fries, you like gulab jaman. You raise goats, I play chess. You’re Catholic, I’m not. Learning to live, and thrive, with the thousand little incompatibilities we share with our neighbours and fellow citizens builds up “social dissonance muscles” and leaves us with skills that allow us to, at the very least, tolerate difference.
I’m wondering if the more we jump into the online orgies of the like-minded, the more time we spend exclusively with people who share our passions, the weaker these muscles are going to become…,the more we seek solace among the coalitions of the like-minded, the more Rob’s permanent war becomes likely.
Peter is a fellow Canadian, living on Prince Edward Island. As soon as you get away from the big cities (alright away from Toronto), Canada is a really nice place filled with some of the most cordial people you’ll ever meet. I was amazed when I was at my sister’s wedding in Prince Edward county (Southern Ontario, on the way to Kingston, not to be confused with Prince Edward Island on the Atlantic coast of Canada) at how incredibly nice everybody out there was.
On that note, we are thinking about developing the OS X client for Freshbooks ourselves, but frankly we have enough on our plate already. I don’t like the Mac OS X dashboard in any case, which would be the most likely place to use it.
Why not use the online interface? It’s occasionally slow. I’m getting a bit overwhelmed with the web wait. 2secs here, 2 secs there a hundred times per hour and the whole world seems to be moving in slow motion.
My next post will cover what online services we use daily.
Alec Kinnear
Alec has been helping businesses succeed online since 2000. Alec is an SEM expert with a background in advertising, as a former Head of Television for Grey Moscow and Senior Television Producer for Bates, Saatchi and Saatchi Russia.
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