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5 years ago in reply to: Playing MP3 cuts out on iPhone
The phone that I am using is an iPhone 7 plus
And the iOS version is 13.5.1I have had a few emails from other people saying their media cuts out on them too, not until now did I realize that this was an isolated issue with the iPhone.
5 years ago in reply to: Playing MP3 cuts out on iPhoneHonestly I didn’t test the players until this past weekend on an iPhone. Their plugin players said they all played on mobile devices. Which they do but every one of them cuts out on an iPhone when the screen locks. I just switched to using an iPhone recently so I didn’t realize this was just a one device problem before until now. They always worked for me on my Android.
5 years ago in reply to: Playing MP3 cuts out on iPhoneSorry it does do it on video. I tested it again. The video and audio plays just fine on iPhone but when the Iphone goes to sleep mode or lock mode it turns off audio and video. This is a known problem in WordPress. I searched all weekend long for an audio player that wouldn’t do this On the WordPress site and I couldn’t find one. They all claimed to be mobile, iPhone and iPad compatible but they all end up cutting off. This would be a big deal to fix and advertise that your player doesn’t do this once it’s fixed. I seen a lot of posts with people needing this to not happen.
5 years ago in reply to: Playing MP3 cuts out on iPhone5 years ago in reply to: Playing MP3 cuts out on iPhone5 years ago in reply to: License RenewalHey, I found an old post about instructions how to get the featured image to work and I reapplied the code and all is good! It’s working now!
Thanks so much for your help .
If anyone else needs to see the code it is here years ago in reply to: License RenewalOk I have fixed the ssl certificate issue and the featured image still is not showing. Is there anything that we can do to get it to work again?
Thanks5 years ago in reply to: HTML not foundI went through and changed all the http to https and I am hoping that will do the trick.
Thanks for your help!5 years ago in reply to: HTML not foundThank you for that! I just now did it and got a warning and filled out the form and sent it into you guys.
Hopefully there will be some answers.5 years ago in reply to: License RenewalThey used to play in the player before so I’m not so sure about the https on the second video. The second video plays, it’s just not pulling the featured image as it used to.
5 years ago in reply to: License RenewalOk there are actually 2 videos that are not working as they should.
This link the video plays but no picture and no featured image shown: other, the video plays but no featured image shown: for helping
5 years ago in reply to: License RenewalHere is a screenshot of what it looks like when I try to load a video using the tab in a post. It just keeps loading but never loads. The video is a vimeo url and I also tried a direct link to our video as well and it won’t load either.
All of our videos are added in a post with the embed tag, I don’t use the fv player button. And their format is mp4.
It used to work but suddenly stopped.
And I was using Chrome browser when I took the other screenshots. I have tried in other browsers and I keep getting the JavaScript error message on some of the videos and others I don’t. I find that strange.
5 years ago in reply to: License RenewalAnd then after I hit play and went to fullscreen, I got this error message from foliovision: I dont think my image uploaded again
5 years ago in reply to: License RenewalOh wait, I think I may understand what to do now. Here is a screenshot of a video loaded and the error, I’m not sure my image uploaded so I will upload it again.
5 years ago in reply to: License Renewal5 years ago in reply to: License RenewalI’m sorry I don’t understand what you mean by Does the splash image URL fill-in automatically in your FV Player editor or not?
Where would I find that?
Thanks for your help
5 years ago in reply to: License RenewalNot sure what happened, but when I logged into WordPress there were 2 plugin updates for the player and I applied them and now everything concerning the license is ok.
But I do notice something, before I was able to have the featured image load into the player and now it’s not showing. I have the box checked for the featured image. See screenshot. Can someone help me with that?
5 years ago in reply to: License
And that’s ok I figured with it being the weekend I wouldn’t get answered right away. You guys always have great tech support so I wasn’t concerned! :)
5 years ago in reply to: License Renewal6 years ago in reply to: Livestreaming with Restream6 years ago in reply to: Livestreaming with RestreamHi thanks for testing. Try this….
RTMP URL: rtmp://
StreamKey : re_….1e6bAnd I spoke with restream and they said that they only use RTMP
6 years ago in reply to: Audio not playing in sleep mode on iPhonePlease forgive me if I’m getting into more than what you wanted. I spoke with the app maker and they sent me this article. Only thing is that this requires a resubmission to the app stores once we apply this fix. We originally paid for their service to submit to the stores because I dont have a mac computer and I cant use test flight to test the app out. We asked them to resubmit but I dont habe anyway of testing the app before submission and they wont test it for us. We hate to pay them a large amount to resubmit this and have no way of testing. I was hoping that audio played through your player would work because video works without cutting out on iphone. Make sense to me but it’s not working out that way. If you have any ideas please let me know but if not then I understand. You guys have tried to help and I appreciate that so much!
Here is the article:
No sound for video or audio, play audio in background
By default, your app only plays audio if the phone is not on silent mode.
If you’d like to bypass this setting and play audio even when the phone is on silent mode, you can add the Cordova Background Audio plugin.
Visit your app customizer Settings tab, and scroll down to PhoneGap config.xml custom code. Add this code:
<plugin spec=”” />
Rebuild your project and test on a device, it will now play audio even on silent mode.
6 years ago in reply to: Audio not playing in sleep mode on iPhoneI have tested it in our app. We use a plugin for wordpress to make an app. Sounds like it’s that plugin. Odd because it doesnt do that when playing a video, just audio. I’ve reached out to the maker of that plugin but unfortunately I’m having issues with support from them with submitting the app. Thank you for going above and beyond anything we have asked!!! I’ve never had this stellar customer support before you guys!!! We are so appreciative!
6 years ago in reply to: Audio not playing in sleep mode on iPhoneWhen viewing on iphone, it cuts out when the phone goes to sleep. Is there any settings that we can change to not get this to do this?
6 years ago in reply to: Audio not playing in sleep mode on iPhoneI got it! I just deleted the original and reloaded the new one. It works beautifully! Thank you so much! You have saved us once again!
6 years ago in reply to: Audio not playing in sleep mode on iPhone6 years ago in reply to: Audio not playing in sleep mode on iPhoneThat’s wonderful to hear! Is there a way that I can make foliovision player my default player for my audio? I have tons of audio that I would have to manually go in and do that to their posts in wordpress.
6 years ago in reply to: Livestreaming with Facebook LiveThat would be so awesome if you did! Hope they will allow this. You guys are honestly the best! Love your plugin and you have great customer support!
Thank you!6 years ago in reply to: Social media buttons disappear too quickly6 years ago in reply to: Social media buttons disappear too quicklyYes that’s what I mean. Extend the time before the timeline with the control bar disappears. It’s too quick and people may miss it. I tested on someone and he said he barely had enough time to click on it before it disappears. We use this player in an app so people view it on mobile devices rather than on a laptop.
6 years ago in reply to: Automated Featured ImageNo thank you! I am thrilled with this player and I want everyone knowing how great it is! I am sure others will appreciate this player as much as I do once they have tried it! I have been looking so long for a player that offers everything that yours does. So thank you, thank you, thank you!! :)
6 years ago in reply to: Automated Featured Image6 years ago in reply to: Automated Featured Image6 years ago in reply to: Automated Featured ImageThanks! I will try this.
Where do I place this code at?add_filter( 'fv_flowplayer_args_pre', 'fv_tweak_fv_flowplayer_args_pre' ); function fv_tweak_fv_flowplayer_args_pre( $args ) { global $post; if( !empty($post) && empty($args['splash']) ) $args['splash'] = get_the_post_thumbnail_url( $post->ID, 'large' ); return $args; }
6 years ago in reply to: Automated Featured ImageThanks for your response!
The thing is that I dont want to go in manually for each video and have to select it. We have tons of video that I would have to do that for.
Currently, we just have a video url set in a post and I have it set that fv player will play by default. I didnt have to go in and manually embed any short codes for my post even. So I’m not sure if what you are saying will work for us. Hopefully in the future fv could be able to pull the featured image of a post and make it the splash screen for that video.6 years ago in reply to: Automated Featured ImageHi,
I am using videos that are hosted on our site. And the featured image that I have uploaded are uploaded in wordpress. I was hoping by default that it would pick up the featured image in my wordpress posts to be shown as the splash screen without me having to manually add each splash image to a post. I have many posts with the video in them.
I am running WordPress 5.0.3This would be a great thing if somehow your developers can do this. ;)
6 years ago in reply to: Automated Featured ImageOh, I thought that it fetched the featured image in the wordpress posts. That’s what I needed it for. So I wouldn’t have to go in and set splash images for each and every video.
Thanks for answering me back.