A while ago we were introducing our nice and convenient Amazon S3 Browser. Now the same thing is happening for the Vimeo – you can get links to your videos right there and you don’t need to copy/past the URLs all the time.
Instant crush
It has been almost a year since we announced the S3 Browser. The reason for it was simple – AWS’s interface is simply so inconvenient to use.
We have clients who use S3 to host up to hundreds of videos, imagine how incredibly time-consuming it would be to go through whole S3 bucket, just to find the desired video and copy it’s path for FV Player. With the S3 Browser it’s a matter of 5 clicks. You simply have to love it.
Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger
The Vimeo video picker is even more powerful than the S3 Browser.
First and probably the most important is support for Search bar in Vimeo picker. That way you can get to the right video almost instantly. We would like to do this for S3 Browsers as well, but AWS S3 has no search feature. There would have to be a background cron job checking the S3 Bucket content and indexing it.
Next important feature of Vimeo picker is support for Vimeo albums. It’s a way of categorizing your videos on Vimeo.
And of course the Vimeo picker also show the video thumbnail images. Since these are stored on Vimeo it’s easy to just show them. We would like to do something similar for S3 Browser but since it has no search capabilities it’s a real challenge.
As you can see on the screenshot above, the new template is now divided into two segments. First is the table of content on the left site containing all the videos and second is the video properties field on the right containing more close information about the desired video.
Stay tuned for more!
We are trying to make our FV Player plugin better every single day by bringing more and more upgrades and updates into it. You can actually help us a lot, by giving us feedback.
So if you have any tips or questions, don’t hesitate and contact us via our Forum!
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