This week is somewhat unusual at Foliovision. We’re working face to face in one space with our client Pianogroove publisher Hayden Hill. Hayden started as our client with FV Player after struggling for six months with his own custom Flowplayer implementation. Hayden explained why he chose FV Player and Foliovision:
Everything I’d been asking developers to build for me and much more was in FV Player. And unlike in the custom version, everything worked perfectly right from the go. So when it came time to rebuild my video tutorial site, it only made sense to ask your team to build out the entire project.
We’re thrilled to host Hayden here. After a morning of looking at desktop versions, mobile versions and admin workflow, we relaxed over a delicious lunch at Zylinder (barbecued chicken skewer or Caesar salad, preceded by a rich Hungarian fish soup) followed by delicious capuccino. What an agreeable surprise when Hayden spied the idle piano in the corner and offered to play an impromptu concert.

Hayden Hill, Pianogroove founder playing lunchtime Jazz
in Zylinder Restaurant Bratislava September 2017
Hayden played an amazing short set after lunch. Our favorite piece was Back to life from Italian composer Giovanni Allevi. Quiet reflective film style music. It sounded perfect in the Old Vienna – Hapsburg atmosphere of Zylinder restaurant.

Giovanni Allevi’s Back to Life leaves Foliovision team reflective
Richard Racko, Katerina Ivanova, Sanela Kurtek,
Eduard Varady, Martin Vicenik by Alec Kinnear
Sanela has just shot the video you see below which is she is checking on her camera. Sanela is usually on social media but not this time. Here’s the video (wrapped in FV Player of course).
Hayden Hill at Zylinder
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