Great first day at the ProSEO 2010 Seminar in London with SEOmoz and Distilled. Wonderful to see old friends again. Here are just a few pictures from the day and some more of the superb night which Lynsey Little organised for us at the opening night party.
These are just a few selects, uncorrected and uncropped. Distilled will have many more photos of the speakers in their own coverage of the seminar.
Click on any picture to enlarge with Lightbox.
The Day

Rand Fishkin

Caitlin Krumdieck


Wiep Knol

Rand Fishkin 2

Rand Fishkin Google

Will Critchlow

Tom Critchlow

Dave Naylor Google vs SEO

Dave Naylor assymetric warfare

Richard Baxter SEO Gadget

ProSEO Audience

Alex Craven BloomMedia

Alex Craven process chart
The Night
Distilled event coordinator Lynsey was very insistent that my photo coverage of ProSEO seminar in 2010 should cover the party and not just the sessions. Great, I thought to myself, shooting pictures of SEO’s over ale in the dark. Lynsey is certainly keen but I’ll do my best, I promised myself and didn’t think about it again.
When I wandered into the party just after seven, imagine my surprise when I found us not in a pub but a nightclub and not just any nightclub, but a club on fire.
Lynsey had a fabulous night of entertainment prepared for us. Thanks the wonderful night, Lynsey!
Don’t miss next year’s ProSEO seminar, Lynsey will be coordinating next year again.


Firebreather 2

Firebreather 3

Firebreather 4

Firebreather 6

Catwoman 1

Catwoman 2

Catwoman 3

Duncan Morris

Zack from KZH

Denmark SEOs

Magic Ball

Hannah Livingston Distilled

Hannah Zuzsza from Hungary Leonie Wharton

Acrobatic Lingerie 1

Acrobatic Lingerie 2

Acrobatic Lingerie 3

Acrobatic Lingerie 4

Acrobatic Lingerie 5

Acrobatic Lingerie 6

Acrobatic Lingerie 7

Lynsey Little with friend
Special credit to Leonie Wharton for the fabulous seminar program book. Many of my pictures from last year are featured. That’s the book in the hands of the gentleman with Lynsey.

Lynsey Little Leonie Wharton Distilled

Firebreather 7

Firebreather 8

Firebreather audience

Firebreather audience 2

Firebreather 8a

Firebreather 9

Firebreather 010

Firebreather 011

Firebreather 012

Absinthe at the bar

Hannah Livingston Will Critchlow Duncan Morris Lynsey Little

Will Critchlow Alec Kinnear Hannah Livingston Duncan Morris photo Lynsey Little

Alec Kinnear
Alec has been helping businesses succeed online since 2000. Alec is an SEM expert with a background in advertising, as a former Head of Television for Grey Moscow and Senior Television Producer for Bates, Saatchi and Saatchi Russia.
I’m so jealous definitely next year