Happy New Year!
The case for building Random Video Playback from playlists is an interesting one. Its advocates say that random videos from a playlist is like television. Not the television I knew where I would plan my watching based on a TV guide, but yes, it’s something like channel surfing. Random playback from a playlist is quite popular in music apps. The excitement for the listener when s/he never quite knows what is coming next.
Video publishers who love or even like random playback from playlists rejoice. FV Player now adds a random playback feature to our already powerful playlist features.
Here’s what our random playback feature is called and where to find it.
Randomize Autoplay Playlist
Randomize Autoplay Playlist is a FV Player Pro feature which allows you to present a random video to your website visitors. A random video from the playlist will autoplay at a random playback position. Then user can either watch the video or hit the “Refresh” button to go to another random video. You can see how this works right here:
To use the feature first enable it in Post Interface Options in wp-admin -> FV Player -> Settings.
Then the checkboxes become available in FV Player editor:
If you don’t need random playback features, you should leave the feature off as it makes the interface more complicated. We are working very hard to simplify our existing interface, and make sure not to add new clutter. What’s great about our random video playback feature is that if you need it, it’s easy to find. And if you don’t, it disappears completely.
Random video playback came from by user request so don’t hesitate to write to us in the FV Player Requests and Feedback forums about any new feature ideas. There’s a very good chance we’ll build it.
Martin Viceník
Martin graduated as an engineer in Computer Science from Slovak Technical University in Bratislava. He grew up in Liptovský Mikuláš in northern Slovakia next to the beautiful Tatra mountains. He is the developer behind our FV Player.
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