Coming up with a perfect Christmas gift for your partner can be difficult. And it just gets more complicated if you decide to buy them a piece of clothing or something that needs to be their size.
Women love to be surprised. And don’t be fooled, a lot of women actually do like practical gifts, such as clothes or shoes. But for most women going shopping with their partner and having them buy a Christmas gift that they’ve helped pick out is not romantic at all. However, finding a beautiful dress in their size and a colour they actually like underneath the Christmas tree is a completely different story and is a sure way to score some points.
But to be able to take on such a gesture, the man needs to know a lot of details about their partner and let’s be honest, even if the woman tells you what size shoes she wears, you will most likely forget it. Maybe you don’t even know your own size and you have to check your shoes every time you want to buy new ones. It’s ok, there are more important things in life to focus on…
If you’re in a serious relationship, there is no reason for you not to know your partner’s pants size in case you want to surprise them with a nice gift. Why should this be a secret and why should you be expected to know it or even worse, guess and get it right the first time?
Being secretive is the reason why at least 80% of engagement rings bought are either too small or too big. That’s why, when you go to buy a ring, they will tell you that they can adjust it later and usually they will do it for free. Women tolerate this and actually find it a surprise when the ring fits immediately if the proposal wasn’t something planned in advance by both sides, of course.
It doesn’t have to be tolerated and it can be easily avoided when it comes to clothes or shoes, though. That’s why we’ve come up with a simple list of all the measurements you might need to buy your special someone a present – if that present is a piece of clothing, shoes or even a ring.
Just print this sheet out, give it to them to fill it out and start shopping. Here is a useful guide on how to actually take the measurements.
Here is an extra tip for the more progressive couples out there, provided by one of our colleagues, Natalia. Create a secret Pinterest board which you can use as a wishlist and pin all the things you would like to receive as a gift on it. Then just simply share the Pinterest board with your partner. That way your gift will still be a surprise when you get it, but it sure won’t be a disappointment.
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