If your website has a lot of comments and uses a plugin like Subscribe to Comments Reloaded to let users subscribe to new comment notifications, you probably had an issue with your comment notification being marked as spam.
One great way of preventing that is to use SendGrid. With SendGrid, you never deliver unsolicited email again. As soon as the email fails to get delivered or is marked as spam, that email address won’t see another email from you again.
That works great and it’s processed entirely on SendGrid, however:
- sending emails to the bounced email addresses lowers your reputation on SendGrid (internal ranking mechanism)
- keeping these email addresses in your database of subscribers can lead to trouble (sooner or later)
That’s why we decided to solve this situation:

Our plugin adds a notice to let you know about the improvement
Subscribe to Comments Reloaded Better Unsubscribe
It’s out plugin which simplifies the unsubscription from Subscribe to Comments Reloaded comment notifications. Now it also processes the SendGrid bounces!
If you use WP Mail SMTP or Mailer plugins, we detect the SendGrid login and then check for bounces in a WP cron. Bounced emails get unsubscribed from comment notifications.
This is much more simple than using the SendGrid Events API to notify your website about individual bounced email address and it works.
More tips
If you send a lot of comment notifications per each article, the comment posting might be slowed down. Just use the Mailer plugin which mentioned above and it will queue any outgoing emails to not slow down the posting
Google Personally Identifiable Information check doesn’t like the Subscribe to Comments Reloaded unsubscription URLs (they contain the user email address). This is getting fixed by the plugin author now. In the meantime you can just exclude your adds if ?sre query attribute is present in page URL.
More information
- Our ‘Subscribe to Comments Reloaded Better Unsubscribe’ plugin page
- WordPress.org ‘Subscribe to Comments Reloaded Better Unsubscribe’ plugin page
Martin Viceník
Martin graduated as an engineer in Computer Science from Slovak Technical University in Bratislava. He grew up in Liptovský Mikuláš in northern Slovakia next to the beautiful Tatra mountains. He is the developer behind our FV Player.
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