Forum Replies Created
10 years ago in reply to: FV Flowplayer 6 update issues
Hi guys. I figured out my problem making flash playback work with the new version.
It’s one of those “not so obvious” problems that may get overlooked during troubleshooting (I think). To get this to work in browsers/platforms outside of Mac/safari/iOS environments I had to add a crossdomain.xml file so that Flash would permit playback.
I think specifically this is because of redirection to my CDN, etc. Some users may have a different setup that may not require crossdomain referencing while others may not realize they actually do need it. So I created a simple crossdomain.xml file, uploaded it to the root directory of my media storage, and it works 100%.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
10 years ago in reply to: Range Request PlaybackActually one more development, maybe you can help me with. I notice when I use a VimeoPro HLS source, it does range request (it doesn’t download the whole file, it streams in segments). When I use an HLS source from my CDN, it downloads the whole thing during playback. I know my CDN supports range requests, so I don’t know why the player downloads the entire HLS content, while it doesn’t do that with VimeoPro HLS sources
Also a more critical problem: When I test in Firefox, the player says “Flash: Video file not found” and the lower left of the player says “…click player to enable flash”. I click it but nothing happens. In firefox it does not revert to the alternative video source instead (the MP4), as it does in Android. It just fails to load or play any video.
Sorry, I should have tested in Firefox before sending my last message. I just assumed Firefox would play it without issue.
Thanks a lot. Sorry for any hassle.
Tim10 years ago in reply to: Range Request PlaybackHi Alec. A little development. First, I have to say whenever I experiment with different video delivery strategies I continue to be amazed by the versatility of your player. Really incredible work you guys have done here.
In case someone else should contact you and ask for help about a similar scenario as I had, you might want to tell them that they can use HLS as the main video source, then add another video format in the shortcode editor, and put a standard MP4 source there. I’ve done that, and the HLS source plays on mac and iOS (of course), while on Android, which doesn’t support HLS, it plays the MP4 without an issue..even with quality selection. The best part is with the FLowplayer 6 core, non-mac desktops with Flash will also play the HLS. Thought that might be of help and interest to you, should someone else have a similar “problem”
Again, really nice work you guys have done on this player. It’s a gem.
Tim10 years ago in reply to: Range Request PlaybackThanks Alec. I wasn’t being literal when I said “universal”. What I mean is HTTP/.mp4 is the most widely supported combination.
Just to be clear, this is something your player already seems to do…but only on iPad, it seems. Since the player already does it (on iPad) was wondering if the same can be done on desktops.
Anyway, thanks
Tim10 years ago in reply to: Range Request PlaybackThanks for the reply.
I’m not necessarily looking for streaming, I’m looking for range request progressive playback. The trouble with HLS is that it’s only natively supported on Apple devices. On non-apple devices, it needs Flash in order to run. Even googles latest Android release doesn’t seem to support HLS natively. And Flash is no longer available on Android. RTMP is natively supported in Android, but it doesn’t run on iOS. The only true universal playback is HTTP protocol, playing MP4 files.
What I’m looking for is the same behavior on a desktop as what is already happening on an iPad over HTTP protocol. It downloads a chunk of the object (episode) during playback. When the user gets closer to playing up to the chunk that has been downloaded, the player downloads another “chunk” of the episode, etc. Since this seems to already be “normal” behavior in your player (on iPad) I was wondering if there’s a way to have it behave the same way on a desktop.
Thanks again
Tim10 years ago in reply to: FV Player Pro and Vimeo statsHere’s a little update for you.
I purged the file you indicated. At first it resulted in a weird looking lightbox with no black background or anything…and a play button that wouldn’t go away. So I then removed the custom CSS Viktor sent me from my theme’s CSS file, and purged it. I then purged fv-player-pro/css/style.css. Then I was getting a normal lightbox, but with the border/frame around it like before. I then put Viktor’s custom CSS back in my theme’s style.css file, and purged it from the CDN. The lightbox now loads normally, and without any border around it.
Thank you very much for your time and patience. I still appreciate everything you guys do. I’m a small business myself and I know it’s a pain in the ass to fix issues from a distance. I have to do it frequently too. Have a great day, and thank you again.
10 years ago in reply to: FV Player Pro and Vimeo statsThat’s weird. I purged the whole folder. Maybe I need to purge individual files; maybe purging folders doesn’t work. I’ll purge the file you pointed out here. Thanks a lot. And yes, CDNs do make troubleshooting harder. It adds another layer to consider. Definitely very annoying.
10 years ago in reply to: FV Player Pro and Vimeo statsDon’t be sorry. This is the nature of doing betas; sometimes there are complications. I’m grateful to you guys for including me.
I purged the player, the pro extension, and my theme’s style.css file from the CDN, and my CDN purges instantly so I don’t think that’s the problem.10 years ago in reply to: FV Player Pro and Vimeo statsUPDATE
Martin: I was able to sort it out by starting clean with the last public release that I had backed up. From there I did the upgrades of the player, and then the pro-pack via the WordPress back end. I then went back to find the latest license code you guys sent me on July 30th. Everything seems to be up to date and working now.Also the back end says “Pro pack not installed. Please install it and enter your FV Flowplayer license”. But I remember it did this in the past, too, with a previous public release, even though the pro pack WAS installed and serialized. After a day or 2 the message just went away. So we don’t have to worry about that for now. Just wanted to bring it to your attention.
One last thing, in the WordPress Plugins back end the description for FV WordPress FLowplayer says “Uses Flowplayer 5”. not FLowplayer 6. I’m sure it’s probably just a mistake but I wanted to let you know in case you guys need to re-write the public description to indicate “Flowplayer 6″…if it is indeed just a mistake. Just pointing it out as a courtesy; it isn’t a problem for me.
Thanks again for everything
10 years ago in reply to: FV Player Pro and Vimeo statsThanks Martin. I have updated the plugin, and I have re-downloaded the Pro extension from my “My Products” page, but the settings page says “FV WordPress Flowplayer: Your pro extension is intalled, but it’s not compatible with FV Flowplayer 6! Make sure you upgrade your FV Player Pro to version 0.5 or above.”
I downloaded what was available in my “My Products” page, but I Have no idea if that’s the most recent Pro extension.
Tim10 years ago in reply to: FV Player Pro and Vimeo statsBy the way, I have to apologize for my message this morning. I just looked it over and it was unintentionally nasty. I didn’t mean it to be—I wasn’t trying to be nasty. But as I’m reading it it looks nasty and I should have worded it differently. That was not my intention. Very sorry about that
Tim10 years ago in reply to: lightbox borderAh ha, PERFECT! THANK YOU so much for your help and your patience. This was a really big deal for me. I’m so grateful to you. Have a wonderful day!!
Tim10 years ago in reply to: lightbox borderAlso my theme style sheet is enormous. Where within the style sheet should I place that code? Thank you Viktor
Tim10 years ago in reply to: lightbox borderI made a simple page with a lightbox, and a screen capture of what I’m seeing (I’m putting it up now). here’s the link. It’s the white box/border around the video, with a “close” button in the lower right corner. It wasn’t there until I updated to the latest public release.
10 years ago in reply to: lightbox borderDisregard the message below (I’m just leaving it in for records). I am using MaxCDN and a caching plugin on my site. I just purged the CDN of the site’s files an reloaded. The white box has returned. This time at least the background is dark again. So we’re back to the original problem. A white box/border around the light boxed videos. Just to be clear, this was not there in the last version I was using, so it has to do with a change you made from the last version, to this new version. I don’t know if that helps point you in the right direction or not. If you want me to insert that CSS somewhere anyway, just tell me which file, and where to paste it. Thanks.Actually here’s a new problem.
I updated the plugins (player, and pro pack) ahead of modifying any CSS. and now the white borer is gone, but NOW there is no black background. It’s a video box playing over my site’s background. How do I make that background black again? Also, there is a “Close” button. That needs to go away too. Why is there so much change with this new version? It’s really annoying.
Tim10 years ago in reply to: lightbox borderHi Viktor. Sorry, I forgot that Alec wanted a URL. But I also need more specificity from you if you wouldn’t mind….where do you want me to insert this CSS code you just sent me? Which CSS file should I insert it to, and where?
Here is a URL for you. It’s all I can provide, because most of our Lightboxed videos are for subscribers, but this page has a light boxed video that’s public. look in the right sidebar. You’ll see a model that says “CLIP”, and a thumbnail. That’s the video lightbox.
Tim10 years ago in reply to: FV Player Pro and Vimeo statsActually, new update…new error message: Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class FV_Player_Pro in /home/vericast/public_html/wp-content/plugins/fv-player-pro/fv-player-pro.php on line 2514
I’m giving up on this beta now.
10 years ago in reply to: FV Player Pro and Vimeo statsUPDATE:
I have it working (sort of). Videos are playing, lightbox is loading. But for some reason I’m still seeing the “FV Flowplayer” watermark, even thought he flow player pro pack is installed and serialized.I still have this error message in my main site’s dashboard;
“Warning: include(/home/vericast/public_html/wp-content/plugins/fv-wordpress-flowplayer/controller/../view/frontend-head.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/vericast/public_html/wp-content/plugins/fv-wordpress-flowplayer/controller/backend.php on line 75Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening ‘/home/vericast/public_html/wp-content/plugins/fv-wordpress-flowplayer/controller/../view/frontend-head.php’ for inclusion (include_path=’.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php’) in /home/vericast/public_html/wp-content/plugins/fv-wordpress-flowplayer/controller/backend.php on line 75″
BUT I no longer have an error message in my network’s dashboard (I’m using multi site wordpress).
HOWEVER when I click “Check template” in the FV Player settings panel I get this message:
“jQuery library found, but unable to check version, please make sure it’s at least 1.7.1.”AND..
“Template checker has changed. Just open any of your videos on your site and see if you get a red warning message about JavaScript not working.
FV Flowplayer script found:!”I have confirmed that videos are working, and the lightbox is working. I don’t get a red warning message.
Also, regarding the lightbox, the white border is not present in this beta version, so that problem is settled for now.
10 years ago in reply to: FV Player Pro and Vimeo statsGetting this error in my Dashboard:
“Warning: include(/home/vericast/public_html/wp-content/plugins/fv-wordpress-flowplayer/controller/../view/frontend-head.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/vericast/public_html/wp-content/plugins/fv-wordpress-flowplayer/controller/backend.php on line 75Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening ‘/home/vericast/public_html/wp-content/plugins/fv-wordpress-flowplayer/controller/../view/frontend-head.php’ for inclusion (include_path=’.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php’) in /home/vericast/public_html/wp-content/plugins/fv-wordpress-flowplayer/controller/backend.php on line 75″
Also, in my network admin dashboard:
“Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class FV_Player_Pro in /home/vericast/public_html/wp-content/plugins/fv-player-pro-beta/fv-player-pro.php on line 2336”The pro extension is not working. The pro features appear in my site dashboard, but they aren’t showing up in the player. For example, I have no lightbox at all now.
10 years ago in reply to: lightbox borderBut this border only started showing up when I updated the player. It wasn’t there before. So I uploaded the “older” player (the one I was using before the update) and the border is gone again. So it has something to do with the CSS in your latest public release player. If you tell me what lines to modify, I can do that myself, no problem. I know how to edit CSS but I’m not a CSS designer/coder, so I just need guidance on what lines to modify. Thanks Alec!
Tim10 years ago in reply to: lightbox borderHi guys. Still waiting to hear back regarding removal of that white border/box around the lightbox popup windows for my videos. Thanks
10 years ago in reply to: FV Player Pro and Vimeo statsBy the way, thank you Martin and Alec for the response and the positive news about the Vimeo ratings/api, and the update on the next version of your player. I think in my excitement I rushed to download it and forgot my manners lol. Thanks a lot.
Tim10 years ago in reply to: FV Player Pro and Vimeo statsOkay so this is me contacting you for the FV Player Pro extension pack. I don’t know how else to contact you for it.
10 years ago in reply to: FV Player Pro and Vimeo statsHi guys. I know it’s been a while but I just wanted to check in to see if this has been addressed. As a reminder, when I use the VimeoPro URL as the source for the video player, it doesn’t get counted in Vimeo’s stats. If I use the URL that vimeo provides for 3rd party players (either HD or SD) that DOES get counted in their stats.
It’s a lot simpler to just put in the VimeoPro’s video URL but I need it to be measured in Vimeo’s stats. Will that feature ever work? I’m trying to avoid using Google Analytics. Also, just curious, do you know when you’ll be using the FLowplayer 6 engine? I read a couple of your blog posts and wanted to ask personally.
Thanks for your help, and for all the work you do. Your player continues to be incredible.
Tim10 years ago in reply to: Automated quality switchingHi guys. I want the quality switching to default to SD when the user clicks play. They can switch to HD if they want, but I want the video to start in SD. I’m inserting the video using short code, and I’m putting the SD video URL as the source. But it still begins playback at HD. Any thoughts? Thanks lot
Tim10 years ago in reply to: Mobile video feature not working10 years ago in reply to: FV Player Pro and Vimeo statsThanks Martin.
Yeah, since using your player I’ve always used the source URL that vimeo provides for 3rd party players and stats have always worked. But using the Vimeo Video’s page URL gives me no stats at all.10 years ago in reply to: Mobile video feature not workingI am trying to play RTMP for desktops and HTTP for mobile devices. But on my Mac it seems to only load the HTTP version. I’m trying to use RTMP to control bandwidth costs, rather than having people download the HTTP file every session, even if they’re watching the whole video only once.
I’ve tried putting the RTMP source, then an HTTP mobile source. My Mac plays the HTTP source, not the RTMP. I’ve also tried putting HTTP as primary source, then an RTMP, and no mobile source. The mac still plays the HTTP. If I put the RTMP alone in the shortcode the mac plays it without problems. Thanks for your help with this guys
Tim10 years ago in reply to: VimeoPro labelMartin:
I just manually updated and it works perfectly. Thanks again. Let me give clarify something I said a moment ago.
The Plugins interface in wordpress has two plugins for this player; “Fv Player Pro” and “FV WordPress FLowplayer” Yesterday I updated “FV WordPress Flowplayer” because it said there was an update available. So when I told you yesterday that i had updated the player, that’s what I meant. “FV Player Pro” did not indicate that there was an available update, so I left that alone. I don’t know if that’s a wordpress glitch that it said no update was available but I thought you’d like to know.
So today I manually downloaded, and installed the new version of “FV PlayerPro” and everything is working fine. Thanks again!!
Tim10 years ago in reply to: VimeoPro labelThe WordPress plugins interface says does not indicate an available update. I will manually download and install the new version, and I’ll let you know how it works out. Thanks again for your help,. and I want to say yet again THANK YOU to you and your team for this player. It’s a gem!
10 years ago in reply to: VimeoPro labelAfter updating to the latest version, I still see no settings for “Remove Vimeo Information…” I only see “Advanced Vimeo Embedding”, “Access Token”, and “Enable quality switching: (beta)”
10 years ago in reply to: VimeoPro labelNo, I’m not hard coding the URLs, just what Vimeo provides. Thank you for the warning though.
I know that your player takes a lot of work off a publisher’s hands; it’s quite amazing that way. The issue for me though is the Vimeo branding when interfacing with the player as an end-user. I know it seems like an insignificant detail, and I’m sure in most cases it is a silly thing to consider. But for my purposes it’s kind of important that my branding is exclusive.10 years ago in reply to: VimeoPro labelWhat do you mean by “Vimeo’s fixed URLs”?? Do you mean the independent URLs they provide for each format so that we can use 3rd party players? Or do you mean the URLs for the video’s page?
10 years ago in reply to: Lightbox, Share buttons, Quality switchingHi. I have recently downloaded and installed the latest version. But VimeoPro quality switching is not working. I have it selected in the VimeoPro window in the plugins settings, but when I insert a video, and click to enable quality switching, it does not work. The video plays without quality switching buttons. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. Your documentation doesn’t make it entirely clear to me. I’m referencing what you have here:
If you go through the instructions, you’ll see that it’s either missing some steps, or maybe I’m misunderstanding it. I’m trying to follow it, but it isn’t giving me much guidance. Thanks for your help.10 years ago in reply to: Lightbox, Share buttons, Quality switchingThank you, Martin. I remain a very big fan of this player. The work your team put into it is stunning
10 years ago in reply to: Lightbox, Share buttons, Quality switchingTHANK YOU very much. The quality settings is one of the areas where your documentation wasn’t entirely clear. What I have learned in this exchange with you is completely new to me. Maybe I misread your documentation.
I appreciate the hard work your team has put into this plugin. It’s truly brilliant. I am also thankful for your patience and help in resolving these issues with me. Good luck to all of you!
Tim10 years ago in reply to: Lightbox, Share buttons, Quality switching“Then our plugin will see that you enabled quality switching for the video and that the video matches the -HD quality and will add up -SD and -mobile automatically.”
AH! Okay, so as long as I maintain the same naming convention (-SD -HD -Mobile) I only have to put in the HD version in the short code, and the player will automatically switch to the other files when the user switches quality settings? No need to put in the other two video files? That’s great.
If I can ask, what then is the purpose of putting in multiple formats in the short code? Is that so there can be different formats other than mp4 (if I provide them?).
10 years ago in reply to: Lightbox, Share buttons, Quality switching3) Oh wait, one last thing. The quality switching is now defaulting to Mobile again. How do I force it to default to the SD or HD version and not the mobile version?
The mobile version is the 3rd source link in the short code. The first source link is the HD version, second is the SD version. The short code editor says “Your primary video matches HD quality” but it is not playing the HD video by default. If you go to the link I originally sent you you can test it for yourself.
This is not a major issue for me, as I will almost never offer a mobile version, but I’d still like to understand why the player is doing that, and how I can fix it. Thanks again!
10 years ago in reply to: Lightbox, Share buttons, Quality switching2) Actually I found the gallery popup styling. It was in style.css. I didn’t comment anything out (there seem to be a lot there) but I changed the color of the backdrop and it’s working now.
I think all of my issues have been addressed and I want to thank you for your help, and for helping me so quickly. I was very eager to begin rolling out this player and I was very disheartened when I discovered these issues.
3) One last thing: Is there going to be a problem using Vimeo Pro? As I said, using vimeo pro for the quality switching definitely didn’t work, but I’m not too concerned about that.
When I want to offer quality switching I’ll host the videos on my own CDN. But what I have been doing is offering SD video to public, and HD video only to subscribers. Sometimes I host the HD video myself (for better performance) but sometimes I use the vimeo pro links to provide the HD video if it’s a very long episode. Is this going to be a problem?
I have enabled Vimeo Pro in the plugin settings, and I THINK I have correctly installed the access token.
Thank you again. This player is a perfect implementation of FLowplayer, with all of the features of Flowplayer. But Flowplayer doesn’t provide a plugin for wordpress that easily enables those features. But you guys have done that. It’s really great work you have done!
10 years ago in reply to: Lightbox, Share buttons, Quality switchingI have made the post public, instead of password protected. Just in case you need that.
1. Ah! Yes, when putting data into the SEO fields, you’re absolutely right, the Facebook share links only displays what’s there. I hadn’t considered that, because in earlier tests the share link was ignoring what I had in the Excerpt field (separate from the SEO fields). So I didn’t think the blank SEO fields would result in this problem. But you’re right, that did fix it. Thank you!!!
2. Where would I generally find the “Gallery Popup” css? Is that usually in a universal CSS file in wordpress? For example, is it usually found in style.css, etc. etc.?
3. Regarding quality switching; this still didn’t work even when I was using Vimeo’s links, which are all the same location, but different naming strings for SD and HD versions. HOWEVER it does work now that all of the links are on the same root URL. Thank you again!
So far so good. Once I get the lightbox feature working correctly I’ll be ready to roll out this player. Very exciting!
10 years ago in reply to: Lightbox, Share buttons, Quality switchingMartin:
I have set up a password-protected post with 3 implementations of the player for testing.First implementation on that post is just a standard single video. Works fine, except for the Facebook share link.
Second implementation is quality switching. This worked only once where the video started in HD, and I was able to switch to SD, however I was not able to switch back to HD again. So I then refreshed the page, and the video started in SD this time, and didn’t allow me to switch to HD.
When I first wrote to you about this quality switching issue I was using Vimeo’s external player links. For testing purposes this post uses links to my CDN (not Vimeo) to make the testing cleaner. Yet it still doesn’t work. Also there is no mobile version for this test because I didn’t encode one). But when I was using mobile versions a few days ago (vimeo’s links), the player always played the mobile version by default, no matter what…even though I’m testing on a desktop browser. No matter what order I put the video links in, it ALWAYS defaulted to the mobile video, and never let me switch to SD or HD.
Third implementation is lightbox, which is very important for me. It does work, but it isn’t dimming the background.
These are functions that are very important to how I use the player and I hope we can get them to work. Thanks for your help, and thank you for developing a wonderful player plugin.