i would like to use your AWS Service to create an encrypted HLS Stream via AWS Mediaconvert and have some questions about it.
As I understood, Amazon Mediaconverter is replacing the Elastic Transcoder. There is a example video on your site for a encrypted HLS Stream via Elastic Trancoder – here in this link: https://foliovision.com/player/demos/hls-stream. This Video-Format is exactly what i want, since it can not be downloaded. For Mediaconverter there is no example video. Are the encrypted HLS Streams via Mediaconverter and FV-Player the same like the video in the Link?Do I need this service: https://foliovision.com/downloads/amazon-media-convert – to get what i mentioned above? And how does it all work? Do I have to give you my access data for Amazon AWS and admin rights for WordPress? Do you create a video in the described format with Mediaconverte and FV-Player for me as an example and show me how it works so that I can make it by myself for all other videos?
Best Regards,