Last summer I set up a WordPress site using the Coconut and free FV player plugins running off videos on Digital Ocean – all plugins have auto-update enabled: all good.
Returning to this site I find that:- FV Player is at Version
- FV Coconut is at Version 8.0.15
All is still working smoothly.
However, the Plugins page on the dashboard has the following warning at the top:
“FV Player Coconut: Please upgrade to FV Player version 8.0.4 or above!”… which is confusing because according to WordPress, I have the latest version ( – this is confirmed by the popup that appears when I click on “View details” on the row on that page listing FV Player.
So what does the upgrade message mean?
- Do I need to buy a Pro license?
- If not, do I need to upgrade to v 8.0.4 in some other way
- Or do something else?