Hey there!
As the chapterlist (external) is currently behaving there is room to increase the usability. I tried around with custom code but there are somethings going on which makes it impossible for doing it by myself. Some suggestions:
- Please add an active class to the little buttons “a.fv_fp_chapter_ab” if the ab loop of the current chapter is active.
- Please make the “a.fv_fp_chapter_ab” buttons toggles so if I click the ab loop is turned on and active and if I click again the ab loop is turned off.
The following thing is the reason I categorized this topic as a bug.
- If you click for example the first chapter AB the loop is enabled. If you then want to go to any other chapter without ab (clicking on the li item) it’s not possible until I disable the ab loop in the player controls. This is a very annoying behaviour for UI. If you click on a list item, the ab loop should turned off automatically.