- Tired of working on ugly and out of date websites?
- Frustrated to see your innovations ignored or neglected?
- Eager to create attractive and well-programmed sites and web apps?
Then we are looking for you.

In medias res
- programming of web modules for existing client websites
- main platform is WordPress, in our own custom CMS version
- recoding and improving of sections of existing websites
- advanced knowledge of programming languages (PHP, C++, C#, Java Script, HTML)
- you should have initiative and intellectual curiosity: this is not a job for dummies or button pushers
- our most widely used programming language is PHP – if you don’t know PHP, we are not company for you
- income commensurate with performance: great bonus opportunities for the right person
- honest
- hard-working
- intellectually curious
- positive outlook and energy
- deep knowledge of PHP and HTML
- acquaintance with XHTML, XML, CSS and javascript
- understanding and interest in W3 web standards (Zeldman, alistapart.com)
- portfolio of existing quality work (personal or commercial)
- experience customising at least one PHP based CMS (content management systems)
- fluent or very good English
- intention to remain in Bratislava for a minimum of three years: this is not a temporary or short term job
- You will be working directly with one of the top WordPress specialists in the world.
- You will learn a lot about marketing and SEO (search engine optimisation) in the course of your duties.
- Your salary will be €3000/month.
We are looking exclusively for someone very smart and very ambitious in a growing company. If that’s you, this is a job with a great future.
- cultural events
- gourmet lunches
- working in the Old Town of Bratislava
- working with a young team of enthusiastic people
Please send an email to kariera@foliovision.com with your CV, Cover Letter, examples of source code and a list of websites you have worked on. We will always send an acknowledgement of receipt – if you don’t hear back from us within one day call at +421 917 237 446.
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