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2 years ago in reply to: links inside video
Thanks for replying Alec.
What I like does not matter. More important is what users understand.
Perhaps the safer route is to do something similar to youtube card link, which is a sort of standard.
2 years ago in reply to: links inside videoThanks for your reply,
No Youtube still have this feature, I checked a month ago. And the link can go to the personal website of the publisher. Youtube just changed the format and the name of the thing, but it is even more developed.It is not just for avoiding updating a video, but for courses that must be attended in a sequence with a certain order. If a user gets video 4 without viewing before videos 1-3 then it may be impossible to understand. So rather than obliging the user to assist the whole video without understanding and than find a link at the end, it is much better to put a link at the beginning, pointing to the first video. So people who actually already assisted videos 1-3 may ignore the link, but people who did not can follow the link to the first video.
So please let me know what you decide to do and if you decide to do it, when you suppose to get it ready.
2 years ago in reply to: links inside videoHello a lot of time passed. Is this feature working now? If yes, may you point me to a tutorial or something?
Best3 years ago in reply to: Bunny verification does not work3 years ago in reply to: Bunny verification does not work“Why do you have to put in the Url Token Authentication Key again and again?”
Because these are the only instructions you are repeating to me. So I try to do my best to follow your instructions. You may think I am stupid doing the same thing again and again, and perhaps my problem is just that: I am too stupid to get this thing working.
“It should not be changing.”
It changes because every pull zone has a different URL token authentication Key. So I try to change pull zone hoping for a better result.
Anyway, I opened a ticket with Bunny Network as well and they replied the following:
“Hi there Francesco,
Thank you for your reply.
That would be completely normal, yes, as each pull zone is assigned its own, unique token.
Checking the site in question, I can see what the error is. The video that you have listed for the source, doesn’t have a token generated, yet I can see that you have token authentication enabled. You would first need to perform the following steps to get it working;
Please keep in mind that token authentication is quite advanced and requires a developer to integrate with your site.
Best regards,
Benjamin.”But this reply is so complicated that I cannot follow it. I hope you can understand what Benjamin is saying.
Francesco3 years ago in reply to: Bunny verification does not workYes Maria, but I did that many times, from the beginning of this long story and the result is always the same. html5:video file not found.
So I repeat what I am doing:
On Bunny site I go to pull zone, I click on This takes me to the General page. There I go to security/Token authentication. There I copy the Url Token Authentication Key.Then go to my WordPress/settings/fv player pro/hosting/BunnyCDN. There I change the Url Token Authentication Key because the other pull zone has a different authentication key, so I paste the Authentication key related to Finally I save it.
I did that so many times from the beginning of this story, but the result is the same.
I only have one storage zone and my video file is there.
It is obvious that we cannot keep going on this way, always repeating the same steps because it does not work and we are wasting our time.
So I thank you for your help, but we must find another way to solve this issue.
3 years ago in reply to: Bunny verification does not workMany thanks Martin,
I did what you suggested,
first disable admin video checker, see first image
second updated the site page and started the video and not special additional information appears. So I am stuck at the same point.Also on the authentication page: Settings -> FV Player Pro -> Hosting tab -> BunnyCDN, there is written Domain without additional specifications. Which domain is this? I tried:
- Bunny Hostname (
- Bunny Hostname (
None works, and why are there two of them?
This matter is far too complicated for me to understand anything.
3 years ago in reply to: Bunny verification does not work3 years ago in reply to: Bunny verification does not workThanks Maria, your workaround with FV Player -> Videos/Playlist works very well. So this is solved.
Regarding the Bunny stream network, the error is:
html5: video not found3 years ago in reply to: Bunny verification does not workHello, thanks for your replies, but trying to use your guide
I got even more issues.
I have uploaded a test video to Bunny network when I try to put it into your shortcode editor and try to test it there, I get “video not found” see enclosed screen shot.
But the other issues are that your shortcode editor does appear in the classic wordpress mode, but after clicking “insert” no shortcode is actually inserted.
Even worse, I am using Beaver Builder and there is no way to get your shortcode editor to appear there. There is only a mention to fv player in WordPress widgets, but using that no shortcode editor appears and I get only the following screenshot.
So I tried to simply paste a custom shortcode you published:
[fvplayer src="" splash="" width="640" height="360"]
substituting the video address with the Bunny network address:
inserting it into a Beaver Builder text field the always work with shortcodes of other plugins. In this case at least I get the screenshot “Manual shortcode paste 0” which at least shows the symbol of a video that supposedly can be played.
But when I click on it, it gave an error the first time and then it just returns to the text editor, see screenshot “Manual shortcode paste”
Also, as suggested in your documentation, I selected: “Load FV Flowplayer JS everywhere: If you use some special JavaScript integration you might prefer this option. (…)” but nothing changed
So resuming, it seems the Bunny network video does not work and the shortcode editor does not work either.
May you please help?
3 years ago in reply to: Confused about CDN, Vimeo, bandwitdthMany thanks Maria and Martin,
The worst thing about migration is that user old (pre-migration) links will not work anymore.There should be some way to avoid that. For example I may put one embedded video per page and provide users with the link to that page. So even even if I move from Bunny to Odysee or whatever that page will always contain the same video and the link will be permanent.
Or are there more proper ways to do that?
3 years ago in reply to: Confused about CDN, Vimeo, bandwitdthOk Maria, thank you very much for your very detailed explanation. This helps a lot.
Your Bunny streams suggestion seems quite attractive: control at a reasonable price. Thanks.
Now, lets suppose I choose Bunny streams and then after two years it goes broke or stops working or whatever, so I’ll have to move my videos to another host. Then, will the links to videos (that users already have) continue to work or not? I would feel much more comfortable if links will still work or if there is a workaround to maintain them working.
Do you know where is Bunny streams incorporated/based?
Also you mention Bunny streams connection will be fully operative at the end of this month. Will the FV feature of putting a link at the end of a video be available?
Regarding other services, I am curious about blockchain service which promises control at very low cost. Have you checked if it may work with fv player?
Again many thanks Maria I appreciate your dedication.
Best3 years ago in reply to: Confused about CDN, Vimeo, bandwitdth3 years ago in reply to: Confused about CDN, Vimeo, bandwitdthHello Maria, many thanks for your prompt and clear response. I repeat you questions with my reply.
what type of content (is it fit for use on YouTube?),
Yes, the content is fit for use on Youtube, in general. It is about the general spiritual principles translated in a modern concrete verifiable language. This is supposed to be more easily understandable by people now. I am not charging anything for that so there are no problems related to getting paid. So why not using just Youtube? Well the main reason I see against Youtube is that I do not control it. They can change their policy at will, they can offer other content distracting users. There may be workarounds to limit Youtube power, but they may change their rules/code to make workarounds ineffective and preventing me to keep users on my website. Well I do not know if these are sound worries or just paranoid issues.
how much of it?
My plan is to produce one 10-20 min video per month, regularly over time. All videos will remain embedded in my website
how much do you care about the security of the files.
Security? Which security risk? I do not worry if my videos are copied and used by someone else. But if you mean that this hosting choice may be important to improve the security of my website, yes, I care a lot.