We use Vimeo Pro to serve videos for Chromecast. It has been working great until recently and no longer works at all. It seems that anything in our Vimeo account uploaded prior to September 27th works and anything after that does not. The Chromecast icon appears, but if you click it, it just gets stuck in the preloader icon and never loads on Chromecast. It looks like it tries to load but it never does. Any of the videos on the site that it was working for still work.
I am able to replicate this on the live site and staging and is being reported by any user on the site that tries to use Chromecast. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the plugin with a complete fresh install and have disabled all plugins on the site except for FVPlayer and the problem still exists. We have downloaded videos from Vimeo that are confirmed to work and then reuploaded them to the same Vimeo account with the exact same settings and they won’t work when using that new Vimeo ID. I have tried rolling back to earlier versions of FV Player with no change. I have even created a new Vimeo token and still no luck. It seems to be that videos being uploaded to Vimeo are not casting now. Is this a known issue? We have 27000 users and are getting a lot of unhappy emails and calls and would like to get this resolved. Thank you!