I like to execute fvplayer in php
i.e. <?php fvplayer (id);?>
Whereas id is the id of a certain video in the database. (This is my request)For that I implemented two specialities (A+B) in my WordPress website
(A). I have added the following code to my functions.php
// vid = fvplayer database-ID – handover ID to next page (trough URL)
function add_query_vars_filter( $vars ){
$vars[] = “vid”;
return $vars;}
add_filter( ‘query_vars’, ‘add_query_vars_filter’ );(B). I created a page named “video-page”, template is ‘video-template’
Video-template.php is created by me.
It contains the following code:
<?php echo fvplayer ($vid);?>If this is posible I can use the link //mywebsite/video-page?vid=1 (or 2, or 99) in both text-links and picture-links on any page, post or sidebar .
Is there any intention to implement the fvplayer call into php.
A similar function is available with the plugin Masterslider.
I am very pleased with this feature.