I installed the FV Player Coconut plugin yesterday and created a new Coconut.co account. My account says I am using “API Version: 2021-001” which I believe is their APIv2.
I ran a job yesterday and it worked perfectly.
Today I tried to run another job, several times, and keep getting a status of:
[message] => You must use the Coconut API v2
[error_code] => api_version_not_valid
[status] => error
——–It could just be broken at their end and it might be a coincidence that on their github they released a new version of coconutphp (v3.0.0) less than 24 hours ago. The new version is the first APIv2 compatible version. Or maybe they prematurely deprecated v1 on their end.
I could submit jobs manually from their web interface, which uses v2, but I’ve grown attached to the plugin after using it just once.