First, if you can add tags to your plugin on WordPress Extend, I suggest you add ‘TinyMce’ and ‘editor’ to your plugin. I found it only by accident, and such great work should be accessible:)
Second, some related questions on images. First, all my images are remotely hosted for speed, bandwith, handling and maintenance reasons. I have placed captions on all my images according to WordPress ‘[caption= which surrounds the tags and ends with [/caption]‘ specifications but this editor does not recognize them. In fact, if I edit a post, it destroys the caption which no longer shows.
Is this a WordPress 3.0 issue? Or do I need to redo a caption somehow if I edit my posts using the Fckeditor? If so, what is the html, since I see no button to insert captions? Currently my image captions are styled using default WordPress class names.
Thanks for your input. Great plugin.