Imagine you just moved your site over from some other blog to WordPress and you want to do the basic SEO optimization – adding meta descriptions. Or you just want to review all the old meta descriptions you wrote for your posts. Or maybe you discovered the magic of SEO just recently.
And of course you realize there’s no point on generating these descriptions automatically. You need to hand edit them.
Going back posts by posts and checking the desired meta description/excerpt fields for each of them is just too much mouse clicking. You click open the post in new window, read it, scroll until you find the right field and enter you new nice meta description in there.
Or you just use FV Descriptions to ease up your work. It’s a simple plugin which allows you to mass edit the description fields of your choice.

FV Descriptions
The choices are:
- All In One SEO 1.6.2 – this applies to all the new All In One SEO versions, including FV All in One SEO 1.6.7
- All in One SEO – for the older versions
- thesis_descriptions – for the Thesis theme
- post_excerpt – default WordPress field
Of course it’s not only the posts that have these fields, so you can edit the pages’ and categories’ descriptions too!
Download this plugin now: FV Descriptions 1.2
WordPress 2.7+
Just wanted to say this still seems to work with WP 3.0.4. Would have loved to see an option to do titles too and even better something that would copy the WordPress Post Title field and paste it into the All in One SEO Title Field and if possible paste title into the description field too. :) Thanks again!
Hello Brett,
sorry for not responding earlier.
Yes, we want to improve this plugin to work with titles and so on.
The function to copy the WordPress title into the SEO Title field could go into our FV All in One SEO Pack plugin.
Thanks, Martin
Martin, this is a very useful plugin. I am loving it.
A quick question thought: Do you plan on adding support for Yoast SEO Plugin?
I was planning to use “excerpts” as “meta-description.” Would you recommend this? :)
Hi Sid,
We wouldn’t recommend using excerpts as metadescription as excerpts don’t exist for pages since about WordPress 2.2.
I’d recommend you use our FV Simpler SEO instead. You are a lot less likely to get into trouble than with Yoast’s everything but the kitchen sink SEO Plugin.
That said, FV Descriptions should work with Yoast’s plugin too.
Let us know how it works out.
Making the web work for you, Alec
Hello Sid,
we are working on a revised version which will detect what SEO plugin you use and automatically give you those fields. If your SEO plugin won’t be in the list, you will be able to configure the field names manually.
Thanks, Martin
@Alec — Thing is, I have configured Yoast SEO Plugin such that some of the URLs have been stripped — archive pages URL, for instance — and deactivating this plugin might invent new issues which has had me worried.
I’ll see if I can try FV Simpler SEO plugin this week. Sounds promising, Alec!
Oh, and the FV Descriptions plugin doesn’t update the Meta Descriptions of Yoast SEO Plugin. Maybe it’s just me?
@Martin — Thanks! I’m looking forward for the release of the updated version.
I hope you guys will add keywords to this plugin as well like edit or add the keyword to your posts or pages.
Hi Mohamed,
For keywords in our FV Simpler SEO, we simply use Tags. So any WordPress tag editor will solve your issues.
We’d like to add Tags though to FV Descriptions.
Good point.
Making the web work for you, Alec