- Fix for WordPress < 5.9 after “Fix block themes compatibility” in 0.4
- Fix block themes compatibility – show the comment moderation links next to edit link
- Fix block themes compatibility – show the unapproved comments for moderators
- Fix block themes compatibility – showing the comment moderation links, although unapproved comments do not show in front-end still
- Fix missing icon for “Trash Thread & Ban”
- Security fix
- Tested in WordPress 6.7
- Fix “Reply link” function to disable HTML anchors for each comment reply for WordPress 5.1 and above
- Fix for PHP warnings in WordPress 5.5
- Fix for broken pending comment highlight in front-end in TwentyTwenty theme
- Fix for PHP warnings in WordPress 5.3
- Hiding cache file paths
- Link shortening improvements – shorten to “link to domains.com”, 50 or 100 characters.
- performance improvements – fv_tc::comment_has_child() not used for front end, the thread buttons visibility is instead handled by JavaScript
- comment caching added – enable in plugin settings and gain considerably faster post load times for posts with high number of comments
- fix for comments going into moderation on websites with moderation disabled – caused by the permission check during the comment validation
- fixed frontend moderation for editor and author roles
- fix for broken “Trash and Ban IP” in wp-admin
- added auto-approving functionality for users, which have N comments already approved
- added possibility to change user nicename for administrator
- changed layout of admin screen
- removing comment-page-1 from comment links as it’s not needed http://www.blindfiveyearold.com/wordpress-duplicate-content
- fix “Delete comment and Ban IP” button also report comment as spam if Akismet plugin is activated
- fix for unapproved commenter name in comment_author() template tag
- fix for plugin admin JS failing on some sites (uses simple current_user_can moderate_comments check)
- added support for translations
- improved AJAX handling (uses admin-ajax)
- link directly to new comment in comment notifications
- added plugin options page with two options: Link shortening and Reply link
- bugfix – check if plugin supporting class exists
- fix for Thesis (our links were not appearing bellow comments)
- unapproved comment count hilight bugfix
- bug fix of admin js
- more features coming in 0.3!
- better operation with trashed comments and parent – child comment relations (will preserve this relation even when restoring a trashed comment)
- fixed bug in unapproved comment hilight
- Minor bug fix
- Performance fix
- Better support for author user level
- Initial release
About the only thing I can think of that I don’t like is that when I reply to a comment, I get shuttled to the compose box down at the bottom of the page. Would be nice to open a compose box directly below the comment you’re replying to, such that you can easily read it for reference as you’re composing your reply.
Hello Richard,
thank you for your feedback.
I’ve checked on your site and this appears to be a theme related issue. That’s how your template is handling the replies. So it needs to be fixed in the template.
However we are up to find a solution for this – creating a unified yet good looking plugin solution which would do a nice AJAX reply forms for the comments and would work with all the themes. Maybe it could just take control of the whole comments display mechanism – same thing Threaded Comments plugin does – but introducing some more features.
Nice plugin.
WP users set up in the Author role should only be able to moderate comments on the posts that they write. In the WP backend, Authors can see all comments listed but can only take action on the comments on your post.
Enabling this plugin allows someone with an author user role to delete comments on any blog post via the front end. Seems like this would be a bug.
Hello JJ,
no, it’s not like that. Users with author user role are not able to delete comments on any blog post via the front end with our plugin.
On the other hand, they are not able to do so even on their own posts, so that could be considered as a missing feature.
What other plugins are you using if you experienced the problem you describe?
Thank you for your input. M.
I think you’re right. Was playing with the plugin on a sandbox site I’ve got. And at some point, I believe I turned on Role Manager to give authors the moderate comments permission.
seems like your plugin could be modified rather easily to do a check on a logged in user.
Something like… IF post-author-id == logged-in-userid THEN display moderation tools
Hello JJ,
we just released a new version of the plugin which allows authors to manage comment bellow their own articles. You can simply upgrade the plugin in wp-admin menus.
It uses the same checking mechanism as WordPress – current_user_can(‘edit_post’, $post->ID) (which by the way doesn’t sound so good, but that’s how is WordPress checking the permissions for comment moderation in wp-admin section).
Thanks, M.
This plugin is rated very highly however it does not really do what I hoped it would do for my blog – nest/thread comments and allow readers (and authors) to reply directly to previously posted comments.
I believe this is to do with my theme – MNML – but I can’t seem to find any tutorials online that actually go through how to update the theme.
I also do not require my readers to log in, and don’t wish to. I also do not want to moderate comments before they are published.
Should I pursue using FV Thoughtful Comments and MNML? Should I give up?
Hello Cassandri,
FV Thoughtful Comments does not handle comment display/threading/replying. That’s all WordPress. But as I can see, some people have problem setting their themes properly to handle all of that (and I don’t blame them, it’s a real hassle), so maybe our plugin should allow you to set up the basic threading/comment reply configuration by a single click in plugin options.
Also, FV Thoughtful Comments by default won’t change your moderation settings.
This is how you get the moving reply form.
Here’s how you make sure your theme will handle threaded comments correctly: check out the new comments loop
If you want to do some design tweaks on it.
I checked MNML template code and it’s not using the proper new comments loop.
I hope this helps.
Thanks, M.
Absolutely splendid plugin. I’ve run into an issue that hopefully won’t be too hard to resolve.
I’m running it on a WP3.04 network site, and although it works fine on the main blog, on a subblog, it doesn’t seem to be picking up the usermeta for users to comment unmoderated. The sites share the same usermeta table, of course, so I’m scratching my head. Looked through the code and didn’t see anything that struck me right away.
I’ve tried network activating it on the main blog, activating it regular-style on both main and sub-blog, and network activating it on the sub-blog, but no luck so far.
Any suggestions would be great! Thanks.
I think I found the issue, if you’d like to suggest a workaround. Akismet was interfering somehow — deactivating it allowed users set as unmoderated to comment on the sub-blog without moderation.
Hello stwc,
we are glad that you like our plugin.
I’ll look into the issues you outlined.
Thanks, Martin
Hello stwc,
I found the issue and worked on getting this fixed. The bugfix will be a part of next release of this plugin, version 0.3.
In the meantime, you can install our latest beta version: foliovision.com/downloads/thoughtful-comments-0.2.9.beta.zip
It has some other improvements, which might need a bit of fine tuning, so we will love to hear any suggestions.
Thank you again for reporting this!
Hi Martin
Gave the beta a try, but getting this fatal error on activation or (what I need) network activation:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ELSE in site path \wp-content\plugins\thoughtful-comments\fv-thoughtful-comments.php on line 601
where sitepath is the correct path to the plugin. Looking at the code, not immediately sure why…
Hello stwc,
I revised the code and tested activation on WordPress 3.0.4 multisite on localhost and one of our Cpanel hosts.
Please download the zipfile again and let us know if it works this time.
Thanks, Martin
Thanks for the quick reply. Very odd. I wonder if there might be some kind of conflict with another plugin, though I’m not sure how that could be with this particular error message. New zip gives same error:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ELSE in […]\wp-content\plugins\thoughtful-comments\fv-thoughtful-comments.php on line 600
For what it’s worth, this is a Buddypress-enabled WP site, but the previous version and all my other WP-specific stuff works as expected.
Had a couple of questions, as well. It seems those with Author privileges can delete/moderate/etc. for all comments on posts they have authored, but what i was hoping for is the ability to delete any comments that they have made under posts that anyone has authored. Is this possible?
Then, lastly, If I wanted to re-appropriate the AJAX for deleting a comment and use the same effect to delete a post in the front-end how would i go about that? thank you for the wonderful plugin.
Hi stwc,
We’d be happy to troubleshoot your install with you. I’ve sent you an email.
Hi Jonathan,
You should upgrade your Authors to Editors if you’d like them to be able to edit comments on other posts. Otherwise get in touch with us and we can make a custom mod to enable this for you at a special rate.
For part two, you will have to dig into the source code and program that yourself. You are firmly in the arena of custom development there.
Thanks for stopping by.
Very glad you both like FV Thoughtful Comments. To my mind, FV Thoughtful Comments may be the most important WordPress plugin out there, at least on the sites we maintain.
Thanks very much for this great plugin. For the purposes of a site I am setting up, I wonder if it would be possible to provide the Author level capabilities (able to moderate comments on their own posts only) to a user who is at the Contributor level?
Many thanks, Nick
Hi Nick,
You should be able to change those levels quite easily in the PHP code. If there is a lot of demand for this feature, we could make it a selectionable option.
Thanks for the reply Alec. I’ll look into it.
Hello friend, your plugin is very very very good. Is compatible with last wordpress? 3.1.3?
Hi Alyson,
There should be no issues with WordPress 3.1.3. We use FV Thoughtful Comments actively on a large set of sites. Let us know if you run into difficulties.
After upgrading to version, we get the following errors–the script appears to be referencing a file (fp-api.php) that doesn’t exist:
Warning: include(fp-api.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/xxx/public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/thoughtful-comments/fv-thoughtful-comments.php on line 36
Fatal error: Class ‘fv_tc_Plugin’ not found in /home/xxx/public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/thoughtful-comments/fv-thoughtful-comments.php on line 38
Hello Heather,
sorry about the issues, there has been a mistake in the update. Thank you for letting us know.
It’s fixed now, please delete the plugin and reinstall.
That was super quick! Thank you.
I love nested comments, they allow for more helpful interaction and most importantly, a community within their site.
Nice walkthrough on FV Thoughtful Comments :)
I got some errors. Plugin install fine, but not working. WP – 3.1.1 I press “Delete” in front – comment deleted, but refresh page – comment not delete. I press “Moderate future comment …” and – Error. Thanks for help.
Hello everybody,
submission of comments has been closed here, please post your questions into our SUPPORT FORUM.
Thanks, Matej
Hello everybody,
submission of comments has been closed here, please post your questions into our SUPPORT FORUM.
Thanks, Matej