I’m preparing a new site with with several videos. It will be the next version of php-schulung.de , while I’m working on it I use the subdomain v2.php-schulung.de
I bought the 5 domain license package and entered the main domain php-schulung.de to obtain a license code. When I use that license code on the new v2.php-schulung.de site, it is not recognized, i.e. the FV flowplayer logo is shown, see ‘http://www.v2.php-schulung.de/video-debug/’ for a example.
I then tried to enter v2.php-schulung.de and even ‘www.v2.php-schulung.de’ to obtain a license code for the new site. However, these were truncated to the main domain php-schulung.de , and now the same license code is shown three times and it is taking up three of my five bought domains, see the screenshot here:
‘http://www.php-schulung.de/wp-content/uploads/licensing_screenshot.png’How can I get a license set up for v2.php-schulung.de ?
How can I get rid of the duplicate entries in the domain list (see the screenshot?)Thank you!