I have made a copy of my original site to test the upgrade to a new version of FV Player, and several other plugins.
It appears that FV Player Pro 0.8.21 is serving the “OGV” file that I put in the SRC, instead of the “MP4” file that I put in the MOBILE parameter when viewing with a mobile device (testing with iOS10.3.2).
Here is the shortcode:
[fvplayer src="http://upgrade.mydoctor.kpnvly.org/cancer-care/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2014/06/Introduction.ogv" mobile="http://upgrade.mydoctor.kpnvly.org/cancer-care/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2016/09/Introduction.mp4" splash="http://upgrade.mydoctor.kpnvly.org/cancer-care/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2014/06/Introduction.jpg" width="864" height="486" subtitles="http://upgrade.mydoctor.kpnvly.org/cancer-care/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2016/09/BRCA_-_Introduction.vtt"]
The following page uses FV Player Pro 0.7.32, with the same shortcode, and it works on my iPhone:
Original domain pageThis page uses FV Player Pro 0.8.21 and produces an error that indicates the OGV file is being used (Unsupported audio format):
Test subdomain copy
I have removed the MOBILE parameter for the 0.8.21 instance, and placed the MP4 filepath into the SRC parameter. That plays without error.I will leave this page alone for a couple of days, in the hopes that you will be able to use it for troubleshooting.