I cannot insert insert video into a post. There is this error message at the top of the media dialog:
analyze(realpath($_SERVER .$strUpVideo)); if (isset($ThisFileInfo)) $file_error[$uploadtype] = "Could not read video details, please fill the width and height manually."; //getid3_lib::CopyTagsToComments($ThisFileInfo); $file_time[$uploadtype] = $ThisFileInfo; // playtime in minutes:seconds, formatted string $file_width[$uploadtype] = $ThisFileInfo; $file_height[$uploadtype] = $ThisFileInfo; $file_size[$uploadtype] = $ThisFileInfo; $file_size[$uploadtype] = round($file_size[$uploadtype]/(1024*1024),2); } ?>
EDIT: this is caused by short open tag in view/wizard.php. If you have this problem just edit <your wordpress root>/wp-content/plugins/fv-wordpress-flowplayer/view/wizard.php and change the first line from:
That’s it.