I have the Pro version of FV Player installed to my WordPress site, but I am not sure if I am adding VTT chapters in the correct way. The documentation says to go to Settings -> FV Player Pro -> Pro Features -> Chapters and enable it. However I don’t see VTT chapters listed anywhere in that section of the player settings. What I do see is under Post Interface Options, where I have Supports VTT chapters ticked.
In the player editor, however, I see Chapters listed under the Subtitles tab. Adding a link to the VTT file there indeed works, and I am seeing the chapters markings underneath my videos. They work, so this looks correct. Am I actually doing things the right way, however? Are the support docs out of date?
I do have one error message occurring, however, which is an ‘admin: video issues’ warning. It tells me that the video is not found (404)… but it’s there, and it plays fine. What could be causing that, then?