Foliovision › Forums › FV Player › Requests and Feedback › User Bookmarks
Hello John,
we talked about this in our team and we will make it possible to get a link to play the exact video at the exact time in the FV Player share bar. We will leave it up to the users to store a bookmark for the URL.
You can also find your request on our Trello board: -> User Bookmark within a video
MartinI’ve had some more requests for this feature. I know you can copy the links but people don’t want to do any extra work for keep track of these links.
With this much video, I find many people watch something and then can never remember where they saw it.
So was looking into this again.
Since there are now databases for the videos now, is it possible to store user created links created from the links function? Possibly that can be accessed from the player in a popupform.
Just curious how possible something like this is.
Hello John,
about the database bloating – when WordPress loads a single user, it also loads all of his user meta table rows.
Most of the time it’s fine, but if you have a post to which 100 of your users posted some comments it will load all that user data, I think it’s like that as WordPress puts in different classes to the comment HTML element based on user level and so on.
It really become a problem when we started using object caching – we could see that there is something like 1 MB of extra data being loaded for no reason as we tracked which user saw what comment on that website. Even with just using SQL and no object cache it was causing extra data to be loaded.
The situation is better with wp_options table where you can determine for each row if it should be autoloaded or not. That feature is missing for wp_usermeta which is unfortunate as not all the data in that table is indented to ever show up for other users – like user’s video bookmarks.
To overcome these issues we could store these user video bookmarks in a new database table.