Discovered your product today and it was exactly what I needed. Very pleased with it so far, but I’ve run into one (rather serious for me) limitation: signed URLs don’t work with HLS content and there is no option to use signed cookies instead.
Unfortunately, HLS or another streaming solution is really my only option because I have a very long (45+ minute) video. Just being able to use a stream has gone a long way towards getting me the security I wanted, but the extra layer of protection offered by an expiring URL or cookie would be really useful.
While obvious in hindsight, it took me a long time to figure out that I couldn’t used signed URLs with HLS. It might be worth mentioning this early on in your really awesome and helpful CloudFront/S3 guides. I ended up finding it in a forum post after being absolutely flummoxed.
If there’s another solution I can use in the mean time to restrict access further, I’d appreciate suggestions.