Foliovision › Forums › FV Player › Requests and Feedback › Compile video files from database table and play as a playlist
Hi fiweh4lf!
We have a feature like that ready for release in next days. The database should have certain form it cannot be just any custom database table. But if you have PHP skills you will have no issues. We will also release documentation this week about FV Player Object model which was created for the FV Player database. Using that it’s easier to build FV Player instances from custom data structures, more robust than having to build a shortcode text.
LuciaI started using the features that you mentioned before and I am now working on another feature which will give users the options to make playlists from taxonomy/post categories. I want users to have the option to select Post Category within a video category or within sub-categories like News, Music, Trailers, Celebrity News etc.
The option should be either in post interface or integration/compatibility where users can choose whether to use post categories as playlists to story their videos.
Playlist source: Post Categories
Select Categories: [list of post categories]By selecting the post category or both option, it would automatically add selected post categories id & name to the FV Player database table.
I am working with the creators of the WP Pipes plugin to create an addon that allows the plugin to store video URL directly to FV Player Database Table base on the select post category [taxonomy_id].
In the end using both plugins we can create automatic playlists that can be displayed in fvplayer shortcode so after a single post video is played the playlist will be played after it.
There is something else I did not account for. I want a source video to play and then when it’s finished a playlist will load and play videos base on an associated playlist. For the playlist function I want to do the following:
Current working shortcodes
1st playlist option 1 – [fvplayer src="video_url" playlist="video_url2,video_url3,video_url4"]2nd playlist option 2 [fvplayer id="1"]
Proposed option
What I want, but does not work- [fvplayer src="video_url1" id="1"].I want to make sure every time a user click on a video post that either a day, week, month, or year old it will play first, then the associated playlist with the most recent videos is loaded and play next.
Hello fiweh4lf,
what you sent looks like a custom programming projects. I just read though it and I’m not sure how we could make that a core functionality which would be beneficial for more users.
If you want to create dynamic playlist which play related videos after each video, then I would have some other suggestions on that –
Let’s say that you have posted 10 different posts with 10 different videos. So you have 10 posts in wp-admin -> Posts and 10 players in wp-admin -> FV Player.
So when you have category “Sport” with posts 1,5,6,7,10 in it and you are viewing post 10, it wouldn’t be a problem to add code to append the videos from player associated with these other players to it.
Let’s assume that the player IDs in these posts are the same as the post IDs, you could just use:
[fvplayer id="10,7,6,5,1"] to get a playlist of all videos posted in these articles.
Does any of that make any sense, or did I miss your point completely?
MartinMartin what I am actually attempting to do is have the player play one source video and a playlist in the shortcode.
[fvplayer src="" id="18" splash=""]It will then play the source video first and when it concludes play the videos in the playlist. So far when I use the above parameters in the shortcode, the following happen:
1. The thumbnail for the source video shows in the player.
2. The first thumbnail in the list of videos below the main video shows the source thumbnail.
3. The source video does not play, instead the first video in the playlist plays instead and the that thumbnail does not show up in the video thumbnails below the main video.I want to know how to make the source video plays and then have the playlist from the database “ID” plays next.
Is it possible to put an “IF” or “THEN” statement within the plugin source code that will allow users to use the database “ID” number in SRC1 or Playlist instead of a single or multiple video url?
Hello fiweh4lf,
is the video posted as an individual FV Player instance? I mean if there is some [fvplayer id="19"] which shows that video only. Then you can use [fvplayer id="19,18"]
However if FV Player ID 19 is a playlist of videos and you would like to take a single video out of that, then we don’t have a solution for that right now.
I see something like [fvplayer videos="56,54,..."] could work, but then then you would have to name all the videos in FV Player ID 18 playlist. So a hybrid form like [fvplayer videos="56,playlist-18"] could technically work.
But overall it’s not a simple enhancement and I wonder how we could do this so that it would all make sense and not be hard to use.