I am trying to set “chapters” option in JavaScript code like below.
But it is not working well now.
In your document, you mentioned how to set subtitles, but you didn’t mention how to set chapters.
Could you let me know how to set chapters in JavaScript code?
If you will give me 1 or 2 example, this will be very helpful.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Best regards,
DusanjQuery('.flowplayer').data('flowplayer').load( [ { subtitles: [ { srclang: 'en', label: 'English', src: 'https://cdn.foliovision.com/images/2015/05/count_en.vtt' }, { srclang: 'sk', label: 'Slovak', src: 'https://cdn.foliovision.com/images/2015/05/count_sk.vtt' }, ], chapters: "https://cdn.foliovision.com/chapter1.vtt", src: "https://video-cdn-public.foliovision.com/Swan-Lake-Reloaded-sd.mp4", type: "video/mp4" } ] );