Foliovision › Forums › FV Player › How to … › Disable Ads for specific video content
Apologies if this has already been asked – i am sure it has as i would imagine this must be a common question. However, I create a ‘new discussion’ as after searching through the docs I see no reference to this issue…here goes…
I have just purchased the Pro version of the FV Player.
Everything is working fine and I have things setup as I wish – almost.
My question is.. is there a setting that allows me to disable ads for certain video content.
I have a large video sharing website, and while we wish to deliver ads across the majority of the video content there are some videos that we do not wish to carry ads.
I can see that there is a feature that allows for this IF i purchase the VAST addon, but i do not wish to have to make another purchase for a feature that should exist on the Pro Player that I now have.
I am assuming there must be way to achieve this with the existing features of the Pro FV Player.
Thanks in advance for any help..
Hi JM,
Thank you for reaching out to us with your question!
You should be able to disable ads for individual videos in the FV Player shortcode editor settings. However, this also depends on the type of Ads you are serving with your videos.
If you are using the FV Player Pro Video Ads, the place to go is the “Actions” tab of the FV Player editor. You can see it in step 6. here:
If you are using the simple overlay ads, then you can actually check “Skip global ad in this video” as described in
Please let us know if that answers your question or if you need further help.
So I had already been through these two options but i think I am now seeing what the problem is.
I am using the FV Pro Video Ads but in the Actions tab I do not see the features depicted in the screen shot next to step 6. Instead, I only see the feature as described in the overlay Ads.
I mean to say that I do not appear to have the proper features in my version of the Pro player.
However, I think it is because I can see two version of the FV player in wordpress plugins library..I have the free version and the Pro version.
I think they are creating a conflict. Should I delete the free version?
I have just made you a video to better explain this .
Hi jm,
Thank you for providing us the video.
The Action tab in the documentation link which Martin has sent you can be found in the FV Player Shortcode editor, not in the FV Player plugin settings which are shown in the video.
Please, go to a specific video on the page embedded with FV Player for which you’d like to disable the ad and click on the shortcode to open the FV Player Shortcode editor with the respective settings tabs. Here’s also a guide to how the shortcode looks like in a post, or in the FV Player Database:
Also, please do not delete the free version of FV Player, otherwise the Pro version won’t work properly.
Let us know if there’s anything else we can assist you with.
I am not able to access this shortcode editor. Or I am unable to find it on my CMS.
I do not use the FV player to embedd videos on posts on my website. I have a theme that is already laid out to present videos. I am using the FV player as the media player of choice.
So perhaps I will not be able to access this feature in the end.
Hello jm,
I’m sorry that we took a bit longer to reply to your tickets. I was solving some important issues today, back in the office after months of working at home due to Covid restrictions.
On top of that you posted this ticket without using the account with which you purchased the actual license, so it was not flagged to us automatically that you are a paid user seeking help.
I was trying to open the video which you sent, but it seems it was deleted.
Based on what you said about not using the FV Player editor it seems to me you might be using the “Handle WordPress audio/video” setting in Settings -> FV Player Pro -> Integrations/Compatibility.
In that case there is indeed no place where you could specify you do not want the ads for that particular video. So please let us know how you are actually inserting these videos. Perhaps we could find a way to have it all converted to our format to let you use the FV Player editor.
Or perhaps you could use some post category to disable the FV Player Pro videos ads in the article. It would require some PHP coding, but if you know PHP or have a programmer who does the theme coding for you it wouldn’t be too hard – similar to the “fv_flowplayer_args_pre” code samples at
I know you know that Chiara already took this up as it’s on the thread above. So you didn’t need to comment, did you? But seeing as you did, i shall reply.
you write…
“I’m sorry that we took a bit longer to reply to your tickets.”
you would have taken longer had I not actually called your office on the telephone and spoken to you personally.
you write…
“I was solving some important issues today, back in the office after months of working at home due to Covid restrictions”.
Most people spend their day solving important issues..that’s the point of working is it not? Or do you think you are alone in these endeavour?
Aside from that do you need reminding that customer support is also an important issue? Of course it is up to you how you decide to prioritize.As someone who works in digital services it’s pretty lame that you choose to use covid as an excuse – please don’t.
you write
“On top of that you posted this ticket without using the account with which you purchased the actual license, so it was not flagged to us automatically that you are a paid user seeking help”
Then you should make it clearer for your paid users that they should use their purchasing credentials. Not sure how this would work for those in a large company where purchasing is likely to take place from a different dept.
In any case, for the avoidance of doubt I did mention in the fourth line of my initial contact that I was a paying customer.
Earlier today, while waiting for a response I read though a great many of the support questions on the forums. I noticed that quite often there is quite a combative, argumentative attitude towards those customers of yours who appear unhappy with the service.
I suggest you should ask yourselves.. if this happens quite frequently perhaps it’s something we are doing wrong?
Hello jm,
Chiara and Maria handle the lower level support, while I take care of the more difficult questions.
I saw Chiara’s reply. And based on your answer to that I provided you more information about how to approach the issue of disabling the FV Player Pro Video Ads for specific videos if you are not using your editor nor shortcode.
Please let us know if you need any further help with that.
You also said that we would have taken longer to reply without your phone call – Our policy is to check for important tickets first thing in the morning, through the day and then when stopping the work for the day. Yesterday was a bad day as this has failed in the first two cases. I see that was the real issue here and I will highlight it to the team.
I also associated your account with the license, so now you have an icon next to your name letting us know instantly your are a licensed user.
Thanks for your reply.
Yes, I did read through your last comment to me yesterday and I could see that you offered me additional ideas, thanks for those.
I think the problem I am having stems from the theme I am using and how the theme makes use of the FV player. I currently seam unable to access the shortcode editor for individual video content and therefore I am unable to implement ad disabling.
Now, thanks to your responses, I can at least see that this is a theme problem/issue not a problem that arises from your plugin.
I am currently speaking with the theme author to see if they are able to provide a solution. The theme came with the FV player already integrated into its function so I am hopeful they can provide a solution.
If they are unable to help I will certainly come back to yourselves and ask you to take a look at the specifics and hopefully suggest and implement a solution – naturally I would expect to pay a fee for such work.
Hello jm,
I wonder what is your theme doing with FV Player and what makes that better than using the FV Player Editor.
Perhaps it positions the player into header section of the page and that’s why it uses some special field for it. We do provide our own version of such custom video field which is easy to use for anybody with the basic WordPress template PHP coding too:
MartinHi Jim,
One starring us in the reviews to blackmail and badmouth us is not at all cool. I intend to refund you your license and have you take your business elsewhere. Life is far too short to face this kind of interaction from people we are trying to help.
If you would like to continue to use FV Player, we will need an apology and a revision of that review on Let me know.
I wish to make sure that my understanding of your intentions is perfectly clear and accurate.
My understanding is that you are giving me an ultimatum which is; if I do not revise the review to one that is more favourable, and apologise, you will, without my agreement or consent, disable/revoke my licence to use the plugin and issue a refund.
Is this correct?
Hi JM,
I’m not telling you that you have to do anything. It’s up to you to make your own decisions. Right now the situation is you have attempted to extort VIP treatment/custom development for free from my support team and have published untrue information about our support and about FV Player in what is supposed to be a balanced review.
We reserve the right to refuse service to people who are unable to interact with us in a cordial and fair manner.
- This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Alec Kinnear.
- This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Alec Kinnear.