I want to bring this https://wordpress.org/support/topic/video-link-gets-confused/#post-11770763 wordpress post here. It was recommended by the dev to do so. Basically as I explained in the post the video link gets confused when you have multilevel playlists on the same page containing self-hosted videos. This is my last comment: “I am not sure this is an Internet Archive issue or an issue in general. As I understood from looking at how it works, it identifies videos by IDs. Say you add a vimeo video with the ID 133214. Then a link to this video will look like mywebsite.com/#fvp_133214,26s where “fvp_133214” calls that specific video. But when you add videos from other sources, maybe even self hosted, the ID of the video is numerical in the order you add it to the playlist.So if I create playlist A with 5 videos, they will be labeled as 01, 02, 03, 04 and 05. Now, if I want to create a link for video nr 05, the url will look like mywebsite.com/#fvp_05,26s. All good. However every time you create a new playlist with self hosted videos, they will be labeled the same way. So playlist B that has 5 videos, will end up having these videos labeled with the same 01, 02, 03, 04 and 05 ID’s. Now, if I add playlist A and B on the same page, and I want to call our video nr 05, then there are 2 videos on that page with that ID and the script gets confused and calls out the video nr 05 from the first playlist that’s on the page. To remove this confusion I think would be easier to include the playlist ID as an identifier. Thus, imagine if playlist A has identifier 01 and playlist B 02. To call our video nr 05 from playlsit B would be something like mywebsite.com/#fvp_02_05,26s – including the ID of the playlist + the ID of the video. This way you don’t get your script confused.” Maybe you guys can fix this? Or do you consider it a bug in the first place? Thanks!