Hello, I would like to know if it was possible (I think you need to do something on your side)..
<b>What I would like, is to have the possibility to embed the video directly in Facebook. </b>
You can see what i mean here: https://www.facebook.com/RTLInfo/posts/10153446665546106?__mref=message
On that thing, you see that the video is loaded directly from the website, the video isnt hosted on Facebook. Its the same thing you get with youtube video posted on Facebook.
So, if the player used by RTL info can do that, yours could probably do it and be a good point for you to have this possibility.<b>I think i made everything I could on my side, i declared your player.: </b>
global $wp_query;
$post_id = $wp_query->post->ID;
$post = get_post( $post_id );
if ($post->post_type==”page”) {
if (preg_match(“/fvplayer/Umsi”,$post->post_content)) {preg_match_all(“/fvplayer src=\”(.*)\”/Umsi”,$post->post_content,$matches);
$type = “video”;
$video_path = $matches[1][0];
$this->og_tag(‘og:video’, “http://nordpresse.be/wp-content/plugins/fv-player-vast/swf/fv-player-vast.swf”.urlencode($video_path) );
$this->og_tag(‘og:video:secure_url’, “https://nordpresse.be/wp-content/plugins/fv-player-vast/swf/fv-player-vast.swf”.urlencode($video_path) );$this->og_tag(‘og:video:type’, “application/x-shockwave-flash” );
$this->og_tag(‘og:video:width’, “400” );
$this->og_tag(‘og:video:height’, “300” );
}<b>If i declare fv player in the meta tags; i get this for the moment:</b>
See, there is a “play button”, but the video doesnt load and links back to the website.